Research at Faculty of Science MU

We are the most successful research faculty at MU

Contributing by more than 50 % of all MUNI research outcomes at Web of Science (WoS).

We publish over 1100 original papers and over 50 books a year

In 2019 our academics and students published over 1100 original papers and over 50 books or book chapters.

We publish in the most prestigous media

Over 70 % of our outcomes in journals are above the WOS IF median.

Participation in the international and national projects assures quality and success

At faculty, we run
20 EU H2020 projects, 92 grants from GAČR,
23 from TAČR and 22 from EU operational funds.

Key Research Areas

“At the beginning of all research, there is amazement at the secret.”

Albert Einstein

News from Science and Research

Všechny aktuality

Office for Doctoral Studies, Quality, Academic Affairs and Internationalization


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