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Miniature 20" plants from the former USSR, via John Swenson. SSE 20
Red Czar
Variety: Glazed Purple Stripe |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.8 oz. |
Although this name is often referred to as a synonym of Verchnyava Mcara, this strain obtained from Joel Girardin is not, being a Glazed Purple Stripe. It is not clear what the original strain was, as it is not like any other Glazed Purple Stripe in the collection.
Red Revel
From the former USSR, via John Swenson; this variety has been claimed to be USDA PI 250663, however no entry for this number exists in the GRIN database. SSE 11 |
Red Rezan (aka Rezan)
Collected in 1986 by Dr. Klaus Pistrick south of Moscow; although historically listed as a Glazed Purple Stripe, it seems likely that it simply represents a Rocambole with a very large virus load. Gatersleben #K 7205; SSE 102 |
Red Roman
Variety: Rocambole |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 2.0 oz. |
2007 Picture |
Introduced by Filaree Farm in 1997 as a 'mutation' from Romanian Red; SSE 310 |
Red Toch (aka Tochliavri)
Collected by Dr. Peter Hanelt in 1988 from the village of Tochliavri in the Republic of Georgia, via John Swenson. SSE 117 |
From Canada via Mary Schultz of Monroe, Washington; strangely the first SSE Yearbook entry in 2001 lists this as a hardneck variety. SSE 40 |
Roja Spanish
From M. Mott in 1999. SSE 191 |
Rojo de Castro (aka Cuban Purple)
From Spain via R. Hannon. USDA W6 8417; SSE 258 |
Romanian Red (aka Red Elephant Garlic)
Romanian variety grown in British Columbia. SSE 58 |
Ron's Single Center (aka Single Center, Trueheart)
Variety: Artichoke |
Harvest Date: Middle |
Maximum Head Weight: 3.4 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Ronald Bennett of Victor, New York; SSE 350 |
Rose du Var
French garlic imported by W.J. Hume for commercial testing in California, via David Cavagnaro. SSE 161 |
From Moldova via USDA-Pullman and John Swenson. USDA PI 493099; SSE 18 |
Russian Giant
From Paula Simmons Green of Sumas, Washington. SSE 260 |
Russian Inferno
Variety: Asiatic |
Harvest Date: Early |
Maximum Head Weight: 1.5 oz. |
2007 Picture |
From Spokane, Washington via Filaree Farm; SSE 336 |
Russian Red
From Russian Doukhobor immegrants to British Columbia in early 1900s, via David Ronniger. SSE 106 |
Russian Redstreak
According to Ron Engeland, this originated from a single bulb 'mutation' of Russian Red; there sure seems to be a lot of garlic 'mutation' occurring at Filaree Farm!. SSE 92 |
Russian Salvation (aka Light Tan)
Given to grandfather of Helen Shultz in gratitude for refuge given to a Russian sailor who jumped ship in British Columbia, via Chester Aaron. SSE 261