Plant macrofossil database
of the Czech and Slovak republic

Name: PR Hroznětínská louka a Olšina

Taxa Number of samples Period
Alnus glutinosa5SA
Alnus sp.5SA
Anthoxanthum odoratum agg. (G)1SA
Aulacomnium palustre2SA
Calliergon giganteum5SA
Campylium stellatum1SA
Carex acuta/fusca (S)1SA
Carex echinata9SA
Carex flava (S)6SA
Carex panicea3SA
Carex pseudocyperus (S)1SA
Carex pulicaris1SA
Carex rostrata1SA
Carex sp.3SA
Carex vesicaria (S)1SA
Corylus avellana1SA
Cyperus flavescens (G)3SA
Drepanocladus sp.1SA
Eleocharis sp.1SA
Equisetum sp.11SA
Homalothecium nitens2SA
Lycopus europaeus (G)1SA
Meesia triquetra3SA
Picea abies10SA
Potentilla erecta8SA
Rubus sp.3SA
Scirpus sp.5SA
Senecio sp. (G)1SA
Sphagnum sp.7SA
Valeriana officinalis5SA
Viola palustris4SA

F = family uncertain, G = genus uncertain, S = species uncertain; SA = Subatlantic, SA2 = Younger Subatlantic, SA1 = Older Subatlantic, SB = Subboreal, AT = Atlantic, AT2 = Younger Atlantic, AT1 = Older Atlantic, BO = Boreal, PB = Preboreal, DR = Dryas, DR3 = Younger Dryas, AL = Allerød, DR2 = Older Dryas, BOL = Bølling, DR1 = Oldest Dryas, WU = Würm (Weichsel, Visla), MR = Mindel/Riss (Holstein), FG = Full glacial, UNKN = Unknown age