An introductory word from the Dean

Dear colleagues,
The pleasant, warm weather, which surprisingly lasted until the middle of October this year, certainly pleased not only the winemakers but also everyone else who used these days for various events or meetings.
At the beginning of September, we held a seminar celebrating the 100th birthday of our emeritus professor of physics and rector of the University of Silesia in Opava, Martin Černohorský. His personality and vital energy can be a great inspiration for all of us.
Exciting personalities and inspirations are, for me, a sort of main motive for this year's beginning of the academic year.
At the Garden Festival, which traditionally starts the academic year, we have for the first time awarded the Faculty of Science Award to outstanding high school teachers and distinguished graduates who, together with us, strive to educate students in natural sciences and mathematics. Two secondary schools and selected institutions were also awarded for their long-term excellent cooperation. We greatly value the contribution of our colleagues, graduates, and teachers in the field of natural Sciences, and I am glad that we can thank them for their work in this way.
There certainly are many personalities and inspiring colleagues, as well as students, at our faculty, them being top scientists, holders of prestigious grants, teachers, or enthusiastic popularizers of their fields. We are proud of their achievements in the field of science and Research. It is also wonderful to see the enthusiasm and patience of dozens of our colleagues and students who try to interest the general public and potential faculty students, for example, in the framework of the Festival of Science and Technology, the Night of Scientists, or the Open Day.
Not all encounters that life brings us are, however, pleasant. In September, we unfortunately said goodbye to our precious colleagues, prof. Šmardová and prof. Prihoda. However, precisely these moments can slow us down in our everyday hustle and bustle and make us think about what is important and what matters in our lives.
I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for your daily and often inconspicuous work and wish you lots of strength and energy in the coming days.
Tomáš Kašparovský
Dean of the MU Faculty of Science