Doctoral Studies


Requests in IS MU

These requests can be made electronically via IS MU - Document Office - Task submission

  • Application for Doctoral State Examination. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Přihláška ke státní doktorské zkoušce/Application for Doctoral State Examination
  • Application for PhD thesis defence. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Přihláška k obhajobě dizertační práce/Application for PhD thesis defence
  • Request to Interrupt Studies. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Přerušení studia/Request to Interrupt Studies
  • Notification of Abandoning Studies. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Oznámení o zanechání studia/Notification of Abandoning Studies
  • Request for hiding a part of the PhD thesis. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Žádost o skrytí části závěrečné práce - Doktorské
  • Request to waive a stay abroad. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Žádost o prominutí zahraniční stáže/Request to waive a stay abroad
  • Request to Change the Study Mode. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Změna formy studia/Request to Change the Study Mode
  • Application for scholarship in support of the Doctoral Students Mobilities. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Application for scholarship in support of the Doctoral Students Mobilities
  • Request for an exception. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Žádost o výjimku/Request for an exception
  • Request for change of PhD thesis research focus. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Žádost o změnu výzkumného zaměření disertační práce/Request for change of PhD thesis research focus
  • Request for change of the supervisor. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Doctoral studies: Žádost o změnu školitele/Request for change of the supervisor
  • Request to submit a PhD thesis in a language other than Czech or English. Agenda: PřF ODSKAZINT: Request to submit a PhD thesis in a language other than Czech or English

Stays abroad and European Doctorate

A placement abroad of at least 30 days* is compulsory for all PhD students, regardless of when they started their studies.
This is mandated by Government Regulation No. 274/2016 on Standards for Accreditation in Higher Education (Part II, Title II, H. I. 3.), and specified by the accreditation of the study programme.
* Some programmes may have a higher minimum length of stay, please check your programme's recommended study plan.

More information about stays abroad

Every doctoral student can also obtain a European Doctorate if they fulfil the necessary conditions for the award.
This is the part of the diploma that highlights the international experience gained during the studies.
Conditions for the award include:
a) for a period of at least three months (min. 90 days), the student has been fulfilling the study obligations related to the preparation of the doctoral thesis in another European country,
b) the doctoral thesis or at least the introduction, abstract and conclusion are written in a foreign language, either in English or in the official language of a European country approved by the doctoral board,
c) reports on the doctoral thesis prepared by at least two reviewers from another European country were submitted,
d) the supervisor and the reviewers of the doctoral thesis do not work in one and the same country,
e) at least one member of the doctoral defence board works at a higher educational institution located in another European country.
(Masaryk University Study and Examination Regulations, Section 35)

The application is submitted electronically via the IS MU Document Office, usually at the last stage of the study when the opponents and members of the dissertation defence board are already known.

Issuing diplomas and graduation ceremony information

Graduates of doctoral study programmes at MU are presented with their graduation certificates at graduation ceremonies. These are scheduled approximately six months apart each year, on the same day for all MU faculties. The organization of graduation ceremonies and the issuing of doctoral diplomas is entrusted to the Department of Research, namely Mgr. Tereza Dvořáková

Graduates who will be graduated on a certain date are sent an electronic invitation about three weeks before the planned date of the ceremony, including more information about the ceremony itself. The invitation is sent to the graduates' emails in their IS MU personal administration. If a graduate wishes to receive the graduation invitation on their private email, it is necessary to set up email forwarding in IS MU Mail to their private address. In the IS MU it is also necessary to give consent to the use of the email box even after graduation via the so-called Privacy (in Czech "Soukromí"). Information about the graduation date is also communicated in advance to the administrators of the faculty departments that administer doctoral studies. Doctoral graduates do not pay the graduation fee.

In case a graduate is unable to attend the graduation ceremony, they collect their diploma by prior arrangement at the Doctoral Studies and Scientific Qualifications Division of the Rector's Office. The graduate or a person close to the graduate, based on written power of attorney (which need not be officially certified), collect the graduation documents in person before or after the graduation ceremony. It is also possible, by arrangement, to reschedule the graduate's attendance to the following graduation date.

You can also download the electronic diploma after it has been made available on the page in IS MU → Student → End of studies → Diploma, or in the E-transcripts application.


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