Plant macrofossil database
of the Czech and Slovak republic

Name: Telgárt

Taxa Number of samples Period
Abies alba2SA
Alnus glutinosa1SA
Alnus sp.2SA
Betula pendula1SA
Calliergonella cuspidata2SA
Caltha palustris2SA
Campylium stellatum1SA
Carex flacca1SA
Carex paniculata2SA
Carex remota2SA
Climacium dendroides1SA
Coenococcum geophilum2SA
Eurhynchium hians2SA
Fagus sylvatica1SA
Glyceria nemoralis2SA
Picea abies4SA
Plagiomnium affine agg.2SA
Rubus sp.2SA
Sambucus sp.1SA
Thuidium philibertii1SA

F = family uncertain, G = genus uncertain, S = species uncertain; SA = Subatlantic, SA2 = Younger Subatlantic, SA1 = Older Subatlantic, SB = Subboreal, AT = Atlantic, AT2 = Younger Atlantic, AT1 = Older Atlantic, BO = Boreal, PB = Preboreal, DR = Dryas, DR3 = Younger Dryas, AL = Allerød, DR2 = Older Dryas, BOL = Bølling, DR1 = Oldest Dryas, WU = Würm (Weichsel, Visla), MR = Mindel/Riss (Holstein), FG = Full glacial, UNKN = Unknown age