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Bako Local
Pendent 5x1" tapered, smooth red fruits on 2' tall x
1½" wide plants.
TAIW BE T 99 (Asian Vegetable Research and Development Center)
Originally from Ethiopia. AVRDC accession number CO 5594.
Showy small plant loaded with upright 2" fruits turning
green to yellow to red; would make terrific house plant.
Dan Quickert, Davis, CA
from Banos, Ecuador, 1987 TX SM J 95 ... (?) CA QU D 90 |
C. chinense; moderate producer of very hot 1½x1"
wrinkled fruits with smokey flavor
RI HO P 96 (93); from NGS Seed Swap
Beaver Dam
5x2½" tapered, smooth, red fruits; initially
erect, pendent when mature; plant 1x1'; mildly hot with good
flavor. Brought to Beaver Dam, WI, area ca 1929 from Hungary
by the Joe Hussli family
Sue Gronholz, Beaver Dam, WI WI GR S 99
Beiswinger's Bell
Description: Dorothy Beiswenger's favorite bell pepper; 3x4"
blocky fruits that ripen red on a 1½'x1½' plant.
From Crookston, MN
MN BE D 00
3"x1", relatively blocky, hot red fruits. "Pronounced
bear-beret, brought by a friend from Ethiopia, turns red,
about 6" long x .75" diam. with slight swelling
in the middle, very tall plants, bears tremendous crops, very
good green or let dry for chili powder when red" Mike
WI GR G 96 ... SD KO N 87 - CA OG M 86
Mike Ogbin, Burnt Ranch, CA
Billy Goat
C. chinense; pendent 2x3/4" wrinkled, oval red
fruits on 3x3' plant with purple-blue stems; very attractive;
fruits hot with characteristic smokey - tropical fruit aroma.
RI HO P 00 - NC LE
C 96 - MI WA W 94
William H Walker, Attica MI
Birgit's Locoto
C. baccatum; pendent 2¼x½" elliptical
fruits with some wrinkles; fruit changes from light yellow
to honey to orange to red; plant 2½' tall x 1½'
wide; very attractive.
Ulrike Paradine, Hythe, Great Britain. ENGL PA U 00
Bodé (Red and Yellow)
Red: C. chinense; 2' bush with heavy set of
round, ½"-diameter red fruits with dimple on tip;
very hot with typical smokey flavor; beautiful and very useful
in cooking as small fruit size allows for easier heat calibration
of final dish. Yellow: C. chinense; identical
to Red Bodé, except fruit dark yellow-orange; smoky
flavor perhaps stronger; a real beauty.
PA RE M 98 (97) Mike Reilly, New Cumberland, PA
claimed to be mild in orig. listing! from Brazilian exchange
C. baccatum; pendent 3½x2/3" red tapered
fruits on 2½x2½' plants.
MO RI W 00
Dr. W.M. Rizzo, Columbia MO
from Brazil
Brazilian Rainbow
Not C. chinense; rather a small (1½'), compact
C. annum bush with hundreds of upright, conical fruit
changing from cream yellow with purple spots to completely
red when ripe; very attractive; would make an excellent house
plant; same PI # as Christmas Pepper (see below)
CA ED L 98 - IL SW J PI #441641 (see Christmas, below)
Brown Aji
C. baccatum; brown pendant 3.5"x1.5" wrinkled
fruits. 2.5'x2' plant. Very mild.
CA MY J 00 - OH MI P 95 - CV Enchanted Seeds 94
from Peru
Brown Chinense
C. chinense; wrinkled brown 2 by 3/4 inch tapered
fruits, very hot.
James Weaver, Kutztown, PA
Buena Mulatta
Pendent, 2½x2/3" tapered fruits changing from
deep eggplant purple to pastel orange to red; plants 2' tall
x 1' wide with deep purple stems and purple-white striped
flowers; very attractive. From William Woys Weaver grandfather's
PA WE W 00 William Woys Weaver, Devon PA
Buist's Yellow Cayenne
Heavy set of blunt-tipped, wrinkled 3-4"x.75" deep
orange, hot fruits; very nice.
From H. Pippin to my grandfather (pre-1945), grows true to
the Buist seed catalogue desc. of the 1870's and 1880's. Once
grown extensively in southern NJ for market, and probably
originally brought to the US via the sugar trade.
PA WE W 96 William Woys Weaver, Devon PA.
No Picture Available Yet
Burkina Faso
2-3", narrow, cylindrical fruits; very crack resistant;
long keeper; very early maturing determinate 1½' tall
plants; good drier.
MI KL R 00 - from Peace Corps volunteer
Robert F. Klein, Livonia MI
Butan Commercial #4
Description: Pendent, 3-3½" heavily scalloped,
flattened red fruits on 1x1' plants; not really a bell pepper
but rather a type of tomato pepper; nice flavor. CV, gift
from teacher in Butan, Bulgaria
MN TJ J 00
Jim Tjepkema, Clarks Grove, MN
Butan Commercial #8
7-8" long, curved and wrinkled fruits; mildly hot but
with great sweet flavor; extremely productive; one of my favorite
peppers of 1998.
Jim Tjepkema, Clarks Grove, MN
collected on trip to Butan, Bulgaria MN TJ J 97