Plant macrofossil database
of the Czech and Slovak republic

Name: Řežabinec

Taxa Number of samples Period
Alnus sp.20SA, SB, BO, PB
Aulacomnium palustre2SA
Carex acuta (S)8SA
Carex elata (S)7SA
Carex flava7SA
Carex lasiocarpa9SA
Carex panicea (S)3SA
Carex pseudocyperus3SA
Carex sp.25SA, SB, BO
Drepanocladus aduncus2SA
Drepanocladus revolvens s. str.3SA
Eleocharis palustris agg.3SA
Lycopus europaeus2SA
Phragmites australis23SA, SB, BO
Potamogeton natans (S)2SA, BO
Potamogeton sp.2SA, BO
Potentilla erecta10SA, SB
Ranunculus sceleratus (S)2SA
Rubus sp.4SA
Sphagnum palustre4SA
Sphagnum teres2SA
Trichophorum alpinum2SA

F = family uncertain, G = genus uncertain, S = species uncertain; SA = Subatlantic, SA2 = Younger Subatlantic, SA1 = Older Subatlantic, SB = Subboreal, AT = Atlantic, AT2 = Younger Atlantic, AT1 = Older Atlantic, BO = Boreal, PB = Preboreal, DR = Dryas, DR3 = Younger Dryas, AL = Allerød, DR2 = Older Dryas, BOL = Bølling, DR1 = Oldest Dryas, WU = Würm (Weichsel, Visla), MR = Mindel/Riss (Holstein), FG = Full glacial, UNKN = Unknown age