Information for newly admitted students

Are you entering the first year and don't know what to do? Don’t worry, we will be happy to help you with everything!

What awaits you in the near future?

1. Study enrolment 

Enrolment at the Faculty of Science will take place online from 24 to 26 June 2025.

Don’t forget that only by enrolling for your studies will you become our student.

If you don’t register within the set deadline, or do not provide an adequate excuse within five days of the date of regular enrolment, this will be seen as indication that you no longer wish to become a student.

More information about enrolling on your study program.



2. Information system and ISIC card

Almost all administration at our faculty can be solved online via the Information System (we call it IS).

Every student has an e-mail box available in the IS.

Every MU student must have a student ID card.

More information about the MU IS and the ISIC card.





3. Beginning of teaching and schedule for the academic year

The schedule for the academic year is published here. Teaching for the Autumn semester 2025 begins on September 15, 2025.

Registration of compulsory and optional subjects according to the recommended study plan at our faculty takes place up until 31 July 2025.

The schedule will be published on August 30, 2025.

Enrolment in seminar groups will take place from 5 pm on 3 September to 28 September 2025.

More information about the start and schedule of lessons.

Enrolment in classes

Enrolment at the Faculty of Science will take place online from 24 to 26 June 2025.

The document the completed education by uploading an authorized conversion of the Czech school-leaving certificate or a foreign certificate of secondary education that is automatically recognized under the equivalence agreement between the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Hungary, Germany, Poland, or Slovenia, into the e-application, section “Studies, examinations and documents”, subsection “Enrolment documents”, by 15 June 2025. If the document is in another language than Czech, Slovak or English, its certified translation must be attached.

Authorised conversion is a method of official verification of a document by converting it into electronic form. It may be carried out e.g. at Czech POINT. More information:

The dean’s admission decision shall be issued after the completed education has been verified. If you fail to submit the certificate of the completion of secondary education finished with a school-leaving examination, the dean shall issue a decision on admission denial due to the failure to meet the admissions requirement under Section 48 Higher Education Act.

If the applicant completed a previous study abroad, for the purposes of enrolling in the study, it is necessary to fulfill one of the following options here.

Pursuant to Section 61, Paragraph 1 of the Act, an applicant becomes a university student on the day of his / her enrolment on study programs.

If the candidate does not register within the deadline set for enrolment, or does not provide an adequate excuse within five days of the date of regular enrolment, this will be seen as indication that they no longer wish to become a student.

Alternative registration deadline

If the applicant does not register in due time, it is possible to provide an excuse via e-mail to the study department, no later than five days from the date of regular enrolment, after which they may be assigned an alternative enrolment date.

How to proceed with identification

After registering online, you must identify yourself. The “identification” process will take place online using the portal.

After logging in to the MU IS, you will see a request for identification on the title page, the “Verify identity” button.

Complete the identification process as soon as possible as you will not be able to download the electronic study certificate yourself without the identification.

How to proceed when providing a photograph

After enrolling for your studies online you will need to provide a photograph, which will be used to process identification cards, which in most cases will be ISIC cards. Ownership of an identification card is one of the requirements of MU students, so don’t forget to order it through the Shopping Centre.

  • You can use your own photo. You can insert it according to the instructions using this application in INET.
  • You can come to take a photo physically during the office hours set aside for photography. Book a date for the photo shoot through the reservation system.
    Office hours of the study department
  • Each student will have their own study assistant, depending on the program he / she is studying. Please plan to visit the study department during office hours.
    During the summer holidays, from 1 July to 31 August, office hours are only on Wednesdays from 12.30 to 14.30.

Office hours




No office hours




No office hours


No office hours

Each student has a study officer depending on the programme they are studying. Please plan your visit to the Study Office during office hours.

During the summer holidays from 1 July to 31 August, office hours are only on Wednesdays from 12.30 to 14.30.

Important information before starting your studies

If you do not know how to register, enrol on study programs or organise lessons, contact your advisor directly. If they are not available, write a message on the group e-mail address


Chemistry and biochemistry

Geology, geography, anthropology

  • Pavlína Ondráčková, DiS.
  • tel. 549 49 3303
  • Areal Kotlářská 2, building 1, Dean's Office, ground floor left

Mathematics, physics, mathematical biology and biology

  • Marie Halasová
  • tel. 549 49 6039
  • Areal Kotlářská 2, building 1, Dean's Office, ground floor left

MU information system (IS) and the student ISIC card

Almost all administration at our faculty can be completed online via the MU Information System (we call it the IS). Course registration, registration for exams, confirmation of study, communication with teachers, download of study materials - you can do it all from any computer. The MU IS is very intuitive.

How to log in to the Information System (IS)

After enrolling on your study program, you can log in to the MU IS at using your university number (UČO) and password.

You will already have received your UČO during enrolment. This will accompany you throughout your studies; and don’t worry, you will soon be able to write it backwards.

You set your password when you registered online. Keep it a secret and don’t give it to anyone! Any operation performed on the basis of entering your password is considered to be unambiguously authenticated and has binding validity, similar to operations performed in person or in writing at the administrative departments of the faculty and university.

Certificate of study

You can print the certificate of study yourself in the MU IS. The electronic certificate of study is a fully-fledged variant of the certificate of study printed on paper, stamped and signed by the responsible person.

You will not be able to download the electronic certificate of study yourself, nor will the study department issue you a paper certificate of study. Therefore, perform the identification as soon as possible.

Useful links

University e-mail

Each student has an e-mail box available in the MU IS with an address in the form UČ This address is functional even after setting your nickname. Electronic communication is the preferred form of communication at MU. Please communicate with us via this official university e-mail. (Please do not email us from private e-mail addresses.)

Tracking of university mail is mandatory. You will receive important news from the management of the faculty and the study department at this address. The system also posts information on newly entered course marks, messages from teachers and the like. You can also download mail to your home computer or forward it to another stable inbox. A notification of a new message is displayed on the title page of the MU IS. Empty your mailbox regularly, you can’t send mail when your mailbox is full.

If you use a reliable e-mail service elsewhere, you can forward your messages there. You can learn more about forwarding mail or choosing a nickname in the help section.

Useful links

Student ID card

Every MU student must have a student ID card, which can serve as a chip card within the university and, in the case of an ISIC card, will also allow you to receive a range of student discounts.

The card can be ordered in the Shopping Centre in the MU IS (OC):

  • Full-time students can order a full ISIC card (CZK 250),
  • Students of combined studies can only order a student card (120 CZK).

Once the card is issued, students will receive instructions for collection via e-mail. The card can only be issued once the correct amount for the card has been credited to the MU account (OC-My orders).

Useful links

Start of teaching and the schedule for the academic year

Start of teaching and the schedule for the academic year

All important dates, such as the beginning and end of teaching, registration, enrolment in subjects, enrolment in seminar groups, etc., are provided within the schedule for the academic year. The schedule is published here.

Registration for compulsory and optional subjects, according to the recommended study plan

Registration takes place on the dates provided in the schedule of the academic year. The schedule is published here.

Registration at the Faculty of Science, MU runs until July 31, 2025.

Registration for compulsory subjects for the 1st study semester will be uploaded to you by the study department after the end of the enrolment period. You register for compulsory elective courses according to your recommended study plan. You can register for other optional subjects according to your interest. Use registration templates to register.

IS → Student → Start of semester → Course registration and enrolment → Add courses according to the faculty template (Select the template appropriate for your program)

You can also register for subjects by entering a code. Use this if you want to register for subjects that are not present on the registration templates. These are mainly optional subjects or subjects in other faculties. In this case, use the link “Add items by entering a code”. Select the faculty where the subject is taught, enter its code and click on find. You can find the range of courses on offer in the catalogue of courses in the MU IS.

In general, if you register without any problems, the courses will be automatically registered by the system on the day of registration. If you are interested in the course, but cannot register for it, you can ask the teacher for an exception / consent.

If the subject is limited in capacity, successful registration will be based on the time and order of registration - so don’t delay.

Useful data

Registration of compulsory and optional subjects takes place up until 31 July 2025.

The schedule will be published on August 30, 2025.

Enrolment in seminar groups will take place from 5 pm on 3 September to 28 September 2025.

Teaching for the Autumn semester 2025 begins on September 15, 2025.

Helpful links


The schedule at the Faculty of Science MU will be published on August 30, 2025.

You can find your timetable at: IS → Schedule → Schedule view.

Select the option “My schedule – student →” and confirm your choice with the “List” button in the “Schedule list” section or use the “arrow” to display.

Enrolment in seminar groups

Enrolment in seminar groups takes place on the dates indicated in the schedule of the academic year. The schedule is published here.

Enrolment in seminar groups at the MU Faculty of Science takes place from 5 pm on 3 September to 28 September 2025.

If the subject has a seminar group, it is necessary to register for it within the specified period. Choose a seminar group for the subject and, if it has free capacity, sign up for it.

Helpful links

Professional English

Every student on the Bachelor’s study program of the Faculty of Science must, at the same time as enrolling in the subject ‘Bachelor’s Thesis 1’ (i.e. typically in the 5th semester), enrol on and pass the JA001 Professional English course and exam, at the latest before the final state examination. More information on language teaching can be found here.

Physical Education

All full-time students on Bachelor’s study programs are obliged to meet the conditions for the award of two credits from sports activities listed under codes P9 .... Teaching is organised by the University Sports Centre (CUS) of the Faculty of Sports Studies (FSpS). Detailed information can be found here.

Physical education can be completed in any semester of study, no later than the end of the examination period of the sixth semester.

Accommodation and meals

Dormitories and meals in the canteen

You can find how to reserve a dormitory, reservation dates and other important information regarding accommodation in the dormitories on the website of the Accommodation and Caterig Services.

Catering in the canteen. You will need your student ID to register.

What else do you need to know?

Study and examination regulations

The MU Study and Examination Regulations (SZŘ), their interpretation and all other regulations that you must follow during your studies are available in electronic form on the MU Faculty of Science website.

The full text of the SZŘ and its interpretation can be found here.

Absence from teaching and reporting personal data

Absences from teaching for serious reasons (most often illness): the student must put a certificate from a doctor to the Document Office – Agenda Request for excuse of absence within five days of the beginning of absence.

Corrections and changes to personal data that occur during your studies can be made through the MU IS: Personal administration → Personnel → Control and changes of personal data.

Recognition of completed courses

All compulsory and optional subjects successfully completed during a previous unsuccessful study program at MU, the completion of which did not take place more than three years prior to enrolment in the given study program, are automatically added to the new study program.

In addition to the above records, you can apply for recognition of subjects electronically via the Office in the MU IS application.

Instructions on how to apply can be found here.

Possibilities for obtaining scholarships

It is possible to obtain several scholarships at the Faculty of Science. A list of all possible scholarships is provided here.

Leaving your studies

Leaving your study program: via the application in the Office in IS. If you decide not to study the program you enrolled in, finish your studies as soon as possible! Each day of study is deducted from the statutory free period of university study and could cause complications in further university study in the form of an assessed study fee.

Joining a Master’s Program

You must register for the follow-up Master’s study program by submitting an electronic application. The entrance examination may be waived on the basis of the study average achieved during your Bachelor’s study.

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