Department of Plant Physiology and Anatomy, Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Brno, Czech Republic (1995-2002)
2004 |
2005 |
Jezikova, M., Tuma, I. (1995): The influence of grass stands on chemical features of soil in the Knehyne nature reserve. The Beskids Bulletin. Influence of air-pollution on forests and forestry in the Beskids. No. 7, 139-144. (in Czech)
Kramarova, E., Vicherkova, M. (1995): The synthesis and retranslocation of total non-structural sacharids in the organs and sunflower grown uder K defficiency. Proceedings. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers. Brno, Czech Republic, p. 137-140. (in Czech)
Kummerova, M., Hladilova, M., Brandejsova, R. (1995): Acid phosphatase activity of spring barley in dependence on phosphate nutrition. Rostlinn v?roba, 41:197-200.
Kummerova, M., Slovak, L., Holoubek, I. (1995): Phytotoxicity studies of benzo(a)pyrene with Lactuca sativa.Toxicol.Environ.Chem, 51:197-203.
Plhak, F. (1995): The effect of two NO3- / NH4+ concentrations on the growth and nitrogen metabolism in sunflower and maize seedlings. Proceedings. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers. Brno, p. 129-132. (in Czech)
Plhak, F. (1995): The influence of macromolecular substances on reduction of vascular water conductance and photosynthetic processes in lucerne. Ochrana rostlin, 31:93-106.
Vicherkova, M., Kram
E. (1995): The distribution of mineral nutrients in plant organs of
grown under elevated acidity and Al concentration. Proceedings. Plant
and Fertilizers. Brno, p. 133-136. (in Czech)
Bartak, M. (1995):
: Forest resources in Europe. Cambridge University Press,
41: 573.
Holoubek, I., Dusek, L., Cupr, P., Helesic, J., Benedik, J., Vancura, R., Damborsky, J., Machala, M., Skoda, M., Skladalova;, E., Marsalek, B., Rojickova, R., Kummerova;, M., Chroust, K. (1995): Ecological Risks. I. Environmental Risk Assessment. Project: VZ/5200/1995, Brno, 200 p. (in Czech)
Bartak, M., Nijs.I., Impens,I. (1996): The effect of long-term exposure of Lolium perenne L. plants to elevated CO2 and/or elevated air temperature on quantum yield of photosystem 2 and net photosynthesis. Photosynthetica, 32, 549-562.
Bartak, M., Pitsmaus, P. (1996): Modeling of wild grass production on deforested mountainous areas. Parametrization of model MACROS. In: K.Fiala (ed.): Grass Ecosystems of Deforested Areas in the Beskydy Mts. Preliminary Results of Ecological Studies. Brno, Inst. Landscape Ecol., 123-128.
Cepak, V. (1996): Nucleoid morphology in the coccal cyanophyte Cyanothece halobia (Chroococcales, Cyanophyta) - DAPI fluorescence study. Phycologia, 35, 11-19.
Cepak, V. (1996): Variability in nucleoid morphology in some cyanophytes growing under various growth conditions. Algological Studies, 81, 39-52.
Dubova;, J. (1996): The haploid embryoids development in anther culture of transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. SR1).- Acta Soc. Bot. Polon., 65, 31 - 35.
Gloser, J. (1996): Impact of Elevated CO2 Concentration on Interactions between Seedlings of Norway Spruce (Picea abies) and a Perennial Grass Calamagrostis epigejos.- In: Korner, C., Bazzas, F. (ed.): Carbon Dioxide, Populations, and Communities.- Academic Press, San Diego. 319-331.
Gloser, J, Gloser, V., Polcak, Z. (1996): Basic characteristics of photosynthesis, respiration, and mineral nutrient uptake in Calamagrostis villosa. In: K.Fiala (ed.): Grass Ecosystems of Deforested Areas in the Beskydy Mts. Preliminary Results of Ecological Studies. Brno, Inst. Landscape Ecol., 117-122.
Gloser, V., Scheurwater,I., Lambers, H. (1996): The interactive effect of irradiance and source of nitrogen on growth and root respiration of Calamagrostis epigejos. New Phytologist, 134, 407-412.
Gloser, V., Gloser, J. (1996): Acclimation capability of Calamagrostis epigejos and C. arundinacea to changes in radiation environment. Photosynthetica, 32, 203-212.
Jezikova, M., Tuma, I. (1996): The effect of grass vegetation on chemical properties of soils at air-pollution loaded sites in the region of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mts. In: K.Matejka (ed.): Investigation of the Forest Ecosystems and of Forest Damage. Workshop Proceedings. Opocno, Czech Republic 1995, 51-60.
Jezikova, M. (1996): Some chemical properties of soils on the clearings in the region of the Beskydy Mts. In: K.Fiala (ed.): Grass Ecosystems of Deforested Areas in the Beskydy Mts. Preliminary Results of Ecological Studies. Brno, Inst. Landscape Ecol., 173-183.
Plhak, F. (1996): Efficiency of nitrate and ammonium nutrition in maize plants at different irradiances. Rostlinna; vyroba - Plant Production, 42, 269-274.
Vicherkova, M. (1996): Accumulation of aluminium, calcium and magnesium in maize and sunflower plants grown in acidified solution with aluminium. Rostlinna; vyroba - Plant Production, 42, 261-267.
Vicherkova, M.
(1996): Czech
Allelopathy Bibliography. In: S.S.Narwal (ed.): Annotated Bibliography
of Allelopathy.
Holoubek, I., Kummerova, M., Slovak, L. (1996): The study of the effect of persistant organic pollutants on vegetation. Final Report, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, No. 206/93/2050, Brno, 256 p.
Vicherkova, M. (1996): Establisment of a special microscopy laboratory. Final Report. Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, No. 598/96, 87 p.
Vicherkova;, M. (1996): Protection of cultural plants against the toxic influences of the environment. Final Report. University Development Fund, Grant No. 501/2139/93.
Vicherkova, M., Hrib, J. (1996): Prof. RNDr. Jan Calabek. Folia Historica.
Vicherkova,M. (1996): Modernisation of study and research programmes within the Biological Section of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno. Press conference. Brno, December 1996.
Book Reviews
Bartak, M. (1996): Baker,N.R., Bowyer,J.R. (eds.) (1994): Photoinhibition of Photosynthesis. From molecular Mechanisms to the Field. Bios Scientific Publishers, Oxford, 471 pp., Book review. Biologia Plantarum, 38: 176.
Bartak, M. (1996): Walker, D. (1992): Energy, Plants and Men. Packard Publishing/Oxygraphics, Brighton, 277 pp., Book review. Biologia Plantarum, 38: 604.
Gloser, J. (1996): Sinoquet, H., Cruz, P. (1996): Ecophysiology of Tropical Intercropping.- Biologia Plantarum 38: 562.
Gloser, J. (1996): Sinclair, F.L. (1996): Agroforestry: Science, Policy and Practice.- Biologia Plantarum 38: 600.
Balaz, M., Vosatka, M. (1997): Vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhiza of Calamagrostis villosa supplied with organic and inorganic phosphorus. Biologia Plantarum, 39: 281-288.
Bartak, M., Nijs, I., Impens, I. (1997): Relation between photosynthetic CO2 fixation and photosystem II activity in perennial ryegrass grown at doubled atmospheric CO2 and elevated air temperature. Abstracta Botanica, 21: 317-322.
Bartak,M., Hajek, J. (1997): Recovery from photoinhibition in Acer pseudoplatanus seedlings is altered by the form of nitrogen nutrition. Contributed paper No.33, Ist. Int. Congress of Photobiology and Photochemisty, Wrexham, Great Britain, p. 1-7. for full text see Europ.Soc.Photobiol. WWW page
Dubova, J., Benkova, E., Brzobohaty, B. (1997): Histochemical localization of redirected cytokinin-glucosidase-specific b-glucosidase in transgenic tobacco plants. J. Histochemistry, 29:74- 75.
Jezikova, M., Kummerova, M.(1997): Interactive effect of alumunium and calcium on root growth of Larix deciduaand two co-occurring acidophilous grasses. Toxicol. Environ. Chem., 63:13-21.
Komarek, J., Cepak, V. (1997): Cytomorphological characteristics supporting the taxonomic validity of cyanocaryotic genus Cyanothece. Plant Syst. Evol., 44:15-22.
Komarek, J., Kopecky, J., Cepak, V.(1997): The background for taxonomy of the simplest cyanoprocaryotic genera Cyanobacterium and Synechococcus. Cryptogramie Algologie, 32:45-52.
Kummerova, M., Slovak, L., Mazankova, J., Holoubek, I. (1997): The effect of fluoranthene on the germination of plants. Toxicol. Environ. Chem. 60, 1997:235-244.
Kummerova, M., Slovak, L., Holoubek, I. (1997): Growth response of spring barley to short -or long-period exposures to fluoranthene. Rostlinna Výroba-Plant Production, 43: 209-215.
Vicherkova, M.(1997): Regulatory function of stomata. Acta Univ. Carol. Biologiae, 41: 217-231.
Vicherkova, M. (1997): Pioneers of Allelopathy VIII: Czech allelopathy scientists. Allelopathy Journal, 4: 255-268.
Vicherkova, M.
(1997): Allelopatic
interactions between rape (Brassica napus L.) and rye (Secale
cereale L.). Allelopathy Journal, 4: 155.
Vicherkova, M. (1997): The effect of acidity and Aluminium concentration on nutritional status of plants and possibilities of their ammelioration. Final report. Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, 45 p.
Bartak, M. (1997):
of teaching methods of plant productional ecology: Modelling of
and growth processes. Final report. Faculty of Science, Masaryk
22 p.
Benkova, E., Dubova, J. Babajaryn, Ch. (1997): Histochemical localization of redirected b-glucosidase specific for cytokinin- glucosides in transgenic tobacco. Lecture. 2nd Biological day, Masaryk University, Brno.
Vicherkova, M. (1997): Allelopathic interactions between between rape (Brassica napus L.) and rye (Secale cereale L.). Abstracts. Ist World Congress on Allelopathy, Cadíz, Spain, Sept. 1996 (published in 1997).
Zarský, V., Dubova, J.,
J., Brzobohatý, B. (1998): Effects of ectopic expression of maize
on male fertility in tobacco. Abstract. VIII th Conference of Plant
Gdansk, Poland, Sept. 1997, p. 97.
Bartak,M. (1997): W.M. Ciesla (1995): Climate change, forests and forest management. FAO Forestry Publication No. 126. FAO, Rome, Italy. 128 pp. (Lesnictví-Forestry, 43:10).
Gloser, J. (1997): Wildi, O., Orlóci, L.: Numerical Exploration of Community Patterns. A Guide to the Use of MULVA-5. (2nd revised edition). - SPB Academic Publishing, Amsterdam 1996. 171 pp.
Gloser, J. (1997): Othmer, H.G., Adler, F.R., Lewis, M.A., Dallon, J.C. (eds): Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling in Ecology, Physiology, and Cell Biology.- Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River 1997. 410 pp.
Gloser, J. (1997): Gholz, H.L., Nakane, K., Shimoda, H. (ed.): The Use of Remote Sensing in the Modeling of Forest Productivity. (Forestry Science. Volume 50).- Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht - Boston - London 1997. 323 pp.
Gloser, J., Prasil, I. (1998): Stress Physiology. In: S.Prochazka, I.Machackova, J.Krekule, J.Sebanek (eds.): Plant Physiology. Pp. 412-458. (in Czech)
Kousalova, I., Kummerova, M., Vicherkova, M. (1998): Practical course of plant cytology and anatomy. Masaryk University, Brno, 121 p. (in Czech)
Prochazka, S., Sebanek, J., Gloser, J., Sladky, Z. (1998): Plant morphology and physiology. Mendel's University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno, 242 p. (in Czech)
Vicherkova, M., Plhak,
F., Kousalova,
I. (1998): Allelopathic research in the Czech Republic. In:
(ed.): International Allelopathy Update. Vol. I., International status
of research.
Cepak, V., Lukavsky, J. (1998): Behavior of chloroplast nucleoids in Scenedesmus obliquus during vegetation cycle and under nitrogen starved conditions. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl. 126), Algological Studies, 91:117-127.
Lukavsky, J., Cepak, V. (1998): Motile cells in outdoor mass culture. Arch. Hydrobiol. (Suppl. 126), Algological Studies, 91:101-108.
Komarek, J., Cepak, V.
Cytomorphological characters supporting the taxonomic validity of Cyanothece
(Cyanoprokaryota). Plant and Systematic Evolution, 210:25-39
Bartak, M., Gloser, J. (1998): Photosynthetic performance of Acer pseudoplatanus seedlings as affected by light availability and source of nitrogen. Abstracts. XIth International Congress of Photosynthesis, Budapest, Hungary, 1998, p.123.
Bartak, M., Hajek, J. (1998): The effect of NO3/NH4 nutrition on photosynthetic parameters and photoinhibition in three Acer species. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, p. 31.
Bartak, M., Vorlicek, J., Raschi, A. (1998): Leaf photosynthesis in some Mediterranean species as affected by in situ elevated CO2. Abstract, COST 619 Meeting: Better understanding of carbon metabolism in European grasslands under elevated CO2. Florence, Italy, 1998, p. 33.
Dubova, J., Zarsky, V., Brzobohaty, B. (1998): Beta-glukosidase ZM-P60.1 influence on the Nicotiana tabacum L. SR1 pollen development. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, pp. 61-62.
Dubova, J., Mlejnek, P., Brzobohaty, B. (1998): Dynamics of beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 ectopic expression during transgenic pollen development: A histological approach. Abstracts. Internat. Symposium on Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 1998.
Gloser, J. (1998): Trends and future directions in ecological physiology and stress physiology. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, p. 75.
Gloser, J., Bartak, M., Gloser, V. (1998): Changes in some photosynthetic parameters during the evolution of the genus Triticum. Abstracts. 8th International Congress of Photosynthesis, Budapest, Hungary, 1998, p.196.
Gloser, V., Gloser, J., Seidlova, L. (1998): Nitrate uptake and assimilation in forest tree seedlings (Acer pseudoplatanus, Larix decidua) and some grasses of genus Calamagrostis. Abstract. 5th International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots. Stara Lesna, Slovakia, 1998, p. 38
Kmentova, E., Kummerova, M. (1998): Evaluating sensitiveness of seed germination and root elongation test on fluoranthene in environment. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, p.118.
Kramarova, E., Vicherkova, M. (1998): Effect of water stress on acclimated and non-acclimated plants of Calamagrostis epigeios. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, p. 125.
Kummerova, M., Bartak, M., Koptikova, J. (1998): The influence of increasing concentration of fluoranthene on the primary processes of photosynthesis and on the growth of plants of the faba bean (Vicia faba L.). 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, pp. 132-133.
Plhak, F. (1998):Effect of NO3 and NH4 nutrition on photosynthetic apparatus in pea and maize. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, 1998, p.177-178.
Vicherkova, M. (1998): Multifactorial regulatory functions of stomata. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 1998, p.226.
Vicherkova M. (1998): Accumulation and exchange of K+ iones between trichomes and epidermis of Faba vulgaris Moench. Abstracts. 8th Days of Plant Physiology, Olomouc, 1998, p.227.
Vicherkova, M.
(1998): Allelopathic
action of quackgrass rhizome extracts on wheat growing in nutrient
or in soil.Abstracts. IIIrd Int. Congress Allelopathy in
Agriculture and Forestry, Aug. 1998, Dharwad, India, 2:2-16.
Bartak, M. (1998): B. Schaffer, P.C. Anderson (eds.) (1994): Handbook of Environmental Physiology of Fruit Crops. Vol. 1., Temperate Crops. CRC Press, 358 p. (Biologia Plantarum 40: 372)
Bartak, M. (1998): S.H.Wittwer (1995): Food, Climate, and Carbon Dioxide. CRC Press, 236 p. (Rostlinna vyroba - Plant Production, 44:304 (in Czech)
Gloser, J. (1998): H.L.Gholz, K. Nakane, H. Shimoda (eds.): The Use of Remote Sensing in the Modeling of Forest Productivity. (Biologia Plantarum, p.622)
Gloser, J. (1998): M. Pessarakli (ed.): Handbook of Photosynthesis. (Biologia Plantarum, p.638)
Bartak, M., Raschi, A., Tognetti, R. (1999): Photosynthetic characteristics of sun and shade leaves in the canopy of Arbutus unedo L. trees exposed to in situ long-term elevated CO2. Photosynthetica, 37: 1-16.
Dubová, J., Mlejnek, P. Brzobohatý, B. (1999): Dynamics of B-Glucosidase Zm-p60.1 Ectopic Expression during Transgenic Pollen Development: A Histochemical Approach. General Physiology and Biophysics, 18, Suppl. 1, 112-116.
Gloser, J., Bartak, M., Gloser,V. (1999): Changes in photosynthetic parameters of evolutionary different genus Triticum and Aegilops. In: G.Garab (ed.): Photosynthesis: Mechanisms and Effects. Vol. V., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, p. 3789-3792.
Gloser, J. (1999): Problems and prospectives of ecological plant physiology. In: A. Kostrej (ed.): Ecophysiological Methods in Theory and Practice of Plant Productional Process. Proceedings, Internat. Seminar, Nitra, Slovakia, 1999, p. 18-21. (in Czech)
Komárek, J., Kopecký, J., Cepák, V. (1999): Generic characters of the simplest cyanoprokaryotes Cyanobium, Cyanobacterium, and Synechococcus. Cryptogramie, Algol., 20: 209-222.
Roháček, K., Bartak, M. (1999):
Technique of modulated chlorophyll fluorescence: basic concepts, useful
parameters, and some applications. Photosynthetica, 37: 339-363.
Dubová, J., Hermanová,
K., Brzobohatý, B. (1999): Transgenic approach in polen development
study. Acta Biol. Cracow, ser.
Botany, 41: 13 (suppl. 1).
Dubová, J., Mlejnek,
P. Brzobohatý,
B. (1999): Dynamics of B-Glucosidase
Ectopic Expression during Transgenic Pollen Development: A
Approach. In: Abstracts of the 1988 Annual Symposium of the Slovak
and Cytochemical Society. Histochemical
Journal, 31: 270.
Gloser, V., Gloser, J. (1999): Production processes in a grass Calamagrostis epigejos grown at different soil nitrogen supply. In: Grassland Ecology IV, Book of Abstracts, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, p. 11.
Gloser, V. (1999): Seasonal changes in allocation of nitrogen-rich compounds within a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigejos. In: Grassland Ecology IV, Book of Abstracts, Banská Bystrica, Slovakia, p. 12.
Hajek, J., Bartak, M. (1999): Photoinhibition in sycamore (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) grown under NO3 and NH4 nutrition: Analysis of time course of chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Abstracts, International Plant Physiology Congress of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists. Bratislava, Slovak Republic, p. 14-15.
Kummerová, M., Koptíková, J. (1999): The influence of fluoranthene concentration on the primary processes of photosyntesis in Vicia faba. Abstarcts, the conference "Ovzduší", Czech Republic, p. 161-162. (in Czech)
Přibyl, P., Cepák, V. (1999): Growth rate influences cadmium toxicity in the green alga Scenedesmus quadricauda. In: 19th Int. Symp. "Industrial Toxicology 99", Abstracts of papers, Bratislava, Slovakia, p. 211.
Tesařová, M., Sidibé, A., Baláž, M. (1999): Response of soil microflora and lettuce plants inoculated by VA fungi to different doses of Cd, As , and Be. In: Pathways and consequences of the dissemination of pollutants in the biosphere II. Prague, Czech Republic, p. 10.
Sidibé, A., Tesařová, M., Baláž, M. (1999): Effect of inoculation by mycorrhizal fungi on lettuce growth. In: Acta fytotechnica et zootechnica, Brno, Suppl., p. 67.
Zobačová, M., Cepák, V. (1999):
Impact of cadmium on cell chloroplast cycle in green flagellate Chlamydomonas
geitleriusing synchronous culture. In: 2nd European Phycological
Book of Abstracts, Montecatini terme, Italy, p. 96.
Dubová, J. (1999):
R.: Practical Exercises in Plant Physiology: Basics in 100 Experiments.
Scriptum. Univerzitní noviny, Brno, 1/1999: 43-44. (in Czech)
Baláž, M. (1999): Orchideoid mycorrhiza - Myths and Reality. Roezliana, 28: 30-37.
Gloser, J. (1999): Application of plant physiological research in ecology: from dreams to reality. Živa, 47: 9-11. (in Czech)
Gloser, J. (1999): Physiological adaptation of succulent plants I. Water regimen. Živa, 47: 57-60. (in Czech)
Gloser, J. (1999): Physiological adaptation of succulent plants II. Carbon metabolism. Živa, 47: 105-108. (in Czech)
Gloser, J. (1999): Physiological adaptation of succulent plants III. Resistence to extreme temperatures and growth. Živa, 47: 153-155. (in Czech)
Gloser, J. (1999): Physiological adaptation of succulent plants IV. Atmospheric bromelias. Živa, 47: 201-203. (in Czech)
Gloser, J. (1999): Physiological adaptation of succulent plants V. Epiphytic orchids. Živa, 47: 249-251. (in Czech)
Kummerová, M., Kousalová,
I. (1999):
New Findings in Plant Cytology and Anatomy. Dept. Plant Physiology and
Anatomy, Masaryk University, Brno, 101 p. (manual for secondary school
teachers of biology, in Czech).
Barták, M. (2000): Chlorophyll fluorescence as a tool in physiological plant ecology: Assesment of plant photosynthetic response to long-term elevated CO2. In: R.Ceulemans, J.Bogaert, G.Deckmyn, I.Nijs (eds.): Topics in Ecology. Structure and Function in Plants and Ecosystems. University of Antwerp, p. 211-221.
Barták, M.,, Hájek, J., Gloser, J. (2000): Heterogeneity of chlorophyll fluorescence over thalli of several foliose macrolichens exposed to adverse environmental factors: Interspecific differences as related to thallus hydration and high irradiance. Photosynthetica, 38: 531-537. For more click here
Erdelská, O., Dubová, J. Double fertilisation of angiosperms 1889 – 2000. (The origin and significance of flowering plants double fertilisation). Biologia, 2000, vol. 55, no. 4, p. 311-319.
Gloser, V., Gloser, J. (2000): Nitrogen and base cation uptake in seedlings of Acer pseudoplatanus and Calamagrostis villosa exposed to an acidified environment. 2000, Plant and Soil. vol. 226, no. 1: p. 71-77.
Gloser, V., Ježíková, M., Lusher, A., Frehner, M., Blum, H., Nosberger, J., Hartwig, U.A. (2000): Soil mineral nitrogen availability was unaffected by elevated atmospheric pCO(2) in a four year old field experiment (swiss face). 2000. Plant and Soil. vol. 227, no. 1-2, p. 291-299.
Gloser V., Gloser, J. (2000): Production processes in a grass Calamagrostis epigejos grown at different soil nitrogen supply. In GÁBORČÍK N. et al. Grassland Ecology V. Proceedings of the 5th Ecological Conference. Banská Bystrica: Grassland and mountain agriculture research institute, 2000. p. 69-76
Gloser, V. (2000): Seasonal changes in allocation of nitrogen-rich compounds within a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigejos. In GÁBORČÍK N. et al. Grassland Ecology V. Proceedings of the 5th Ecological Conference. Banská Bystrica: Grassland and mountain agriculture research institute, 2000. p. 58-68
Květ, J., Dušek, J., Husák, Š. (2000): Vascular plants suitable for wastewater treatmentin temperate zones. In: J. Vymazal (ed.): Nutrient Cycling and Retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands. Backhuys Publisher, the Netherlands, p. 101-110.
Plhák, F. Impact of plants on atmosphere. Can plants decrease concentration of nitrogen oxides? Vesmír, 2000, vol. 79(130), no. 8, 448-450 (in Czech).
Vymazal, J., Dušek, J., Květ, J. (2000): Nutrient uptake and storage by plants in constructed wetlands with horizontal sub-surface flow: A comparative study. In: J. Vymazal (ed.): Nutrient Cycling and Retention in Natural and Constructed Wetlands. Backhuys Publisher, the Netherlands, p. 85-100.
Baláž, M. (2000): Paris and Arum morphotypes of VAM mycorrhizas. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.11.
Barták, M., Hájek, J., Vráblíková, H., Gloser, J. (2000): Photosynthetic response of lichenized Trebouxia sp. (Umbilicaria decussata (Vill.) Zahlbr.) from Maritime Antarctica to high light stress. Abstracts. Conference: Algae and Extreme Environments - Ecology and Physiology. Třeboň, Sept 11-16, 2000, Czech Republic, p. 40.
Cepák, V., Zobačová, M. (2000): Short-term effect of cadmium on the cell and chloroplast cycle of the green alga Chlamydomonas geitleri. In: Book of Abstracts, 5th Interdisciplinary Slovak-Czech Toxicological Conference, Trienčanske Teplice, Slovakia, 1. – 3. 6. 2000, p 7.
Cepák, V., Zobačová, M. (2000): Effects of cadmium on the cell cycle of Chlamydomonas geitleri. In: Book of Abstracts, 9th International Conference on the Cell and Molecular Biology of Chlamydomonas, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 21. – 26. 5. 2000,. p.126.
Dubová, J., Hájková, M., Brzobohatý, B. (2000): Defects of pollen development in transgenic tobacco. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.13.
Dušek, J., Gloser, J. (2000): Seasonal dynamic of nonstructural carbohydrates in the stem bases and rhizomes of grass species Calamagrostis epigejos. Abstracts. 12th FESPP Congress, Budapest, August, 2000, Hungary. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 38(suppl.): p.129.
Gloser, V., Gloser, J. (2000) Nitrogen-rich compounds support spring re-growth of grass Calamagrostis epigejos. 19.-24. 8. 2000. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 38 (supl.), p. 241.
Gloser, J., Gloser, V. (2000) Biophysical methods for stress detection in plants. In ZIMA, M. Ecophysiology of plant production processes in stress conditions. 2000. Nitra: SPU, p. 21–23.
Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2000): Distributional pattern of unicellular algal photobiont within the thalli of fruticose and foliose lichens. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.16.
Hájek, J., Barták, M., Gloser, J. (2000): Species-specific photosynthetic response of lichens to desiccation and temperature change detected by changes in chlorophyll fluorescence parameters. Abstracts. 12th FESPP Congress, Budapest, August, 2000, Hungary. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 38(suppl.): p.193.
Kmentová, E., Kummerová, M. (2000): Effects of photomodified fluoranthene on Lactuca sativa (L.), Allium cepa (L.) and Solanum lycopersicum (L.) during germination and early seedling development. In ZIMA, M. 4th Intenational Congress Ecophysiology and plant production processes in stress conditions. Ráčkova dolina, Slovakia, Book of abstracts, p. 75.
Kmentová, E., Kummerová, M., Hrdlička, A. (2000): Growth responses of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) on the products of photomodified fluoranthene. ERA 2000 – Environmetal Risk Assessment, Brno, March 2000, Czech republic, Book of Abstracts , p. 177-178.
Kummerová, M., Barták, M., Koptíková, J. (2000): Detection of fluoranthene effect on primary processes of photosynthesis in maize and sunflower using chlorophyll fluorescence. ERA 2000, Brno, March 2000, Czech republic, Book of Abstracts , p.
Lux, A., Baláž, M., Kummerová, M., Kousalová, I. (2000): The multimedial CD-ROM Plant Cytology and Anatomy. Prof. Němec’s Cytological Day. Brno, Czech Republic, 25.5. 2000, p. 26.
Seidlová, L., Gloser, J. (2000): Effect of low root temperature on NO3 uptake in Calamagrostis epigejos. Abstracts. 12th FESPP Congress, Budapest, August, 2000, Hungary. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 38(suppl.): p.140.
Kousalová, I.,Kummerová M., Lux, A. (2001): Terminological Dictionary of Plant Cytology and Anatomy. Masaryk University.Faculty of Science, Brno, Czech Republic, 27 p. (in Czech)
Original papers
Balaz, M., Vosadka, M. (2001): A novel inseted membrane technique for studies of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelium. Mycorrhiza, 11: 291-296.
Bartak, M., Hájek, J., Gloser, J. (2001): Application of fluorometric methods to measurements of lichen photosynthetic responses to changing temperature and thallus hydration. In: P.Prošek, K.Láska (eds.): Folia Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykiane Brunensis, Geografia 25. Ecology of Antarctic Coastal Oasis. Proceedings, p. 73-82.
Bartakova I., Kummerova M., Mandl M., Pospíšil, M.(2001): Phytotoxicity of iron in relation to its solubility conditions and the effect of ionic strength. Plant and Soil, 235: 45-51.
Cepák, V., Rettich,
F. (2001):
Screening of cyanophytes from mosquito breeding places (mostly rice
with emphasis on unicellular species -
potential recipients of Bti
Algological Studies, 138:. 179-190.
Cepák, V., Rettich, F. (2001): Study of cyanobacteria uptake and their metabolization by mosquito larvae using fluorochrome DAPI. . Czech Phycology, 1: 103-106. (Published in Czech: Studium příjmu sinic larvami komárů a jejich stravitelnosti pomocí fluorochromu DAPI).
Cepák, V., Furnadzieva, S., Lukavský, J. (2001): Toxicity of heavy metals for algae. Czech Phycology, 1: 87-91. (Published in Czech: Toxicita těžkých kovů pro řasy)
Dušek, J., Květ, J. (2001): Aboveground growth parameters of Phalaris arundinacea planted in constructed wetlands. In J.Vymazal (ed.): Transformation of nutrients in natural and constructed wetlands. Backhuys Publisher, the Netherlands, p. 393-404.
Dušek, J., Květ, J. (2001): Growth parameters of Common Reed (Phragmintes australis (Cav.) Trin. Ex Steudel) planted in constructed wetland. In J.Vymazal (ed.): Transformation of nutrients in natural and constructed wetlands. Backhuys Publisher, the Netherlands, p. 405-412.
Gloser, J. (2001): - Ecophysiological study of Antarctic lichens and mosses. Technical report. The ANTAR XII Peruvian Antarctic Expedition, 31 pp.
Hájek, J., Bartak, M., Gloser, J. (2001): Effects of thallus temperature and hydration on photosynthetic parameters of Cetraria islandica from contrasting habitats. Photosynthetica, 39: 427-435.
Kummerova, M., Kmentova, E., Koptikova, J. (2001): Effect of fluoranthene on growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in faba bean and sunflower. Rostlinná výroba - Plant Production, 47: 344-351.
Rettich, F., Cepák, V. (2001): Algae and canobacteria in a mosquito diet. Czech Phycology, 1:. 93-101 (published in Czech: Řasy a sinice v potrave komárů).
Vaczi, P., Hawksworth, D.L. (2001): Polycoccum crespoae sp.nov., the first report of a lichenicolous fungus on Chondropsis semiviridis (Parmeliaceae). The Lichenologist. ISSN 0024-2829, 2001, vol. 33, no. 6, s. 513-517.
Baláž, M. (2001): Paris and Arum morphotypes of VAM mycorrhizas. In: P.Kuglík(ed): Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis - Biology. Vol. 27. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.52.
Baláž, M. (2001): Glomus mosseae-maize mycorrhizal association grown under different phosphorus supply. In: Managing arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi for improving soil quality and plant health in agriculture. Abstracts. Conference: Adana (Turkey): University of Cukurova, 2001. s. 56-56.
Baláž, M., Látalová, K. (2001):
Seasonal development of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelium associated
three mediterranean orchid species.
In: Knowledge on population
of AMF as a tool for mycorrhizal technology. Book of Abstracts.
(Czech Republic) : 2001. s. 123-123.
Barták, M., Dubová, J., Hájek, J., Hájková, M., Musilová, I (2001): Intrathalline distribution of an alga Trebouxia sp. and its photosynthetic parameters in Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria decussata. Abstracts. Conference: 52th Conference of the Polish Botanical Society - Botany in the Time of Molecular Biology [52 Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego - Botanika w Dobie Biologii Molekularnej], Poznan, Poland, Sept. 24-28, 2001, p.174.
Barták, M., Hájek, J., Vráblíková, H. (2001): Low temperature photoinhibition and recovery in fruticose (Usnea antarctica) and foliose (Umbilicaria decussata) Antarctic lichen species. Book of Abstracts. IXth Days of Plant Physiology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, Sept. 17-21, 2001, p. 19.
Dubová, J., Hájková, M., Brzobohatý, B. (2001): Defects of pollen development in transgenic tobacco. In: P.Kuglík(ed): Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis - Biology. Vol. 27. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.54.
Dubová, J., Hájková, M., Idzikowska, K.,Brzobohatý, B. (2001): Meristem development in transgenic tobacco seedlings. Abstracts. Conference: 52th Conference of the Polish Botanical Society - Botany in the Time of Molecular Biology [52 Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Botanicznego - Botanika w Dobie Biologii Molekularnej], Poznan, Poland, Sept. 24-28, 2001, p.10.
Gloser, J. (2001): Ecophysiological study of fruticose lichens in maritime Antarctica. Book of Abstracts. IXth Days of Plant Physiology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, Sept. 17-21, 2001, p. 60.
Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2001): Distributional pattern of unicellular algal photobiont within the thalli of fruticose and foliose lichens.In: P.Kuglík(ed): Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis - Biology. Vol. 27. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.57.
Hájek, J., Barták, M., Gloser, J. (2001): Photosynthetic response of Iceland moss (Cetraria islandica) to thallus temparature and hydration detected by chlorophyll fluorescence. Book of Abstracts. IXth Days of Plant Physiology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, Sept. 17-21, 2001, p. 21.
Kašparovský, T., Barták, M., Hájek, J., Mikeš, V. (2001): The effect of Armilaria mellea metabolites on plant defense response. Book of Abstracts. 22th CSSM Congress, Kosice, Slovakia, p. 198. In Czech, In Sborník abstrakt 22. kongresu CSSM. Vyd. 2001. Košice : CSSM, 2001. Sborník abstrakt, s. 198-198 (Vliv metabolitů václavky na obrannou reakci rostlin).
Kmentová, E., Kummerová, M. (2001): Response of lettuce (Lactuca sativa), onion (Allium cepa), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) to the presence of photomodified fluorenthene in an environment. Book of abstracts. Atmosphere Conference, Brno, May 2001, p. 235-236. (in Czech)
Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E. (2001): The influence of fluoranthene on the growth and primary processes of photosynthesis in sunflower (Helianthus annus L.). Book of Abstracts. IXth Days of Plant Physiology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic, Sept. 17-21, 2001, p. 26.
Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E., Burešová, L. (2001): The use of chlorophyll fluorescence for the evaluation of short-term effect of fluoranthene on primary processes of photosynthesis of bean (Vicia faba), and sunflower (Helianthus annuus).Book of abstracts. Atmosphere Conference, Brno, May 2001, p. 262-263.
Lux, A., Baláž, M., Kummerová, M., Kousalová, I. (2001): The multimedial CD-ROM Plant Cytology and Anatomy. In: P.Kuglík(ed): Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis - Biology. Vol. 27. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. p.64.
Reviews and popularizations
Dubová, J. (2001): Bibliography of Professor Zdeněk Sladký, DRSc. In: P.Kuglík(ed): Scripta Fac. Sci. Natur. Univ. Masarykianae Brunensis - Biology. Vol. 27. Abstracts. Conference: Prof. Němecs Cytological Day, Brno, May 25, 2000, Czech Republic. pp.11-15.
Dušek, J.. (2001): Kosit či nekosit? In: Přírodní způsoby čištění a využití odpadních vod II. Sborník přednášek FAST-VUT, Brno, p. 89-91. (To cut or not to cut? In: Natural procedures of cleaning sludge waters II. Proceedings FAST-VUT, Brno, Czech Republic - in Czech)
Original papers
Backor, M., Vaczi, P.
Copper tolerance in the lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici
(Chlorophyta). Environmental
and Experimental Botany,
48: (1) 11-20.
Dusek, J. (2002): Seasonal dynamics of non-structural saccharides in a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigejos. Biologia Plantarum: 45: 383-387.
Dusek, J. (2002): Saccharides reserves, growth and mineral composition of Calamagrostis epigejos growing in alluvial meadows. Ph.D. Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno, Faculty of Science, 85 p. (in Czech)
Gloser, V., Frehner M., Lüscher A., Nösberger J., Hartwig U.A. (2002): Does the response of perennial ryegrass to elevated CO2 depend on the form of the supplied nitrogen ? Biologia Plantarum 45: 51-58. Available here (PDF file)
Gloser V. (2002): Seasonal changes of nitrogen storage compounds in a rhizomatous grass Calamagrostis epigejos. Biologia Plantarum, 45: 563-568. Available here (PDF file)
Hajek, J. (2002):
response of lichen thalli to dehydration and low temperature detected
chlorophyll fluorescence. Ph.D. Thesis, Masaryk University, Brno,
of Science, 134 p. (in Czech), for English abstract click here(PDF
Bartak, M., Gloser, J.
The effect of vegetation cover of fruticose lichens on thermal regime
Antarctic coastal oasis (King George Island, South Shetlands).
Changes of the Polar Ecosystem.3rd Annual Meeting of Polar Section of
Czech Geographical Society, Nové Hrady, Oct. 2-5, 2002, Czech Republic.
Abstract is available at
Gloser, J., Bartak, M. (2002):
Gas-exchange measurement of carbon fluxes in stands of Antarctic
and mosses. Abstracts. Changes of the Polar Ecosystem.3rd Annual
of Polar Section of the Czech Geographical Society, Nové Hrady, Oct.
2002, Czech Republic.
Abstract is available at
Kmentová, E., Jančárová, R., Kummerová, M. (2002): The influence of fluoranthene on the primary processes of photosynthesis of leaves and isolated chloroplasts of pea plants. Book of Abstracts.1st International Workshop Biophys Spring 2002, 28.5.2002 Praha, Czech Republic.
Kmentová, E., Kummerová, M., Jančárová, R. (2002): The influence of fluoranthene on the primary processes of photosynthesis of pea leaf and isolated chloroplasts. Book of Abstracts. 5th International Conference, Ecophysiology of Plant Stress, Nitra, Slovak Republic, July 3-4, 2002: 61-62.
Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E. (2002): Photoinduced toxicity of PAHs to germination and early seedling development of Allium cepa (L.) and Solanum lycopersicum (L.). Book of Abstracts. 5th International Conference, Ecophysiology of Plant Stress, Nitra, Slovak Republic, July 3-4, 2002: 63-64.
Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E., Zezulka, Š. (2002): Effect of fluorathene on photosynthetic parameters of lichens. Book of Abstracts. 7th Regional Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Section, SECOTOX , Brno, Czech Republic, October 14-16, 2002: 184.
Original papers
Barták, M., Vráblíková, H., Hájek, J. (2003) Sensitivity of photosystem 2 of Antarctic lichens to high irradiance stress: A fluorometric study of fruticose (Usnea antarctica) and foliose (Umbilicaria decussata) species. Photosynthetica, 41, 497-504.
Genkov, T., Vágner, M., Dubová, J., Malbeck, J., Moore, I., Brzobohatý, B. (2003): Increased ethylene production can account for some of the phenotype alterations accompanying activation of a cytokinin biosynthesis gene, during germination and early seedling development in tobacco. In: M. Vendrell et al. ( eds.): Biology and Biotechnology of the Plant Hormone Ethylene III, p. 142-147.
Bartak, M., Hájek, J., Vráblíková, H. (2003): Spatial pattern of low-temperature photoinhibition on thalli of Antarctic lichen species Umbilicaria anatarctica visualized by a novel approach. Book of Abstracts. 10th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Vienna, Austria, Sept. 6-11, 2003, p. 108.
Dubová, J., Pluskalová, L., M. Hamplová, Griga, S. (2003): Histological aspects of auxin-induced somatic embryogenesis on apical pea meristems. Book of Abstracts. Plant Reproduction: From Mendel to Molecular Biology, Brno, Czech Republic, September 1-3, 2003, p. 82.
Gryndler, M., Chvatalova, I., Gryndlerova, H., Hrselova, I, Baláž, M. (2003): Searchable database of soil- and mycorrhiza-related scientific reports (DSM). Folia Geobotanica, 38: 238-238.
Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2003): Combined effect of NaCl and temperature on chlorophyll fluorescence parameters in Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria hirsuta. Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p. 113-144.
Hájek, J., Váczi, P., Barták, M. (2003): Photosynthesis in two foliose lichen species in response to a changing temperature and dehydration. Book of Abstracts. Photosynthesis in a Changing World (PHOTOCHANGE), An European Union - A High Level Scientific Conference, May 27 - June 3, 2003, Kolymbari, Greece, p. 76.
Jančárová, R., Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E. (2003): The influence of fluoranthene on the primary processes of photosynthesis of pea plants (Pisum sativum L.). Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p. 115-116.
Jungmannová, B., Řepková, J. (2003): Identification of interspecific barriers in Trifolium. Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists, Brno, 2003, p. 82-83.
Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E., Masarovičová, E., Králová, K. (2003): Sensitivity of chamomile to interaction of cadmium and environmental acidity. 6th International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots. Book of Abstracts, Sept. 2-6, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, 2003, p. 75.
Látalová, K., Knotová, K., Baláž, M. (2003): The effect of fungicides on extraradicular mycelium of orchideoid mycorrhiza. Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p. 154-155.
Masarovičová, E., Králová, K., Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E. (2003): Root growth and respiration rate under toxic metal administration. 6th International Symposium on Structure and Function of Roots. Book of Abstracts, Sept. 2-6, Stara Lesna, Slovakia, 2003, p. 80.
Seidlová, L., Nijs, I., Gloser, J. (2003): Simulating the low-light intensities of dense vegetation: Which plant traits promote the growth of potential invaders? Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p. 62-63.
Váczi, P., Hájek, J., , Vráblíková, H., Barták, M. (2003): Alterations in fast chlorophyll fluorescence rise detect high light stress in photosystem II of Antarctic lichen species. Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p. 11-12.
Vráblíková, H., Barták, M. (2003): Increased level of oxidised glutathion relates to zeaxanthin content in high light-treated Umbilicaria antarctica. Plant Physiology Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p. 123-124.
Zezulka, Š., Kummerová,
M., Barták,
M., Kmentová, E. (2003): The effect of fluoranthene on
photochemical processes of symbiotic algae in lichen thalli. Plant
Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists , Brno, 2003, p.
Reviews and popularizations
Original papers
Barták, M., Hájek, J., Vráblíková, H., Dubová, J. (2004): High-Light Stress and Photoprotection in Umbilicaria antarctica Monitored by Chlorophyll Fluorescence Imaging and Changes in Zeaxanthin and Glutathione. Plant Biology, 6: 333-341.
Gloser, V., Košvancová, M., Gloser, J. (2004):
Changes in growth parameters and content of N-storage compounds in
roots and rhizomes of Calamagrostis
epigejos after repeated
defoliation. Biologia. 59:
Kummerová, M.,
Kmentová, E. (2004):
Photoinduced toxicity of fluoranthene on germination and early
of plant seedlings. Chemosphere, 56: 387-393.
Masarovičová, E., Králová,
K., Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E. (2004):
The effect of cadmium on root growth and respiration rate of two
medicinal plant species. Biologia,
59 (suppl.): 236-239.
Baláž, M., Ficková, M. (2004): Does arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis affect expansive spreading of Calamagrostis epigejos? 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 87.
Baláž, M., Látalová, K., Knotová, K. (2004): The use of fungicides for reduction of mycorrhizal extraradical mycelia. 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 88.
Bartak, M., Gloser, J. (2004): Activity of primary photosynthetic processes in some Antarctic lichens and mosses at decreasing water potential of their thalli. XXVIIIth SCAR Open Science Conference: Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System, Bremen, Germany, Germany, July 26-30, 2004, p. 107-108.
Bartak, M., Gloser, J. (2004): Detection of photochemical processes in Antarctic lichen Xanthoria elegans using chlorophyll fluorescence imaging. Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 61.
Bartak, M., Gloser, J., Hájek, J., Dubová, J., Vráblíková, H., Váczi, P., Komárek, O., Hájková, M. (2004): Photosynthetic characteristics of foliose lichens in response to light, temperature and water status of thallus. 5th IAL Symposium, Lichens in Focus, Tartu, Estonia, Aug. 16-21, 2004. Book of Abstracts, p. 43.
Kratochvilova, H., Dubová, J., Reková, A., Brzobohatý, B. (2004): Arabidopsis thaliana shoot apical meristem development after ipt transcriptional activation in pOp/LhG4 system. Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 51.
Ficková, M., Baláž, M. (2004): Role of vesiculo-arbuscular mycorrhiza in competitional relations between Calamagrostis epigejos, Cirsium canum, and Lychnis flos-cuculi. Book of Abstracts. Czecho-Slovak Student Scientific Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, May 1, 2004, p. 25. (in Czech)
Gloser, V., Orians, C.M. (2004): Patchy nitrate availability generates within-plant heterogeneity in sunflower. Book of Abstracts. Northern Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Connecticut, Hartford, March 26-28, 2004, USA.
Gloser, V., Zwienecky, M.A., Gloser, J. (2004): Are changes in plant hydraulic resistance involved in sensing nitrogen availability by plants? Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 94.
Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2004): Osmotic stress at low temperature in Umbilicaria hirsuta, Lasalia pustulata.. Book of Abstracts, 14th FESPB Congress, Krakow, Poland, Aug. 23-27, 2004. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 26 (suppl.): 228.
Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2004): The role of ribitol in resistance of lichens to low temperature effects. Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 96.
Hájek, J., Barták, M. (2004): Visualization of high light effects on intrathalline variability of photosynthetic processes in hydrated Lasallia pustulata. 5th IAL Symposium, Lichens in Focus, Tartu, Estonia, Aug. 16-21, 2004. Book of Abstracts, p. 45.
Ilík, P., Kotabová, E., Kaňa, R., Hájek, J., Váczi, P., Barták, M. (2004): Unusual step(s) in the fast chlorophyll fluorescence induction in lichens. Book of Abstracts, 14th FESPB Congress, Krakow, Poland, Aug. 23-27, 2004. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 26 (suppl.): 174.
Látalová, K., Knotová, K., Baláž, M. (2004): Use of fungicides in reduction of extraradicular mycellium of orchid mycorrhiza. Book of Abstracts. Czecho-Slovak Student Scientific Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, May 1, 2004, p. 49. (in Czech)
Masarovičová, E., Král'ová,K., Pavlovič, A., Kummerová, M., Zubrová, E.- (2004): Biology of medical plants - Some pharmacognosic, biochemical and physiological aspects. 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 73.
Váczi, P., Barták, M. (2004): Relation of quantum yield of photosystem II to oxygen evolution rate in a lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici. Book of Abstracts, 14th FESPB Congress, Krakow, Poland, Aug. 23-27, 2004. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 26 (suppl.): 176.
Váczi, P., Barták, M. (2004): Photochemical processes of photosynthesis and oxygen evolution rate in lichen photobiont Trebouxia erici. Book of Abstracts. Czecho-Slovak Student Scientific Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, May 1, 2004, p. 88. (in Slovak)
Váczi, P., Komárek, O. (2004): Isolation and cultivation of aerophytic green algae at limiting conditions of light and temperatures. Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 85..
Vráblíková, H., Barták, M. (2004): Involvement of xanthophyll cycle pigments and glutathione in photoprotection of lichen Umbilicaria antarctica. In: Book of Abstracts. 14th International Congress on Photobiology, June 10-15, 2004, Cheju, Korea, p.222.
Vráblíková, H., Barták, M. (2004): Differences in the susceptibility of Lasallia pustulata and Umbilicaria antarctica to high light stress. Book of Abstracts, 14th FESPB Congress, Krakow, Poland, Aug. 23-27, 2004. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 26 (suppl.): 233.
Vráblíková, H., Gauslaa, Y., Solhaug, K.-A. (2004): High light susceptibility of Xanthoria parietina monitored by chlorophyll fluorescence. Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant Physiology, Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 130.
Zezulka, Š. (2004): Lichens as bioindicators of organic pollutants? Book of Abstracts. Czecho-Slovak Student Scientific Conference, Brno, Czech Republic, May 1, 2004, p. 96. (in Czech)
Zezulka, Š., Kummerová,
M., Barták,
M., Dubová, J., Zubrová, E., Tříska, J. (2004): Lichens as
of organic pollutants. Book of Abstracts, 10th Days of Plant
Bratislava, Slovakia, Sept. 5-9, 2004, p. 134.
Original papers
Gloser, V. (2005): The consequences of lower nitrogen availability in autumn for internal nitrogen reserves and spring growth of Calamagrostis epigejos. Plant Ecology. 179: 37-44.
Vráblíková, H., Barták, M., Wonisch, A. (2005): Changes in glutathione and xantophyll cycle pigments in the high light-stressed lichens Umbilicaria antarctica and Lasallia pustulata. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 79: 35-41.
E., Králová,
K., Kummerová, M., Kmentová, E. (2004):
The effect of cadmium on root growth and respiration rate of two
medicinal plant species. Biologia,
59 (suppl.): 236-239.