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Heavy set of 2½-3" diameter smooth deep orange
fruits; very meaty; reminds me of a less-seedy version of
IL SW J 00
2" flattened, ribbed pink fruits; sweet; reminds me
of a larger, pink version of Santorini Paste.
Banana Legs
4"x1½" bright yellow fruits with lighter
longitudinal stripes on compact 2½' vines; fruits meaty,
flesh white; few seeds; very heavy producer.
AK BO L 96 - CV Orn 93 ... ONT RE M 89
Maark Reusser, Ontario, Canada
Stabilized from a single plant in a batch of unnamed crosses
called 'Mixed Long Toms' from Tater Mater in 1984.
Big Pink White Stripes
4-6" meaty, irregular to smooth fruits; while certainly
big, mine were neither white nor pink striped; I began referring
to it as the 'Mango Tomato' as it looked most like an under-ripe
Mango; flavor unimpressive.
WI MI B 95 - IA DR G 91 - CA BR D 85
Donald Branscomb, Clearlake, CA
Donald maintained the Tomato Seed Bank of over 1000 varieties.
He had been gardening 44 years in 1987.
Bisignano #2
3-4" blocky, heart-shaped paste tomatoes on compact
3' vines; meaty and almost indescribable rich-sweet flavor;
wonderful canning tomato; mine were definitely pink, not red.
WI MI B 96 ..... NC LE C 92 - MA RE E 88- O.S. NC
LE C 92.
Elaine Reidy, West Peabody, MA
"From Italy at least 30 years ago, generously shared
by Mr. Bisignano (finalist in Victory Garden TV contest of
1984) for whom tomato named."
4-5" meaty smooth round fruits on 2½' vines;
wonderful rich flavor that you expect from 'black' tomatoes
in fruit large enough for slicing; very productive.
CV Glecklers 1994
Black Pear
2x2½" dark red-brown pear-shaped fruits on potato
leaf plants; excellent sweet-spicy flavor.
IL LO N 99
Blue River
3-5" (1+lb), tasty, solid, slightly angular pink fruits
on 4' vines; bore heavily until frost.
PA EL B 95
4-6" meaty, juicy almost seedless fruits with rich-sweet
taste on 5' potato-leaf vines; average yield.
CV Glecklers 1994
Brandywine, Cherry
One of my new top 10 favorites; loads of 1½-2"
bright pink smooth fruits with big Brandywine flavor on potato-leaved
plants; the best large cherry I've ever grown.
MO DI T 98
Brandywine, Glick's
5" smooth, deep pink, meaty fruits on potato leaved
plants; great sweet-rich flavor.
PA WE W 99
Glen Brendle family of Gap, PA.
Received original seed from Isaac N Glick, seedsman of Lancaster,
PA who was a distributor of seeds for Johnson and Stokes Seeds
of Philadelphia, PA. Johnson and Stokes introduced the Brandywine
in January, 1889.
Brown Derby Mix
Hollow, 3-4 lobed 2½" fruits with brown-orange
skin and brown flesh; an interesting stuffing tomato.
NJ CA J 00
Originally from CV TAT (SSE Tomato 608)
Burcham's New Generation
4-5" smooth pink globes on 5' vines; moderately meaty
with sweet but not very complex flavor. O.S. NC
LE C 91.
WI MI B 96
Burkina Faso
2-3", narrow, cylindrical fruits; very crack resistant;
long keeper; very early maturing determinate 1½' tall
plants; good drier.
WI MI B 98
West Africa variety obtained from Aziz Nael, France.
Burracker's Favorite
Huge 5" yellow beefsteak fruits with red starburst on
bottom; excellent sweet flavor.
MD MY C 99
Burracker's Hollow, Blue Ridge of Virginia.
4" diameter, heavily fluted, flattened red fruits; rather
seedy but good flavor.
PA SI G 00
From Bustani family, Syria, early 1900's.
Butter and Bull Heart
Nice, 3-4" pink, hear-shaped fruits; good flavor; good
WI RO D 97
Originally from Jenny Virsnieks, a Latvian immigrant now
living in Junction City, WI. Click here
to read a Stevens Point Journal newspaper article about Jenny
and this tomato.