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Garlic Seedling #1
From David Cavagnaro. SSE 165 |
Garlic Seedling #2
From David Cavagnaro. SSE 166 |
Georgia Homestead
Variety: Not a Garlic!! |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 4.2 oz. |
From Hal Bridges of Midville, Georgia. This is actually an Elephant 'garlic' which is a type of leek. However, it has been accessioned in the SSE collections as a garlic. SSE 282. |
German Brown
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.0 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Filaree Farm, this strain was mixed in with German Red, but clove colors have a distinctive brown hue, rather than red; SSE 296 |
German Extra Hardy
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.0 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Doug Browne, Wellspring Farm, Little Falls, New York. SSE 229 |
German Porcelain
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.6 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Grace Reynolds of Hillside Organic Farm, Troy, New York; SSE 339 |
German Red
John Swenson obtained this strain from S&H Organic Acres of Watsonville, California in 1981; Filaree Farms claims it comes from German farmers in Idaho; SSE stock is from Mary Schultz of Monroe, Washington. USDA PI 540358; SSE 164 |
German White
From Melvin Lee Bristol of Sherman, Connecticut. SSE 195 |
Gigante Morado
Chilean variety bought at a Chicago Hispanic market by John Swenson in 2000. SSE 204 |
Collected from Republic of Georgia by Dr. Pater Hanelt, via John Swenson. USDA PI 615417; SSE 31 |
Gravel Switch
From Gravel Switch, Kentucky via Pat Williams of HortIdeas. SSE 2 |
Greek Artichoke
From Richard Smith of Kettle Falls, Washington. This is supposed to be an artichoke variety. SSE 233 |
From Doug Browne, Wellspring Farm, Little Falls, New York. SSE 230
GSF-65 (aka GSF #65 Rocambole)
From Garlic Seed Foundation. SSE 231 |
GSF-79 (aka Chrysalis Purple)
From Marcia Halligan and Steve Adams of Chrysalis farm of Viroqua, Wisconsin. SSE 232 |
From Filaree Farm. Perhaps the same as Chester Aaron’s Guatemalan Ikeda which originated from Janet & Margaret Ikeda from the village of Aguacatan in Huehuetenango Province, Guatemala; SSE 154 |
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
From John Swenson. SSE 344 |
Himalayan Red
Variety: Middle Eastern? |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.2 oz. |
Obtained in 1980 above 8000 feet in Nepal, from Filaree Farms. SSE 61. |
Hokkaido-zairi (aka Hokkaido, Hikkalda Zairai)
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Average Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
From Kazumitsu Tsutsui, Kagawa, Japan, used to be grown in northern Japan. Alternative spellings first showed up in 1999 SSE Yearbook; SSE 387 |
Hungarian Purple Stripe
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.5 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From a friend of Ken Carter, Enosburg Falls, Vermont; SSE 300 |