Jiri Krticka


Welcome to the home page of Jiri Krticka, PHD student of physics.

      I am interested in hydrodynamic of radiatively driven stellar wind. Supervisor of my PHD work is RNDr. Jiri Kubat, CSc. from the Astronomical Institute in Ondrejov.

      During my diploma work I computed K giant model atmospheres. For this purpose I used Hubeny's program TLUSTY and Kurucz's progam ATLAS. I have modified program SYNSPEC slighly (inclusion of atoms with Z in the range 30 < Z <= 90, inclusion of Plez's input files), you can download it from this ftp directory. I determined atmosphere parameters of some K-giants. Some information about this topic you can find in papers, which I wrote mostly with Dr. V. Stefl:

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