Total number of publications: 110
Aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated and estrogenic activities of oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and azaarenes originally identified in extracts of river sediments
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, year: 2001, volume: 20, edition: 12
Biochemický monitoring in vitro organických kontaminantů přítomných v ovzduší
OVZDUŠÍ 2001 - Program a sborník konference, year: 2001
Combined chemical and bioassay methods for screening of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samples
SETAC Europe 11th Annual Meeting, year: 2001
Determination and multivariate statistical analysis of biochemical responses to environmental contaminants in feral freshwater fish Leuciscus cephalus
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, year: 2001, volume: 20, edition: 5
Characterization of dioxin-like activity of riverine sediments from the Czech Republic
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, year: 2001, volume: 20, edition: 8
In vitro assessment of non-genotoxic effects of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Toxicology, year: 2001, volume: 164, edition: 1-3
Monitoring river sediments contaminated predominantly with polyaromatic hydrocarbons by chemical and in vitro bioassay techniques
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, year: 2001, volume: 20, edition: 7
Multiple oxidative stress parametetrs are modulated in vitro by oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons identified in river sediments
Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, year: 2001, volume: 500, edition: 1
Project IDRIS - Ecological Risk Assessment - regional approaches
Assessment and Management of Environmental Risks: Cost-Efficient Methods and Applications, year: 2001, number of pages: 11 s.
Project IDRIS II - The development of expert system for ecological risk assessment
SETAC Europe Congress, year: 2001