Latest measures regarding COVID-19

Updated March 11, 2022

Due to changes in the current epidemiological situation, the university escalation traffic light is from February 21, 2022, WHITE on the traffic-light system. Operations and classes at the Faculty/MU will be restricted only by valid measures and current government regulations, there are no additional restrictions set by the Faculty.

MU buildings are open for students, employees, and the public. The obligation to wear respirators remains in accordance with the Ministry of Health:

  • In the interior of buildings serving as health or social services facilities;
  • in public transport.

Students and employees will still be obliged to promptly report a positive SARS-CoV-2 test.

Current News

The dean of the faculty set the operational rules of the faculty. Please follow the faculty’s web site for any updates or changes primarily.   


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Instructions for students

Updated on March 3, 2022

The dean of the faculty set the operational rules of the faculty. The most up to date regulations for instructions and the faculty’s operation can be found on the faculty's website. The measures in place at MU are in keeping with government measures that are currently in effect.
Student´s presence within the premises of the Faculty of Science.

Updated on March 11, 2022

Operations and classes at the Faculty/MU will be restricted only by valid measures and current government regulations, there are no additional restrictions set by the Faculty. 

MU buildings are open for students, employees, and the public.

The obligation to wear respirators remains in accordance with the Ministry of Health:

  • In the interior of buildings serving as health or social services facilities;
  • in public transport.

Students and employees will still be obliged to promptly report a positive SARS-CoV-2 test.

The university’s operation is guided by the “university traffic-light systemthat is based on the current epidemiological situation in Brno-city area and the current risk assessment of individual campuses and buildings. In all our steps, we are also following guidelines of the Regional Department of Health and the Rector of Masaryk University recommendations, while considering the specific requirements for teaching at the faculty. The current level of risk will be posted at the info screens of entrances to both campuses and available at

You can find the currently valid general rules for the entire MU operations at a “university traffic-light systemand Antiepidemic measures and implementation.


Updated on March 3, 2022

Classes are taught in line with the current government regulations.

The Spring 22 instructions is held in person.

The obligation to wear respirators remains in accordance with the Ministry of Health:

  • In the interior of buildings serving as health or social services facilities;
  • in public transport.

These rules might be amended should the epidemiological situation improve.

In all situations, please fully respect the instructions of the individual instructors and your teachers and observe the current valid hygienic measures.

Online instructions (in Czech only)

Lecture’s recordings are only for personal use, unless otherwise specified by the teacher. Violation of this rule is a serious misconduct that will result in disciplinary proceedings.

Submission of final theses

Updated on Sepetember 9, 2021.

Deadlines for submitting final theses for the Fall Semester 2021 are set here.

The Office for Studies will check the archive of final theses and check the credit from the last course Bachelor's/Diploma thesis.

Instructions and templates for submitting final theses can be found in the information provided at the conclusion of the study period.

The form of the submittion of the final thesis and the final state examination will be determined later, according to how the epidemiological situation develops.

COVID-19 testing

Updated on February 8, 2022

The O-N-T system is not required for participation in the class.

Positive test result and quarantine

In case of a positive test result, the local hygienic station provides further information and orders an isolation/quarantine – that is staying at home and not going out anywhere (even to go shopping or to the doctor’s). In the case of health problems, it is necessary to contact a general practitioner or the relevant public health station or call 112, stating of course that a quarantine has been ordered.

Students: positive test result must be reported in MU IS

 You may be placed to a different MU hall of residence for the quarantine. Adhere to the MU Accommodation services instructions.  

Information on current rules for entering the Czech Republic

Edited on March 3, 2022

Most foreigners must enter the country with a negative test or get tested upon arrival. See details for students and employees and current restrictions in the Czech Republic.

Conditions for entry into the territory of the Czech Republic and quarantine measures are regulated by the protection measure of the Ministry of Health. A list of countries with a low, medium, and high risk of infection is available here. The Ministry of Health provides quarantine measures and information for requiring an RT-PCR test for the presence of SARS CoV-2.

See rules for recognition of vaccination certificates from other countries.

For more information, see it here or contact the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Science (

Other important imformation

Entry rules to the Czech Republic:

Rules for recognition of vaccination certificates from other countries:

Information and preventive measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic: 

MU tool for understanding the steps to take after arrival to the Czech Republic:

The most up-to-date regulations concerning conditions of entry of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic:

Please check and follow current information and precautions connected to Covid-19 at Masaryk University:

Accomodation in MU halls of residence

Edited on April 21, 2021

All students may check into their original halls of residence that they made the reservation for. 
All incoming students follow the valid Protective Measure regarding the entry of persons on the territory of the Czech Republic. If they are subject to the quarantine, they undergo it in an agreed facility immediately upon arrival - for more information, contact the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University ( or SKM directly.

All students are obliged to follow the current precautions and regulations of the dormsplease follow the News at 

Academic ceremonies, other events

Updated on February 18, 2022

Academic ceremonies and large events can be held if current legislation is followed.

Instructions for employees

Updated on March 3, 2022

Employees presence within the premises of the Faculty of Science.

Updated on March 11, 2022

Operations and classes at the Faculty/MU will be restricted only by valid measures and current government regulations, there are no additional restrictions set by the Faculty. 

MU buildings are open for students, employees, and the public.

The obligation to wear respirators remains in accordance with the Ministry of Health:

  • In the interior of buildings serving as health or social services facilities;
  • in public transport.

Students and employees will still be obliged to promptly report a positive SARS-CoV-2 test.

The university’s operation is guided by the “university traffic-light systemthat is based on the current epidemiological situation in Brno-city area and the current risk assessment of individual campuses and buildings. In all our steps, we are also following guidelines of the Regional Department of Health and the Rector of Masaryk University recommendations, while considering the specific requirements for teaching at the faculty. The current level of risk will be posted at the info screens of entrances to both campuses and available at

You can find the currently valid general rules for the entire MU operations at a “university traffic-light systemand Antiepidemic measures and implementation.

Canteen, mail room, cashier's office

The canteens are opened. You can find more detailed information on the  Accommodation and catering Services website.

The mailroom and the cashier's office at Kotlářská are open according to normal office hours.

Staff testing / vaccinations

Updated on March 3, 2022

Employees no longer need to be tested before entering the workplace.

Students and employees have to notify MU if they test positive for coronavirus.

The university is kindly asking students and employees to fill in information about vaccination status.

Based on the extraordinary measures, all students/employees are required to inform the University (via IS MU/INET) when returning from abroad if they intend to enter MU buildings within 14 days of their arrival. The exception includes people who have received full vaccination or who have recovered from COVID-19 within the last 180 days. 

Most foreigners must enter the country with a negative test or get tested upon arrival. See details for students and employees and current restrictions in the Czech Republic.


Updated on March 3, 2022

Classes are taught in line with the current government regulations.

The Spring 22 instructions is held in person.

The obligation to wear respirators remains in accordance with the Ministry of Health:

  • In the interior of buildings serving as health or social services facilities;
  • in public transport.

These rules might be amended should the epidemiological situation improve.

In all situations, please fully respect the instructions of the individual instructors and your teachers and observe the current valid hygienic measures.

Business trips

Domestic and foreign business trips are restricted only by valid measures and current government regulations, there are no additional restrictions set by the Faculty.

For future travel orders, it is recommended to consider insurance for the cancellation of air tickets, bus/train tickets and accommodation cancellation options - with regard to the elimination of MU costs if the trip is not realized.

Arrivals from abroad are restricted only by valid measures and current government regulations, there are no additional restrictions set by the Faculty.

Most foreigners must enter the country with a negative test or get tested upon arrival. See details for students and employees and current restrictions in the Czech Republic.

Information on current rules for entering the Czech Republic, RT-PCR test obligation and entry to university/workplace

Edited on March 3, 2022

Most foreigners must enter the country with a negative test or get tested upon arrival. See details for students and employees and current restrictions in the Czech Republic.

Conditions for entry into the territory of the Czech Republic and quarantine measures are regulated by the protection measure of the Ministry of Health. A list of countries with a low, medium, and high risk of infection is available here. The Ministry of Health provides quarantine measures and information for requiring an RT-PCR test for the presence of SARS CoV-2.

See rules for recognition of vaccination certificates from other countries.

For more information, see it here or contact the International Relations Office of the Faculty of Science (

Other important imformation

Entry rules to the Czech Republic:

Rules for recognition of vaccination certificates from other countries:

Information and preventive measures of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic: 

MU tool for understanding the steps to take after arrival to the Czech Republic:

The most up-to-date regulations concerning conditions of entry of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic:

Please check and follow current information and precautions connected to Covid-19 at Masaryk University:

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