Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 4/2024
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 3/2024
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 1/2024
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 12/2023
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 11/2023
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 10/2023
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 09/2023
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 06/2023
Barbora Truksová: Reminder: Today's Principal Investigator Seminar
The Principal Investigator Seminars have started. Everyone is welcome! We are reminding you about the next seminar, Omics Data Infrastructure – Building the Foundation for Integrated Biological Research, by Vojtěch Bystrý (CEITEC MUNI). WHEN: Friday, 21 February, at 13:00 WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 Best regards, CEITEC MU, Events Department
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 17–24 February
Feb 18 Tue Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 11:00 Feb 19 Wed Label-free Biosensing Workshop: Demonstration of Biosensing Instrumentation inQuiQ WHERE: University Campus, Building E35/145 & Building C04/218 WHEN: 12:30 Feb 19 Wed Sip of Science: TOPIC: Cytokinins - The Unsung Heroes of Plant Growth and Survival SPEAKER: Jan Skalák WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Atrium WHEN: 15:30–17:30 Feb 20 Thu Botanical Seminar Series: TOPIC: Flora and Vegetation Types of High Mountains of the Iranian Plateau SPEAKER: Jalil Noroozi WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 114 & Online WHEN: 16:00 Feb 20 Thu Spolkové čtvrtky: TOPIC: Spíte špatně? Spěte sladce! SPEAKER: Tomáš Baránek WHERE: Brno, Komenského nám. 2, Room 200 WHEN: 18:00 –19:40 Feb 21 Fri Principal Investigator Seminar Series TOPIC: Omics Data Infrastructure – Building the Foundation for Integrated Biological Research SPEAKER: Vojtěch Bystrý WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Nominate a Speaker for MUNI Life Sciences Seminar HERE. Save the Date: * EMBO Research Integrity Workshop, 27–28 February * Masarykovy dny, 5–6 March * Týden mozku na CEITEC MU, 14 March * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Ball of the MU Faculty of Science, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 10–17 February
Feb 1–27 Práh jižní Morava – 25 let na cestě k duševnímu zdraví WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden Feb 1–27 Skleněnky WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden Feb 13 Thu Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Innovative Approaches in Biochemistry and Structural Biology: From Biomolecule Interactions to Understanding Disease Pathogenesis SPEAKER: Tomáš Brom WHERE: University Campus, Building C02, Room 211 WHEN: 10:00 Feb 13–14 Thu–Fri Konference Zoologické dny Brno 2025 WHERE: Brno, Lipová 41a, MU Faculty of Economics and Administration Feb 14 Fri Valentýnská noc v botanické zahradě WHERE: Brno, Kotlářská 2, Botanical Garden WHEN: 16:30–21:00 Nominate a Speaker for MUNI Life Sciences Seminar HERE. Save the Date: * Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time, 18 February * Label-free Biosensing Workshop: Demonstration of Biosensing Instrumentation inQuiQ, 19 February * EMBO Research Integrity Workshop, 27–28 February * Týden mozku, 10–16 March * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Ball of the MU Faculty of Science, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Dny elektronové mikroskopie na CEITEC 2025, 27–29 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 3–10 February
Feb 3–7 Mon–Fri 3rd ML4NGP Training School "NMR for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs)" WHERE: University Campus, Building D29 & C04 Feb 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Structural study of torpedo termination complexes SPEAKER: Alžběta Dikunová WHERE: University Campus, Building C02, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 13:00–14:30 Feb 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Structural Basis of miRNA Processing in Mammals SPEAKER: David Zapletal WHERE: University Campus, Building C02, Room 211 WHEN: 14:30–16:00 Feb 4 Tue Research Breakfast: Predatory Journals WHERE: University Campus, Building B09, University Campus Library WHEN: 08:00–09:00 Feb 5 Wed Workshop on ERC Grant Applications: Strategies, Pitfalls and Best Practices WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 145 WHEN: 09:00–11:00 Feb 6 Thu Ze života vědkyň WHERE: Brno, Veveří 97, Institute of Analytical Chemistry WHEN: 09:00–12:00 Feb 6–7 Thu–Fri MUNI Health Innovation Days 2025 WHERE: Brno, Lipová 41a, MU Faculty of Economics and Administration Save the Date: * Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time, 18 February * EMBO Research Integrity Workshop, 27–28 February * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Ples Přírodovědecké fakulty, 15 March * Company Visit to PSI, 21 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Life after PhD with Michal Boháč, 4 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 27 January – 3 February
Jan 27–28 Mon–Tue Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions WHERE: University Campus, Building C04, Room 211 Jan 27 Mon Open Days at the MU Faculty of Science 2025 WHERE: University Campus & Kotlářská Campus, Faculty of Science Feb 3–7 Mon–Fri 3rd ML4NGP Training School "NMR for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs)" WHERE: University Campus, Building D29 & C04 Feb 3 Mon Doctoral Thesis Defence TOPIC: Structural study of torpedo termination complexes SPEAKER: Alžběta Dikunová WHERE: University Campus, Building C02, Room 211 & Online WHEN: 13:00–14:30 Save the Date: * Research Breakfast: Predatory Journals, 4 February * Workshop on ERC Grant Applications: Strategies, Pitfalls and Best Practices, 5 February * Ze života vědkyň, 6 February * MUNI Health Innovation Days 2025, 6–7 February * Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time, 18 February * EMBO Research Integrity Workshop, 27–28 February * Mendel Lecture: Illuminating the Beginning of Life, 13 March * Ples Přírodovědecké fakulty, 15 March * Mendel Lecture: Gaining Insight Into Pre-mRNA Splicing by the Spliceosome, 3 April * Mendel Lecture: The Enemy Within - How Does the Immune System Sense DNA as a Danger Signal?, 24 April * Mendel Lecture: Controlling Transcription of Coding and Non-coding RNAs, 22 May * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 20–27 January
Jan 21 Tue Information Session for Prospective PhD Candidates WHERE: Online WHEN: 15:00–16:00 Jan 21–22 Tue–Wed AI-Assisted Molecular Biological Data Analysis in R WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 Jan 22 Wed Česká věda v Antarktidě SPEAKER: Daniel Nývlt WHERE: Brno, Kobližná 4, Ústřední Knihovna Jiřího Mahena, 5th Floor, Large Hall WHEN: 17:00–18:30 Jan 22 Wed PI Forum Brno 4: Science Communication & Self-Promotion WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 17:30 Jan 25 & 27 Sat & Mon Open Days at the MU Faculty of Science 2025 WHERE: University Campus & Kotlářská Campus, Faculty of Science Jan 27–28 Mon–Tue Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions WHERE: University Campus, Building C04, Room 211 Save the Date: * 3rd ML4NGP Training School "NMR for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs)", 3–7 February * Research Breakfast: Predatory Journals, 4 February * Workshop on ERC Grant Applications: Strategies, Pitfalls and Best Practices, 5 February * Ze života vědkyň, 6 February * Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time, 18 February * Ples Přírodovědecké fakulty, 15 March * Core Technologies for Life Sciences Congress 2025, 10–12 June
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 13–20 January
Jan 16 Thu SYMBIT Seminar Jan Špaček From Brno to Mars: Seeking Martians before we arrive WHERE: Brno, Královopolská 135, Institute of Biophysics of the CAS, Lecture Hall WHEN: 13:00–14:00 Save the Date: * AI-Assisted Molecular Biological Data Analysis in R, 21–22 January * PI Forum Brno 4: Science Communication & Self-Promotion, 22 January * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions, 27–28 January * 3rd ML4NGP Training School "NMR for Intrinsically Disordered Proteins (IDPs)", 3–7 February * Workshop on ERC Grant Applications: Strategies, Pitfalls and Best Practices, 5 February * Ze života vědkyň, 6 February * Optical Tweezers and Single Molecules: How to Control, Manipulate and Visualize Biomolecular Complexes in Real-Time, 18 February
Eliška Janíčková: Events of the Week 16 December–23 December
Dec 17 Tue Molecular Medicine Seminar Series TOPIC: Unveiling the Functional Impact of ANKRD26 Gene Variants in Inherited Thromboctopenia SPEAKER: Paulína Likavcová WHERE: University Campus, Building E35, Room 211 WHEN: 09:30–10:30 Dec 17 Tue Mendel Centre Seminar Series TOPIC: Understanding Cell States and Their Temporal Dynamics During Meristem Differentiation and Reprogramming SPEAKER: Zohar Meir WHERE: University Campus, Building B11, Room 205 WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Dec 20 Fri Konference pod stromeček WHERE: Prague, Celetná 20, Univerzita Karlova & Online WHEN: 12:00 We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Events of the Week will be back in January 2025. Save the Date: * Information Session for Prospective PhD Candidates, 15 January * AI-Assisted Molecular Biological Data Analysis in R, 21–22 January * Methods for Characterization of Biomolecular Interactions, 27–28 January * Ze života vědkyň, 6 February