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Department of Plant Physiology and AnatomyMasaryk UniversityFaculty of Science Kotlarska 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic Tel: (+420) 5 41129552 Fax: (+420) 5 41211214 |
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September 2005 - Central European Conference organized by the
Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Science, Masaryk University,
Brno,. General Information
Research activity of the department in 2000 was realized mainly within the frame of several granted project: (1) Field and laboratory measurements of photosynthetic performance, water use efficiency, mycorrhizal infection, seasonal changes in nonstructural storage carbohydrates, and storage nitrogenous compounds were done on various plant species from alluvial mesophytic meadows near Lednice (South Moravia). The complex ecophysiological research was focused on explanation of competitive advantage of invading grass species (mainly Calamagrostis epigejos) and on prediction of changes in stand structure and function after the invasion. Laboratory experiments with plants grown in controlled conditions helped to a better understanding of interspecific differences in carbon and nitrogen use efficiency. (2) Effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons functioning of photosynthetic apparatus of model plants (Lactuca sativa, Allium cepa, Solanum lycopersicum) were studied using a combination of biochemical and biophysical approaches. Pronounced negative effect of photomodified fluoranthene on germination and early growth of the studied plants was detected by chlorophyll fluorescence technique. (3) Regulation of plant morphogenesis as regulated by phytohormones and growth regulators was studied. Mechanisms of modulation active cytokinin level were investigated by means of various transgenic constructs in Arabidopsis and tobacco plants. Embryo and seedling development were studied anatomically in the novel transcription activation system for regulated gene expression which was established at the Oxford University. The study is performed in close collaboration with the Laboratory of Plant Molecular Physiology, MU Brno and the Institute of Biophysics, Brno. (4) Detailed ecophysiological study of several foliose and fruticose macrolichens (mainly Lasallia pustulata, Hypogymnia physodes, Cetraria islandica, Umbilicaria antarctica) were made using fluorometric methods, optical microscopy and image analysis. Measurements of photosynthesis of the species in response to a wide range of temperature, high irradiance and thalus desiccation revealed interspecific differences which could be responsible for their in situ photosynthetic performance and selective distribution in the field. Isolation and cultivation of lichenized symbiotic alga Trebouxia sp. was done in order to obtain material for the study of high light stress in a lichen photobiont. (5) The effect of different concentrations of cadmium ions on growth and reproduction processes both in nucleocytoplasmic and chloroplast compartment of the cell was studied using synchronized cultures of the flagellate alga Chlamydomonas geitleri. It was revealed that among the targets of the metal inhibitory effect are cytoskeletal structures. The presence of cadmium ions causes also destruction of DNA containing structures in chloroplasts. Newly developed method of determination of the position of commitment points was proved to be very sensitive and fast for the study of the effect of heavy metals on the cell cycle. STRUCTURE OF DEPARTMENT PERSONNELTo contact people from the department please check list of phone numbers and e-mail addresses, to learn more about their fields of professional interests please go to personal pages
List of 1998-2003 Research Projects
206/98/0216 Degradation of grassland stands of natural hydroserie - coenological and soil processes. (J. Gloser - principal co-investigator, M. Balaz - co-investigator) 206/98/P281 Control and competition between expanding grass Calamagrostis epigejos and autochtonous plant species of alluvial meadows by vesiculo-arbuscular mycorrhiza. (M. Balaz - principal investigator) 206/98/P268 A role of nitrogen storage in control of growth processes of Calamagrostis epigejos. (V Gloser - principal investigator) 204/99/1235 The effect of heavy metals
on cytoskeleton
of algae. (V. Cepak - principal investigator) Fund of the Development of Universities 0757/1998 Effect of global changes (elevated concentration of CO2) on physiology of plant growth and production. (M. Bartak - principal investigator) 0462/1999 Modernisation of teachning plant physiology with special respect to photosynthesis. (M. Bartak - principal investigator) 0803/1998 Innovation of special practical courses in plant physiology. (F. Plhak - principal investigator) Other grant agencies Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Science IAA 5004001Transcription activation system for studying the relationship between cytokinin metabolism and action in Arabidopsis and tobacco (J. Dubová, co-investigator). Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic CEZ: J07/98:143100008 Genoms and their functions (J. Dubová, co-investigator). CEZ:J07/98:143100007 Ecology of
Antarctic coastal oasis
(J. Gloser, principal co-investigator, M. Barták, co-investigator).
List of former research projects
204/96/0136 The Relation between Gametic Production and Cell Cycle in Green Chloroccocal Alga Scenedesmus obliquus. Principal investigator: V. Cepak. 1996-1997 0598/96 Establishment of a Special Microscopy Laboratory. Principal investigator: Vicherkova , M., co- investigator: Gloser, J. 0606/1996 The Introduction of New Methods into the Teaching of Photosyntesis. Principal investigator Gloser, J., co-investigator: Bartak, M. PR 96235Presentation of Research Results at an International Conference. Principal investigator: Gloser, J., co-investigator: Bartak, M. 204/94/0385 Clear-Cut Grass Vegetation and Soil Interaction Under Different Immision Impacts. Principal co-investigator: Gloser, J., co-investigator: Bartak, M. A joint project with the Institute of Landscape Ecology of the Academy of Sciences and the University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno. 502/94/0768 Soil-Plant-Fungi Interactions under Acidifying Pollution. Principal co-investigator: Gloser J., co-investigator: Balaz, M. Joint project with the Botanical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Pruhonice. 503/94/1289 Mutual Effects of Cultural Clover and Grass Species in Grassland Ecosystems. Principal co- investigator: Kousalova , I., co-investigator: Gloser, J. Joint project with the Research Institute for Fodder Plants, Troubsko, and University of Agriculture and Forestry, Brno. 522/96/K116 Analysis of Cell Autonomous Pollen Sterility in Pollen Accumulating Zm-p60.1, a b- glucosidase Specific for Cytokinin Glucosides. Co-investigator: Dubova , J. Joint project with the Institute of Biophysics, Brno, the Institute of Experimental Botany, Prague, and the Charles University, Prague. 95045 Growth and Development of Clonal Plants in Normal and Polluted Sites. A joint project with the Ithaca College, USA and the Institute of Landscape Ecology, Czech Republic. Principal co-investigator: Gloser, J. 910570 Introduction of Unicellular Cyanobacteria - Prospective Carriers of Endotoxin Genes - into Mosquito Breeding Places and Their Intake by Larvae. Principal co-investigator: Cepak, V. 0413/97 The Effects of High Acidity and Alumium Concentration on Nutritional Status of Plants and the Possibilities of their Amelioration. Principal investigator: Vicherkova, M. 0411/97 Inovation of the Teaching of Productional Plant Ecology: Modelling of Physiological and Productional Processes. Principal investigator: Bartak, M. 95045 Growth and development of clonal plants in normal and polluted sites. U.S.-Czech Science and Technology Program. (J. Gloser - principal co-investigator, M. Bartak, M. Balaz - co-investigators) 521/97/0284 Did quantitative parameters of photosynthetic CO2 fixation and nitrogen metabolism change during the evolution of theTriticum genus? (J. Gloser - principal co-investigator, M. Bartak - co-investigator) Scientific meetings organized by the Department: XI
Conference on Plant Embryology (Brno, CZ, Sept.
1-4,.2003) Plant
Conference of Ph.D. Students and Young Scientists Konference:
cytologicky den (Brno, 25.5.2000) Any suggestion,
remark, comment
to this WWW page, please send to : mbartak@sci.muni.cz