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4x½" pendent, tapered red fruits with concentric
bumps; plant 1½'x1½'.
Mats Pettersson, Stockholm, Sweden
from Brazil
Manzano, Yellow
2"x1.75" very hot yellow-orange, thick-walled fruits;
hairy leaves; very low fruit set, though did flower over most
of growing season.
MD ES H 96
Howard C. Essl,Bethesda, MD
from Northern Mexico
C. chinense; hundreds of .75x.33" smooth, blunt-tipped,
pencil-shaped fruits on 2' bush with very dark green leaves;
fruits yellow with purple suffusion; another excellent miniature
habanaro variety.
PA RE M 98 - NJ AN C 97
Christopher E. Andreas, Trenton, NJ
from Southern Regional Plant Introduction Station
Marconi Golden
6"x2.5" pendent, sweet yellow pepper.
TN JO M 00
Marianne Jones, Dickson, TN
Martin's Carrot Pepper
Very heavy set of drooping 3/4x2" smooth, red fruits
on compact bush.
PA RE M 98 - PA WE W 96
William Woys Weaver, Devon PA
Developed by Mennonite horticulturist Jacob B. Garber (1800-1886)
of Lancaster Co., PA. It was preserved for many years by the
Martin family of Ephrata, PA. Known as Mordipeffer or Mordia
Geelriewe by the Old Order Mennonites who grew it.
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Mexican Black-Red
C. pubescens; fruit red with black suffusion.
Ulrike Paradine, Hythe, Kent Great Britain.
Puerto Vallarta market, 1997
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Mexican Brown-Yellow
C. pubescens; fruit yellow with brown suffusion.
Ulrike Paradine, Hythe, Kent Great Britain.
Puerto Vallarta market, 1997
Mexican Red
C. pubescens; fruit red.
Ulrike Paradine, Hythe, Kent Great Britain.
Puerto Vallarta market, 1997
2½x1/3" pendent red fruits on 1' tall x 1½'
wide plant
Mr. Otley's Seasoning
C. chinense; 1½x2½" wrinkled red
fruits on 2x2' plant; fruits with little or no heat, but strong
tropical fruit aroma.
10' tall shrub grown next to the ocean-facing patio of Herbert
Otley (a.k.a. 'Chief'), who lives at the settlement of Mt.
St. George along the south coast of Tobago; collected March
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C. fructescens; .75" upright fruits changing
from green to orange to red.
MO BE M 99 - UT DR S 96
Steve Draper, Midvale, UT
from a market in Navua Town, Viti Levu Island, Fiji