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Kettle River Giant
Stevens County, Washington heirloom obtained from a local gardener by Richard Smith of Kettle Falls, Washington. SSE 197 |
Variety: Marbled Purple Stripe |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.5 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Collected by Alaskan grower Bob Ellis from Khabarofsk, Siberia ; SSE 292 |
Killarney Red
From David Ronniger of Moyie Springs, Idaho via Filaree Farms. SSE 239 |
Collected in 1989 by John Swenson in mountains above Kitab, Uzbekistan. SSE 51 |
Kjev (aka Kyjev)
From Czech Collection of Dr. Boris Andrst, Port Jefferson, New York, via Filaree Farm. SSE 240 |
Knemokachati (aka Kvermokachati?)
Variety: Artichoke |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.2 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Seems a likely misspelling of Kvermokachati; SSE provides no provenance information; SSE 353 |
Korean (aka Cassim's Korean, Korean #349)
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.2 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Cassim Dunn of El Prado, New Mexico, initially recieved this from a friend in Albuquerque; via Ron Thuma. |
Korean #349 (aka Cassim's Korean, Korean)
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.2 oz. |
This seems to be the same accession as Korean. SSE 349. |
Korean Hot
Variety: Asiatic |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.9 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Fall City Farms, Fall City, Washington; SSE 283 |
Korean Mad Dog
Variety: Artichoke |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 3.0 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Bought by M.H. Gibson at the 2001 Tulsa Oklahoma Garlic is Life Festival; SSE 317 |
Korean Red
From Chester Aaron via M. Mott. SSE 194 |
Korean Rocambole (aka Korean, Cassim's Korean)
CV So1 via Filaree Farms. SSE 91 |
Korean Wildfire
From Chester Aaron / CV Pe2. SSE 241 |
Krasnodar Red
Variety: Marbled Purple Stripe |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 3.7 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Purchased by Dr. Carl Rosen at a farmer’s market in Krasnodar in the southern part of Russia near the Black Sea; SSE 299 |
Krasnodar White
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.2 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Purchased by Dr. Carl Rosen at a farmer’s market in Krasnodar in the southern part of Russia near the Black Sea; SSE 298 |
Kulbaki #1
From the Republic of Georgia via John Swenson in 1989. SSE 78 |
Kulbaki #2
Collected in 1982 from village of Kulbaki, SW of Cageri, in a side valley of the Cchenischkali River, Cageri Province, Lecchumi Region, Republic of Georgia, via John Swenson. Gatersleben #K 5865; SSE 115
Kulbaki #3
Collected in 1982 from village of Kulbaki, SW of Cageri, in a side valley of the Cchenischkali River, Cageri Province, Lecchumi Region, Republic of Georgia, via John Swenson. Gatersleben #K 5866; SSE 63 |
Kvemokachati (aka Kvermokachati)
Collected in 1983 at Kvemo Kachati, SW of Zugdidi, Megrelien Province, Republic of Georgia, via John Swenson. Gatersleben #K 6022; SSE 69 |