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Mildly hot 3-4" Ancho-type pepper with good flavor;
very productive.
PA RE M 98
Mike Reilly, New Cumberland, PA
from Brazilian exchange student
California Wonder
Sweet bell pepper with moderate set of 3x4" bocky fruits.
Commonly grown, non-hybrid variety.
O.S. Excel Seeds
Capastrano Sweet
Moderate set of late-maturing 4x5" blocky, thick, fruits
with large depression on bottom side.
WI PE C 94 .... (?) CV Sto 91
Chris Pehoski, Stevens Point, WI
Stokes first lists this variety in 1991
No Picture Available Yet
1½" diameter pendent round, red fruits on 2'
tall x 1½' wide plants; thin flesh, good drier.
Originally from package of dry peppers in Hispanic Market;
imported by Durango Products, Banner Wholesale Co, Chicago
Chapeau de Frade
C. baccatum; heavy set of 2x2½" bell-shaped,
3-lobed, red fruits on 3+' tall bush; late maturing; very
NY HE K 99 - CA ME E 97 (listed in 99 YB as CA EV E)
Eunice Messner, Anaheim, CA
'from CA Rare Fruit Grower'
Charleston Hot
3"x.75" blunt-tipped hot fruits turning yellow
to orange to red; leaves light yellow-green; would make attractive
border plant.
Dennis Schlicht, Center Point, Iowa
Chervena Chujski
Heavy set of 5½x1½" smooth, tapered, red
pendent wedge-shaped fruits with curved tip; very sweet, flavorful,
and meaty; later maturing than others from this group.
NJ CA J 99 - IA SSE HF 98 - CA CA D 86 (as Pimento Chervena
Chujski) David Cavagnaro (Santa Rosa days!) "directly
from the villages of Bulgaria"
Chile de Cuscutlan
Pendent 1½x1/3", tapered, orange fruits on 2½'
tall x 1½' wide plants; good drier. Very rare old (pre-Columbian)
variety from San Salvador-Honduras-Nicaragua region.
PA WE W 00
William Woys Weaver, Devon, PA
Chile Large "Buena
Pendent, 2½x2/3" tapered fruits changing from
deep eggplant purple to pastel orange to red; plants 2' tall
x 1' wide with deep purple stems and purple-white striped
flowers; very attractive.
PA WE W 00 - from grandfather's collection
Chile de Seda
C. pubescens; clear yellow-orange 2x1½"
pendent, smooth fruits on 4'x4' plants with large, pubescent
leaves; fruits meaty and hot.
Ulrike Paradine, Kent, Great Britain.
from Xalapa, Mexico
Chile Pimento
5x2½" tapered red fruits on 1½' tall x
1' wide plant; slight purple suffusion at leaf nodes.
Collected from Guatemala by Kate Horkman in summer 1999.
Chilhuacle Negro
2" apple-shaped chocolate brown fruits; good dried,
but a bit bitter when cooked fresh.
AR BO B 97 .... ? NC LE H 95 - MD ES H 94 - AUSL GA P 92
via Dianne Kennedy, the cookbook author
Paul Gardner, Victoria, Australia
Chilhuacle Rojo
Abundant set of 3" bright red fruits on 3-4' plants;
very attractive.
PA WE W 95.
William Woys Weaver, Devon PA
originally collected 1991 from Chiapas State, Mexico
Fruits green to purple to red, wrinkled, 1-11/2"; pendulous;
leaves covered with white pubescence, giving entire plant
silvery sheen.
PA WE W 95
William Woys Weaver, Devon PA
collected 1991 from Chiapas State, Mexico
Chiltoma de Nicaragua
3x1½" pendent, wrinkled red fruits
PA WE W 00
William Woys Weaver, Devon PA
Chinda 2
Erect 2x¼" red fruits on 2' tall x 1½'
wide plants; good for oriental soups and stir fry.
Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center, Tainan, Taiwan
Thailand; PBC 743 Originally from Thailand.
Chinese Giant
5x4" blocky, red fruits on 1½x1½' plants.
NJ CA J 00 ... (?) IL DU R 98 - IL KE D 97 - NM HA R 94 -
CV TT 92
Introduced in 1900, 1st of the truly giant bells of that period,
twice as big as the largest bell of the day by Burpee.
Chinese Multicolor
Erect 1½x3/4" fruits changing from yellow-white
to purple to orange to red on 1½' tall x 1' wide plants;
petals with purple tips; very attractive and productive.
PA KO J 00 - CV We11
Christopher E Weeks Peppers, Kill Devil Hills, NC
Chocolate Congo Habanaro
C. chinense; 1½x2" wrinkled, chocolate-brown
fruits; very hot with strong smokey flavor; moderate production.
AR BO B 98 .... PA KE I 94
Ike Kerschner, Coatesville, PA
seed collected in Trinidad
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Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
C. chinense; pendent 1½x1¼" chocolate-brown,
wrinkled fruits on 1½' tall x 1' wide plants; very
hot with strong smokey-tropical fruit flavor.
WI NE J 99
from Scarboro, Tobago Mkt, March 1999
Identical to Brazilian Rainbow. Not C. chinense; rather
a small (1½'), compact C. annum bush with hundreds
of upright, conical fruit changing from cream yellow with
purple spots to completely red when ripe; very attractive;
would make an excellent house plant; same PI # as Brazilian
PA RE M 98 .... (?) PA WE W 96 - IL SW J 95
PI #44641 (441641) from Brazil
Christmas Bell
C. baccatum; 2"x2.5" inflated, bell-shaped
fruits. Sweet.
PA WE J 00
James Weaver, Kutztown, PA.
Cili Goronong
C. chinense; pendent 2½x1½' yellow-orange,
heavily wrinkled fruits tapering to a point; plants 1½'
tall x 2' wide; hot with good smokey-tropical fruit flavor.
MD ES H 99 - MI YA J 96
John Yaeger, Lawton, MI
from Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia
Cili Merah
Moderate set of 5x1" slightly wrinkled, tapered fruits.
MD ES H 99
Howard C. Essl, Bethesda, MD
from Kelantan, Malaysia
Cirolla Sella
C. baccatum; heavy set of pendent 2¼x½"
carrot-shaped, deep orange fruits; plant 1½' tall x
2½' wide with small (1¼"x½")
leaves; not C. annuum as has green-tan spots at base
of petals.
NY BU J 00 - CV Se7
originally from Bolivia
CO 2722
Heavy set of erect, clustered 2¼x½" tapered
red fruits on 1½x1½' plants.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Peru
CO 4177
C. baccatum; pendent 2x1¼" wrinkled, oval
red fruits on 3½' tall by 4' wide plants; immature
fruits held erect; very productive.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Brazil. The AVRDC name is 157 BGM 1033 Pimenta
CO 5081
C. chinense; pendent 1x2/3" smooth, oval red
fruits on 2' tall x 1½' wide plants; fruits with mild
smokey-tropical fruit flavor but little heat.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Zambia.
CO 5813
C. chinense; pendent 1½x1" smooth, oval
red fruits; fruits with mild smokey-tropical fruit flavor
but little heat.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Puerto Rico. Name is Ensalda as its leaves
are often used as cooking greens.
CO 5842
C. chinense; pendent 2½x1¼" smooth,
blocky fruits turning from green to orange to red; plants
1' tall by 2' wide; pods meaty with mild tropical fruit flavor
but no heat.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Brazil. The AVRDC name is AMA 12.
½x1", upright, blunt cone-shaped hot fruits on
3' bush; very productive.
CV Na2 94
from Chichicastenanejo in the Guatemalan highlands, traditionally
cured over wood fires.
4"x1.5" tapered, bight red, moderately hot fruits;
very abundant and early producer on small plants.
CV Na2 94
Originally collected at the Cochiti Pueblo in 1986. Agriculture
in this Pueblo has been essentially destroyed by a floodwater
and irrigation dam.
Corno di Toro, Red
2-3 foot plants loaded with 6-7" red, elongated fruits
TN JO M 96 .... CV LE 85
Le Marche Seeds International, Dixon, CA
Italian heirloom first offered in N. Am. in 1985
Costeno Amarillo
2x½", pendent, blunt fruits; thin skin; very
pretty dried.
NY HE K 99 - CV Na2 -
Listed only in the 1997-8 NSS Catalogue, under Chile Products,
where it is described as an 'unusual amber colored chili with
a light lemon-citrus flavor and subtle heat. Used to make
mole and also great in soups and stews"
Cubanella Sweet
Good production of 5½x2" bright red fruits with
squared-off base; rather thin flesh, but sweet with good flavor.
CV Excel Seeds 99 - can trace to Gurney's 1985 catalogue,
1979 Ferry Morse listings
C. chinense; Hundreds of erect ½x1/3"
bright yellow, smooth oval fruits on 1' tall x 1½'
wide plants; hot with strong smokey-tropical fruit flavor;
excellent miniature habanaro variety
NY HE K 00 - PA RE M 97
Mike Reilly, New Cumberland, PA
from Brazilian Exchange Student