Total number of publications: 110
Inhibition of Gap Junctional Intercellular Communication by Noncoplanar Polychlorinated Biphenyls: Inhibitory Potencies and Screening for Potential Mode(s) of Action
Toxicological Sciences, year: 2003, volume: 76, edition: -
Mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenicity of POPs - characterization with in vitro techniques.
11th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, year: 2003
Toxic modes of action of polychlorinated biphenyls in liver cells
Persistent Toxic Substances Contamination of the European Region, RECETOX EU-Center of Excellence 1st Workshop, year: 2003
Acute inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication by polychlorinated biphenyls and their metabolites - relative inhibitory potencies, structure-activity relationship and intracellular singnalling
Book of Abstracts - International Summer School, NATO/FEBS Advanced Study Institute - Spetses, Greece, 18-30/8/2002, year: 2002
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques
Book of Abstracts - The 2nd PCB Workshop: Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs Emphasis on the latest advances and the perspective of Central and Eastern Europe. Brno, CR, 07-11/05/2002, year: 2002
Comparison of AhR and ER mediated activities of hydroxyderivatives of polychlorinated biphenyls detected in vitro with luciferase reporter gene techniques
The Second PCB Workshop. Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs. Book of Abstracts, year: 2002
Comparison of relative toxic potencies of hydroxylated PCBs and quinones in hepatic and mammary cell lines
Organohalogen Compounds, year: 2002, volume: 56, edition: 1
Chemical profile and contribution of PAHs to in vitro toxic potencies of urban particulate matter samples
SETAC Europe 12th Annual Meeting (Abstract Book), year: 2002
In vitro biotesty pro detekci negenotoxických procesů - studie efektů PAHs a hydroxyderivátů PCBs
Sborník pracovní konference - Ekotoxikologické Biotesty I, Seč u Chrudimi, 18-19/9/2002, year: 2002
Inhibition of gap junctional intercellular communication and the activation of mitogen activated protein kinase by PCBs depends on substitution of chlorine ortho-position
Book of Abstracts - The 2nd PCB Workshop: Recent Advances in the Environmental Toxicology and Health Effects of PCBs Emphasis on the latest advances and the perspective of Central and Eastern Europe. Brno, CR, 07-11/05/2002, year: 2002