An introductory word from the Dean

Dear colleagues,
we have reached the midpoint of the spring semester, and although some may already be eagerly anticipating its end and the upcoming exam period, it is certainly worth taking a moment to look back at the past year and also to communicate what lies ahead.
Alongside a number of successes which our faculty can rightfully be proud of, the year 2023 was marked by some uncertainty in the economic sphere, particularly concerning the lingering uncertainty with energy prices and stagnating funding from the state for higher education institutions. Despite last year not proceeding ideally and budgets being tight, I am glad to report that the budget for the Faculty of Science has at least marginally increased for this year.
Positively, we have seen success in the Quality of Educational Activities parameter. It is pleasing to note the increase in the number of outgoing and incoming students within international mobility. In 2023, 172 students arrived for stays longer than 30 days, while 234 students went abroad, most frequently within the Erasmus+ programme. Students also completed study stays and internships at top institutions in countries such as the United States, Chile, Canada, Japan, Indonesia, and New Zealand. Additionally, it is worth mentioning the higher number of applications submitted to the Faculty of Science for the academic year 2024/2025. The increased interest in our study programmes among domestic applicants is a promising sign for the future.
A new document affecting the entire university is the Study and Examination Regulations recently approved by the Academic Senate of MU. During its preparation, a number of comments and suggestions were incorporated and addressed. Besides some formal legislative-technical changes, it adjusts the area of student assessment, introduces verbal assessment of the state final examination, and tightens the requirements for obtaining the so-called "red diploma". The new Study and Examination Regulations of MU are expected to come into effect on 1 September 2024.
However, university life is not just about exams, knowledge, and research, but also about informal meetings and networking. Therefore, I would like to invite everyone to the MUNI DAY, which will take place on Thursday, 16 May 2024, at the University Campus in Bohunice. You can look forward to sports competitions, workplace tours, and an informal afternoon programme. You can also visit the science, art, and music festival STARMUS, of which our faculty is an academic partner. The event takes place from 12 May to 17 May 2024 in Bratislava, and is attended by more than 40 world personalities, including Nobel laureates.
Warm regards to all, thank you for your daily efforts, and I wish you the most energy for the conclusion of the semester.
Yours sincerely,
Tomáš Kašparovský
Dean of the Faculty of Science, MU