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Machasi (aka Machashi)
Collected in 1982 from village of Machasi, SE of Cageri, Cageri Province, Lecchumi Region, Republic of Georgia, via John Swenson. Gatersleben #K 5873; SSE 179 |
From Republic of Georgia via John Swenson. SSE 72 |
From Moldova via John Swenson. USDA PI 493097; SSE 9 |
Marble Horn
This is supposed to be a Mottled Purple Stripe from Moldova via John Swenson. USDA PI 493096; SSE 10 |
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Grace Reynolds of Hillside Organic Farm, Troy, New York received this from a Mr. Marino; SSE 343 |
Mathews (aka Matthews)
Family heirloom from maritime western Washington State. SSE 130 |
From Republic of Georgia via John Swenson. SSE 6 |
Mchadidzhvari #1 (aka Purple Glazer)
Collected in 1986 from the village of Mcadidzvari, 10 km SW of Duseti, Duseti Province, Mtiuleti Province, Republic of Georgia. Gatersleben #K 7092; SSE 148 |
From Republic of Georgia. Although reported to be Gatersleben #K 7081, no accession matching this number occurs in the Gatersleben accessions database. SSE 89 |
Mexican Purple
Variety: Turban |
Harvest Date: Very Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.7 oz. |
Obtained by Steve Morrison of Riverside, California at a local Hispanic market. SSE 281 |
Mexican Red Porcelain
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
Perhaps the same as USDA PI 515975 from David Piedmont of Holly, New York; via Avram Drucker. |
Mexican Red Silverskin (aka Mexican Red Silver)
From John Swenson. This variety is neither the Mexican Red of the 1999 SSE yearbook nor the Mexican Red (139) of the 2001 SSE Yearbook, as none of these are silverskin varieties. SSE 139 |
Mild French
From the now defunct Porter and Sons Seed Company of Stephenville Texas. SSE 108 |
Mom's Oklahoma Rocambole
Grown by Darrell Merrell's mother for 25-30 years in Tulsa, Oklahoma area. SSE 247 |
Monshanskij (aka Monsanskij)
From North Moravia, Czech Republic. Gaterslaben #ALL 131; USDA PI 540334; SSE 183 |
Montana Roja
From Chester Aaron. SSE 248 |
Morado de Pedronera (aka Spanish Morado)
From Andalucia, Spain via USDA-Pullman. USDA W6-8415; SSE 249 |
Moroccan Creole
Variety: Creole |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.9 oz. |
Collected in 2009 by Jesse Daves and Sarah Montgomery of Amyo Farms from an open market in Essaurira, Morocco. |
Mother of Pearl
Variety: Silverskin |
Harvest Date: Very Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.5 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Seeds of Change; SSE 321 |
Collected in 1982 from village of Mucdi, NE of Lentechi on the edge of the Svanetskij chrebet, Lentechi Province, Svanetia region, Republic of Georgia. Gatersleben #K 5876; SSE 79
Munhung (aka Mun Hung)
From the village of Munhung, ca. 30 km NE of Pyonyang, North Korea. Gatersleben #K 6802; SSE 177 |
Named after Canadian grower Al Music, who reputedly brought this variety from Italy in the 1980s, via Ronald Bennett of Victor, New York. SSE 250 |