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Georgescu Chocolate
Good set 5x2½" chocolate-brown fruits with pointed
base; flesh is dark salmon-pink; excellent sweet flavor; a
real winner.
NJ CA J 99 - IA SSE HF via Seeds By Design
given to SSE by Dr. B.L. Pollack, who collected seed in southern
Goat's Weed
3+' tall bush with densely white-hairy leaves and stem; good
set of 2½x½" upright fruits which turn
from jet black to red; stunning appearance but a bit late
maturing for this far north.
AR BO B 97 - KY HA R 95
Robert Hadad, Lexington, KY
from Venezuela by way of Mississippi
No Picture Yet Available
Golden Nugget
1½' tall plant with purple stems, purple and white
varigated leaves, and white and purple flowers with upright,
1" tall, conical fruits turning dark golden yellow; very
from Seed Saver's Heritage Farm, 2001
Goshoku Togarashi
Name means "5 color hot pepper," small, delicate
18" plant produces numerous 1-1.5", upright, conical
fruit; green>purple>cream>orange>red, very decorative
when all colors can be seen; keep away from children, they
might mistake brightly colored HOT fruit for candy, from local
PA MA H 99 - JAPA DO K 93
Kevin Dolin, Japan
No Picture Yet Available
Grandma Campbell's
Compact 8" tall x 1' wide plants with narrow leaves
and hundreds of 1/8x½" red, very hot fruits; very
attractive and a wonderful container plant.
from Seed Saver's Heritage Farm, 2001
Grenada Seasoning
C. chinense; pendent, 2x1" tapered, wrinkled
orange-yellow fruits on 2' tall x 1½' wide plants;
good smokey-tropical fruit flavor but no heat.
PA WE J 00
James Weaver, Kutztown, PA.
Pendent 5x1½" flattened oval, red fruits on 3'
tall by 1½' wide plant; thin flesh, excellent for drying.
IL SW J 00
Additional Source Information: originally from package of
dry peppers in Hispanic Market; imported by Durango Products,
Banner Wholesale Co, Chicago.
Guajilla de Zihutenejo
Pendent 4½x1¼" tapered oval red fruits
on 2½' tall by 3' wide plants; excellent for drying.
IS SW J 00
Gypsy, White
Pendent 5x2½" tapered fruits that change from
white-yellow to orange to red; plants 2' tall x 1½'
wide; this really is not a bell pepper, more like a sweet
IN DO D 00 - grown out from Gypsy hybrid
Dianne Domino, Charlestown, IN
Harold's St. Barts
2"x1.5", wrinkled, very hot orange-yellow fruits
with nice fruity-smoky aroma; has been a consistent producer
for me here in the north.
RI HO P 96 (93)
Harold Langlois brought it back from St. Barts
Hot Portugal
Moderate set of up to 7"+ bright red, tapered fruits
on 4'+ plants. O.S. CV Pep 93.
AK BO L 95 - CV Pep 93 .... 1935 trial by Joseph Harris Co.,
Inc., of Coldwater, NY
2x1" pendent, wrinkled, heart-shaped red fruits on 1'
tall x 1½' wide plants; famous old Pennsylvania Dutch
heirloom used for pickling.
PA WE J 00
James Weaver, Kutztown, PA.
Huatalco Puntado
Moderate set of narrow 5" red fruits on 4' plants.
NY RI R 96 - MD ES H - Sara Bezaire, Oaxaca, Mexico (see
obit. in 1989 yearbook)