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Pearly Red
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.3 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Filaree Farm; SSE 312 |
Pescadero Red
Variety: Creole |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.0 oz. |
From a California grower via Filaree Farms and Joel Girardin. |
P-French Red
Donated to USDA germplasm bank by Greg Wichelns; via Filaree Farms. USDA PI 515973; SSE 253 |
PI 383819 (aka Pristinski)
From Pristina, Macedonia; accessioned into USDA collections in 1973. USDA PI 38319; SSE 46 |
PI 485592
From Ted Maczka of Demorestville, Ontario, the "Fish Lake Garlic Man". USDA PI 485592; SSE 14
PI 493097
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
From Tiraspol, Moldova via John Swenson. USDA PI 493097. SSE 346. |
PI 493105
GRIN Accession data indicates that this should be a softneck collected from Istanbul, Turkey. Clearly a naming mistake is afoot, as the SSE accession under this number represents a Purple Stripe similar to Belarus and Vilnius. USDA PI 493105; SSE 176 |
PI 493116
Variety: Purple Stripe |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
From North Moravia in the Czech Repiblic; via Avram Drucker. USDA PI 493116 |
PI 540319
Variety: Marbled Purple Stripe |
Harvest Date: Late |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.4 oz. |
Obtained by Maria Jenderek in Poland; via Avram Drucker. USDA PI 540319. |
PI 540359 (aka P-VT?)
Variety: Artichoke |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.1 oz. |
USDA PI 540359 lists this as a Rocambole from Le Jardin du Gourmet in Vermont. However, their picture clearly indicates the variety to be an artichoke, making this and P-VT likely synonyms; via Avram Drucker. |
The 2006 SSE Yearbook claims that this is an artichoke type with excellent size and flavor, 10-20 cloves per head, best for braiding; however, material from the SSE collection is a beautiful purple stripe; from M. Mott. SSE 193 |
In its first listing in the 1990 SSE Yearbook, John Swenson noted that this was a softneck garlic brought from the former Czechoslovakia in the 1930's; however the current SSE accession is a hardneck variety. SSE 15 |
Polish Hardneck
From Idaho grower Rick Bangert who recieved it from John Youanov of Ontario. SSE 147
Polish Jenn
Variety: Porcelain |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.8 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Territorial Seeds; SSE 318 |
Polish Silver
From M. Rengwalska of Poland; this variety has often been incorrectly listed in the SSE Yearbook as being PI 1497947. USDA PI 497947; SSE 172 |
Polish White (aka New York White)
From Ronald Bennett of Victor, New York. SSE 98.
From USDA, Pullman via Jim Ault of Libertyville, Illinois.
USDA W6 12842; SSE 254 |
Pride of Maine
From John Swenson. SSE 5 |
Pskem (aka Peskem)
Collected in 1989 by John Swenson along Pskem River valley in the mountains near Pskem, Uzbekistan. SSE 55
Purple #1 (aka Purple, Purple (155), No Name Purple)
From former USSR via John Swenson, 1999. SSE 155 |
Purple #2 (aka Purple (189), No Name Purple)
From St. Petersburg, Russia. SSE 189 |
Purple Cauldron
From France via John Swenson. SSE 95
Purple Italian
From M. Mott in 1999. SSE 192 |
Purple Rocambole
From Oscar Iobst of Pennsylvania via Southern Exposure Seeds. SSE 99
Purple Streak
First listed in the 1987 SSE Yearbook by John Navazio of Bar Harbor, Maine who grew this variety at Riverbrook Farm, Eugene, Oregon in the early 1980's. SSE 118
Purple Tip
From Moldova via USDA, Pullman and John Swenson. USDA PI 493099; SSE 28 |
P-VT (aka PI 540359?)
From John Swenson; incorrectly listed in the 1999 SSE Yearbook as PI 1540359, as no accession of this number exists in the USDA GRIN database; however PI 540359 is an artichoke in spite of its GRIN entry data, making these two entries likely synonyms. SSE 199 |
Pyong Vang (aka Pyongjang, Pyongyang, Pyong Vang)
Collected in 1986 from Pyongyang, North Korea, via John Swenson. Gatersleben #K 7041; SSE 256 |