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Kellogg's Breakfast
4-6" smooth, slightly oblong meaty pale orange-fleshed
fruits on 4' vines; very good flavor; productive late in season.
NY MA C 96 -- WI MI B 93
From Darrell Kellogg, Redford, MI.
Kelsey Yellow Roma
Much like De Barrao Gold, but with lighter yellow, narrower
2" juicy fruits; excellent fruity flavor; excellent drier;
one of my 1998 favorites.
Will Barnard, Kelsey, CA
Possible insect cross of Martino's Roma and Lillian's Yellow
King Umberto
Gorgeous and delicious 1¼" pink, pear shaped
fruits that are the same shape and size of Kalamata olives;
one of my favorite cherry tomatoes.
IL SW J 00
Originally from Deborah Crowe of Reelsville, Indiana.
5"+, rough, flattened, meaty fruits.
UT DR S 96 - NY MA C 93
From Norbert Parreira, France
2½" diameter flattened spheres that are carrot-orange
on the outside but with a pink-red interior.
Lahman Pink
3.5" smooth fruits.
IL LO N 97 - MO MO A 95 (93)
Family heirloom from NGA member Grace Lahman, Fairview, MO.
Heavy set of 2½-3" diameter round fruits with
pronounced nipple at end; good flavor; semi-determinate.
MD WY C 98 - WI MI B 96 - NJ BR J 92
A tomato by this name is mentioned in accounts of the Civil
War battle of Antietam, but it's not known if this is that
variety. If so, the tomato originated from the Lee Estate,
and after the war seeds were distributed throughout Virginia.
A full account is given by W. Roy Mason (Major, C.S.A.) in
Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Part #11, 1884 (see
SSE's 1st Decade book, pages 159-161).
Liberty Bell
3-4" hollow tri-lobed pale orange-red fruits on productive
4' vines; fruits look exactly like a bell pepper.
CV Glecklers 1994
1½x2" plum-shaped fruits; thick flesh; indeterminant
plants that bare heavily until frost; excellent for drying.
from Ulrike Paradine, Kent, England
Little Lucky
3-4" smooth, orange fruits with red starburst in interior
flesh; potato-leaved plants; great sweet flavor
developed by Craig
LeHoullier, Raleigh, North Carolina
2½" round fruits; plant compact with leaves that
are clustered next to stem making a columnar growth form;
very unusual and great for patios. Craig
LeHoullier suggests that this may be the old Gleckler's
variety named 'Stick.' Click here
to see its description and picture from their 1958 catelogue.
from Reinhard Kraft,
Neukirchen, Germany
3" diameter smooth, red spheres; moderately seedy.
MD MY C 00
Where Madison Run joins the Shenandoah River stands the once
prosperous village of Lynwood, VA, where the Civil War battle
of Port Republic was fought, now only the old white wooden
Episcopal church with its stained glass windows and this tomato
Heavy set of 1" diameter bright yellow fruits on a potato-leaf
plant; excellent sweet flavor; cracks easily.
IL SW J 00
Originally from Lars Olav Rostenstrom of Bromma, Sweden.
Mama Irene's
5" diameter smooth, deep pink spheres; meaty and excellent
sweet flavor.
NC YE A 00
From Irene Zeleney at the farmer's market in Winsdor, Ontario.
2½-3" smooth light-yellow fruits on 3½'
vines; flesh white; exterior very waxy and hard; very late
maturity which almost got caught by first frost.
NY MA C 95 - NJ BR J 92 (Joe Bratka)
Supposed to be an old Indian variety.
Marge's Polish Pride
4" bright pink smooth globes on a potato-leaf plant.
IL KE D 99
Don Kellums, Port Byron, IL
Seed came from Poland many years ago with Marge, who in turn
gave a few seeds to her son-in-law who later gave me some.
2-3" diameter, smooth red fruits
WI PE C 93
Old commercial variety bred in 1927 from Marvel and Globe.
Mary Reynolds
5" diameter smooth, orange globes; very meaty; excellent
VA LE J2 99
Maintained for many years by Mary Reynolds of Natural Bridge,
Mary Robinson's
German Bicolor
3.5" flattened fruits with red/yellow-mottled flesh.
IL LO N 97 - - NC LE
C 96
From G. Fitzgerald, VA, 1994.
Beautiful pastel pink-orange to white 1" sweet fruits
with pink starburst on bottom; very productive.
from Reinhard Kraft,
Neukirchen, Germany
One of the prettiest bi-colors I've ever grown; orange flesh
with red starburst on bottom; very sweet; good production.
IL LO N 98
From OH LU B 92 via WI MI B 97
Mortgage Lifter, Yellow
3½-4" diameter, meaty, smooth light-yellow globes;
some fruits have a faint pink suffusion on the base.
WI GR S 99 .... (?) CV Southern Exposure 84
Family heirloom comes from SW VA; first of the two Mortgage
Lifter strains to be offered by Southern Exposure Seeds; named
by a man who paid off his farm, which he was about to lose,
by selling these tomatoes; it also became known as the 'Railroad
Tomato' because employees of the C&O Railroad traded the
3½" juicy red fruits on 3½' vines; moderately
productive; good flavor.
From Green Bay Garden Club member, probably from Johnny's
From Eastern Siberia
3½x2½' teardrop-shaped paste tomato; meaty
with excellent flavor; reminiscent of Bisignano #2; good canner.
NE BU W 00
Originally from WY RA J 82, who got seeds from a New York
greenhouse that obtained them from an elderly Italian man
who brought them with him to the US when he immigrated in
the late 1960's.