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W6 2563
From the former Soviet Union, via USDA-Pullman and John Swenson. USDA W6 2563; SSE 273 |
W6 24371
Variety: Marbled Purple Stripe? |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.8 oz. |
Collected in the wild by Rich Hannan on May 28, 2002 in Turkmenistan at 38.425 N., 56.687 E.; via Avram Drucker. USDA W6 24371 |
W6 24414
Variety: Marbled Purple Stripe? |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
Collected in the wild by Rich Hannan on May 29, 2002 in Turkmenistan at 38.371 N., 56.577 E.; via Avram Drucker. USDA W6 24414 |
W6 27692
Variety: Middle Eastern |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 0.3 oz. |
Cultivated in the Palestinian Territory for over three generations by the Khaled Hardan family. USDA W6 27692 |
Waddel Iowa (aka Iowa)
Grown in Iowa for 25 years by Dean Waddell, via Filaree Farms. SSE 271
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From John Swenson in 1999, likely the same as Waddel Iowa; SSE 340 |
Walla Walla Early Italian Purple (aka Walla Walla Early)
Reselected softneck Italian purple type from Oregon grower Horace Shaw via John Swenson; SSE accession from Mike Szyper of Lee Center, New York. SSE 4 |
Webber Creek (aka Webber Greek)
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.7 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Al Webber of Ellensburg, Washington via Filaree Farm; SSE 297 |
From Filaree Farm. SSE 120 |
Western Rose
Variety: Silverskin |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 3.4 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Territorial Seeds; SSE 352 |
White Seedless
From David Ronniger in 1988. SSE 80 |
Wild Buff
From former Soviet Union via John Swenson; although reputed to be USDA PI 59190, no accession of this number exists in the GRIN database. SSE 34 |
Wild Rocambole
collected from Moldova or Poland by Phil Simon in 1986, USDA R/AL/159. SSE 25 |
Collected 1985 from the village of Wonha, approximately 30 km N of Pyongyang, North Korea. Gatersleben #K 6801; SSE 185 |
Xi'an (aka Xian (275), Chinatown Xian)
A turban variety by this name was purchased by Chester Aaron in 1995 for $30 a head from worker at the Green Lotus restaurant in San Francisco's Chinatown who had smuggled it from Xi'an, China. The origin of this artichoke strain is unknown. SSE 275 |
Yampolskij (aka Jampol'skij)
From the former Soviet Union via John Swenson. Gatersleben #ALL 149; SSE 174 |
Youghiogheny Purple
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 0.8 oz. |
Grown in the Youghioghney River valley in Pennsylvania for over 85 years; from Filaree Farms via Joel Girardin. |
From Dach Dablinka of British Columbia, via Edward Spaans of Stinking Rose Farm, Grand Rapids, Michigan. SSE 84 |
Zaharada (aka Zahrada)
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.4 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Czech Collection of Dr. Boris Andrst, Port Jefferson, New York, via Filaree Farms. SSE 301 |
From Czech Collection of Dr. Boris Andrst, Port Jefferson, New York, via Filaree Farms. SSE 276 |
Zahrada (aka Zaharada)
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 0.9 oz. |
This mis-spelling of Zaharada originated with Darrell Merrill; in the interim it has developed a considerable virus load; via Joel Girardin. |
From Republic of Georgia via Filaree Farms. SSE 73 |
Collected in 1984 from village of Zemo Surebi in the upper Supsa valley at the edge of the Adzaro-Imeretinian mountains, Cochatauri Province, Guriya Region, Republic of Georgia. Gatersleben #K 6307; SSE 88 |
Zemo Cichisdzhvari (aka Zemo Cichisczhvari)
From Republic of Georgia, via John Swenson. SSE 81 |