Online tutorials

Our faculty’s Department of Information and Communication Technologies has prepared a new section on the website, in which you can find instructions for creating distance learning lectures and seminars.

1 Oct 2020

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"I am very pleased that my colleagues from OIKT managed to react so quickly and flexibly and prepare a simple methodology for how best to grasp the technological possibilities that our faculty offers. I believe that this will facilitate the transition to online teaching for both teachers and students in these difficult times" said the Dean of the Faculty, Tomáš Kašparovský.

The web section mainly offers instructions on the use of MS Teams and the IS information system. You will find basic scenarios according to which it is possible to implement online teaching and recommendations for online testing and written tests.

If, as a teacher, something is not clear and you need advice, do not hesitate to turn to Pavel Kříž on campus and Alan Kuběna or Jiří Ledvinka at the Kotlářská complex.

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