Invitation to the PhD Day 2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 9-2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 6/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 5/2022
Newsletter for PhD students and Postdocs of the Faculty of Science MU 4/2022
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 1–8 February
Feb 8 Mon CEITEC PhD Conference 2021 WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–17:15 Save the date: * PhD Progress Day 2021, 18 February * Life Long Health and Wellbeing, 18–19 March * Týden mozku, 15–21 March * Culture and heritage, 24 March * Justice, inequality and inclusion, 25 March * Mozek a stimulace: nová forma biohackingu?, 25 March * Mobility / Smart cities, 8–9 April * European Union Studies, 21–22 April
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 18–25 January
Jan 18 Mon Information Session for Prospective PhD Students WHERE: Online WHEN: 11:00–12:00 Jan 20 Wed Viromes: from insects to infants SPEAKER: Prof. Jelle Matthijnssens (KU Leuven) WHERE: Online WHEN: 11:00 Jan 21 Thu Lymská borelióza z pohledu informovaného pacienta SPEAKER: Ing. Petr Dymáček, Ph.D. WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Save the date: * Life Long Health and Wellbeing, 18–19 March * Culture and heritage, 24 March * Justice, inequality and inclusion, 25 March * Mozek a stimulace: nová forma biohackingu?, 25 March * Mobility / Smart cities, 8–9 April * European Union Studies, 21–22 April
Šárka Fajtlová: Events of the Week 16-23 November
Due to possible emergency measures concerning the spread of the coronavirus, events may be postponed or changed. Please check our website for updates. Oct 26–Nov 23 Mon–Mon Science Slam MINIseries WHERE: Online Nov 19 Thur Botanical seminar SPEAKER: Petr Keil TOPIC: Integrating patterns, trends and predictors of biodiversity across spatial scales WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Save the Date: * Mendel Centre Seminars: Andrea Ficke, 24 November * Educational Course: Neuroimaging – Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain, 24–26 November * Open Science in the Context of Data Management Tools, 26 November 2020 * SCI-CEITEC-PHARM Match Making Event, 26 November 2020 * Noc vědců na MUNI, 27 November
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 7–14 December
Dec 8 Tue Mendel Centre Seminars SPEAKER: Markéta Šámalová (CEITEC MU) TOPIC: Expansin-controlled Cell Wall Stiffness Regulates Root Growth in Arabidopsis WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Dec 8 Tue User Meeting of Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallization Core Facility WHERE: Online WHEN: 15:00 Dec 10 Thu Botanical Seminar SPEAKER: Bohumil Mandák TOPIC: Genomy merlíků ve víru evoluce WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Save the date: * Information Session for Prospective PhD Students, 18 January * Lymská borelióza z pohledu informovaného pacienta, 21 January * Mozek a stimulace: nová forma biohackingu?, 28 January We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New year!
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 30 November–7 December
Dec 1 Tue Mendel Centre Seminars SPEAKER: Radomíra Vaňková (Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences) TOPIC: The Role of Plant Hormones in Abiotic and Biotic Stress Responses WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Dec 3 Thu Botanical Seminar SPEAKER: Petr Wolf TOPIC: Antropocén v Beskydech WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Save the date: * Mendel Centre Seminars: Markéta Šámalová, 8 December * User Meeting of Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallization Core Facility, 8 December * Lymská borelióza z pohledu informovaného pacienta, 21 January * Mozek a stimulace: nová forma biohackingu?, 28 January
Kristýna Hromádková: Events of the Week 23–30 November
Due to possible emergency measures concerning the spread of the coronavirus, events may be postponed or changed. Please check our website for updates. Oct 26–Nov 23 Mon–Mon Science Slam MINIseries WHERE: Online Nov 24 Tue Mendel Centre Seminars SPEAKER: Andrea Ficke (NiBio, Norway) TOPIC: Leaf and Stem Diseases in Cereals and Oilseed Crops – A Relationship Too Close for Comfort WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Nov 24–26 Tue–Thu Educational Course Neuroimaging – Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–17:30 Nov 25 Wed Open Science Seminar SPEAKERS: PHDr. Michal H. Kolář, Ph.D. & Mgr. Jaroslav Icha, Ph.D. TOPIC: Community Science, DIY Science, Open Publishing, Science Through Social Media, etc. (registration required) WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00–18:00 Nov 26 Thu Open Science in the Context of Data Management Tools WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–16:00 Nov 26 Thu SCI-CEITEC-PHARM Match Making Event TOPIC: Pharmaceutical research (registration required) WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–11:00 Nov 26 Thu Botanical Seminar (Doctoral Thesis Defence) SPEAKER: Markéta Chudomelová TITLE: Determinants of spatial patterns in the composition of plant communities WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Nov 27 Fri Doctoral Thesis Defence SPEAKER: Cosimo Lobello (Life Sciences program, Bio-omics) TITLE: The prognostic value of the mutational landscape in systemic anaplastic large cell lymphoma WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Nov 27 Fri Noc vědců na MUNI WHERE: Online WHEN: 17:00 Save the date: * Mendel Centre Seminars: Radomíra Vaňková, 1 December * Mendel Centre Seminars: Markéta Šámalová, 8 December * User Meeting of Biomolecular Interaction and Crystallization Core Facility, 8 December
Šárka Fajtlová: Events of the Week 9-16 November
Due to possible emergency measures concerning the spread of the coronavirus, events may be postponed or changed. Please check our website for updates. Oct 26–Nov 23 Mon–Mon Science Slam MINIseries WHERE: Online Nov 11-13 Wed-Fri Processing and Analysis of Biological Images: Focus on Cell Tracking WHERE: Online Nov 12 Thur Botanický seminář SPEAKER: Petr Koutecký TOPIC: Vodnické radosti i strasti: studium evoluce vodních rostlin na příkladu lakušníků WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Nov 12 Tues Open Science in the Context of Research Data Management WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Save the Date: * Mendel Centre Seminars: Andrea Ficke, 24 November * Educational Course: Neuroimaging – Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain, 24–26 November * Open Science in the Context of Data Management Tools, 26 November 2020 * SCI-CEITEC-PHARM Match Making Event, 26 November 2020 * Noc vědců na MUNI, 27 November
Jill K Batdorf: Events of the Week 2-9 November
Due to possible emergency measures concerning the spread of the coronavirus, events may be postponed or changed. Please check our website for updates. Oct 26–Nov 23 Mon–Mon Science Slam MINIseries WHERE: Online Nov 2–8 Mon–Sun Týden vědy a techniky AV ČR WHERE: Online WHEN: 9:00–16:00 Nov 3 Tues Mendel Centre Seminars SPEAKER: Vendula Pukyšová, CEITEC MU TOPIC: Lipid Flippase Regulating Intracellular Trafficking During Plant Adaptation WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:00 Nov 3 Tues Doctoral Thesis Defence - Tarakaramji Moturu Title: Deciphering the Role of Strigolactone Hormone in Plant Developmental Processes WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00 Nov 5 Thurs Zoologický seminář SPEAKER: Markéta Nováková TOPIC: Interakce klíšťat s jejich hostiteli a symbionty WHERE: Online WHEN: 13:00 Nov 5 Thurs Botanical Seminar SPEAKER: Pavel Novák TOPIC: Vegetation of European oak-hornbeam forests (doctoral thesis defence) WHERE: Online WHEN: 16:00 Nov 6 Fri Soft Skills Seminar - Financial Mind-Set (registration required) WHERE: Online WHEN: 14:00–15:30 Nov 7 Sat Open Day MUNI 2020 WHERE: Online Save the date: * Processing and Analysis of Biological Images: Focus on Cell Tracking, 11–13 November * Open Science in the Context of Research Data Management, 12 November * Mendel Centre Seminars: Andrea Ficke, 24 November * Educational Course: Neuroimaging – Mapping the Function and Structure of Brain, 24–26 November * Open Science in the Context of Data Management Tools, 26 November * Noc vědců na MUNI, 27 November