Invitation to the PhD Day 2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 9-2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 6/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 5/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 4/2022
Jill K Batdorf: Events of the Week 26 October-2 November
Due to possible emergency measures concerning the spread of the coronavirus, events may be postponed or changed. Please check our website for updates. Oct 26–Nov 23 Mon–Mon Science Slam MINIseries WHERE: Online Oct 27 Tues InterTAU Annual Meeting WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:00 Oct 27 Tues Interregional Cooperation for Innovation WHERE: Online WHEN: 10:00–12:00 Oct 27 Tues Mendel Centre Seminar SPEAKER: Said Hafidh, Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic TOPIC: How Spliceosome Promotes Male-female Communication WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Oct 29 Thurs Zoological Seminar SPEAKER: Martin Reichard TOPIC: Host-parasite relationships in a dynamic world (Professor talk) WHERE: Online WHEN: 13:00 Oct 29 Thurs Botanical Seminar SPEAKER: Veronika Kalníková TOPIC: Diversity and ecology of the river gravel-bar vegetation (PhD defense) WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Nov 2–8 Mon–Sun Týden vědy a techniky AV ČR WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–16:00 Save the date: * Mendel Centre Seminars: Vendula Pukyšová, 3 November * Open Day MUNI 2020, 7 November * Processing and Analysis of Biological Images: Focus on Cell Tracking, 11–13 November * Open Science in the Context of Research Data Management, 12 November * Mendel Centre Seminars: Andrea Ficke, 24 November * Educational Course: Neuroimaging – Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain, 24–26 November * Open Science in the Context of Data Management Tools, 26 November * Noc vědců na MUNI, 27 November
Jill K Batdorf: Events of the Week
All events for this week have been cancelled due to the National Security Council’s decision on March 10, 2020 concerning an emergency measure due to the spread of coronavirus. In the meantime, please follow the CEITEC website and social networks to make sure you don't miss any of our news or upcoming events: website | facebook | twitter | instagram | linkedin | youtube