Laboratory of Pain Research
Institute of Physiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
EV projects leader: Anirban Bhattacharyya
Group leader: Jiří Paleček, MD, PhD (Head of Department)
website: https://www.fgu.cas.cz/en/departments/laboratory-of-pain-research
email: anirban.bhattacharyya@fgu.cas.cz
The main research interest of our Laboratory of Pain research is to study mechanisms of pain and to explore new possibilities of pain treatment, especially in chronic states like diabetic neuropathy and chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy.
Currently we are actively isolating EVs from serum and cerebrospinal fluid in different animal models following MISEV 2018 guidelines and characterization using proteomics, metabolomics platforms and also using electron microscopy and Nanoparticle tracking to evaluate the size and frequency analysis in our samples. Our objective is to investigate the role of EVs in neuroinflammation and pain modulation in experimental pain models and identify specific vesicle-residing molecules that could play a role in acute pain and chronic pain. We plan to analyze also human samples from chronic pain patients in the near future.