2nd call of Internal Grant Agency of Masaryk University (IGA MU) was published

9 Sep 2021

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IGA MU supports the improvement of the quality of teaching associated with research in students of accredited doctoral study programs. It is funded from the Operational Programme Research, Development and Education within the framework of the implemented project IGA MU reg. No. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/19_073/0016943.

Information in a nutshell

  • The investigator must be a student in a doctoral degree programme for the entire implementation of the student grant project. However, he/she may submit the application for the student grant while still studying a Master’s degree programme.
  • An applicant for a student grant for 2022 can also be the current investigator of the IGA grant in 2021.
  • The duration of the student grant project shall be 12 months.
  • We recommend that the student and his / her tutor consult the intention with the chair of doctoral board. 
  • The topic of the application must not be identical with the topic of the student’s doctoral thesis. The topics must not be entirely identical (may not have the same name), they may be related or logically connected, expanding the investigated issues in the doctoral thesis. Students may use the grant project results/outcomes in their doctoral thesis.
  • During the implementation of the student grant project, the student must:
       a) Participate in at least one educational/research activity abroad (e.g. internship, summer school, research stay, active participation in a conference). The activities may take place in the EU or outside the EU.
       b) Participate in one other educational activity.
       c) Fulfill other educational goals and outputs set out in the project proposal
  • The application is submitted in English via ISEP

Duration of the grant

From 1 January 2022 to 31 December 2022

Financial support

Funds allocated to 1 project: CZK 479,160:
• CZK 282,586 Personnel costs in total (the investigator’s workload is 0.5; a fixed amount, cannot be changed)
• CZK 13,480 Remuneration of mentor (a fixed amount, cannot be changed)
• CZK 111,220 Other costs (travel expenses, material, services, office supplies, etc.)
• CZK 71,874 Overhead costs (a fixed amount for faculty, cannot be changed)

Time schedule

October 8                       Faculty deadline for insertion the draft proposal and budget into ISEP for review to the Project Support Office (hovorka@sci.muni.cz). Feedback until October 11.​

October 10                     Deadline for submission of an application for assessment by the Research Ethics Committee, if the topic of the proposal so requires. More about the application.

October 14                      Faculty deadline for the proposal submission in ISEP. The project record in ISEP must be completely approved by all approvers by this date (Approval tab - "Close proposal and approve electronically")

November–December    Checking formal criteria and review of applications, evaluation panel session, shortlisting student projects recommended for funding

1. 1. 2022–31. 12. 2022    Implementation of the student grant project, monthly reports on activities

January–March 2023     Final report on activities, evaluation of the project by the panel

Supporting information for the announcement of public competition including its rules are published here.

Contact person: Martin Hovorka, hovorka@sci.muni.cz, 549 49 1412

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  • Follow exactly the Information Sheet
  • Formulate the educational goals and set outcomes in the project proposal as specifically as possible
  • Include costs in the project budget as follows:

   Travel expenses: costs associated with domestic and foreign trips (fares, accommodation, meals, conference fees…). Pocket allowance cannot be included in the project.

   Small tangible and intangible assets:
PC, laptop, technical means or assets all in the value from 2 thousand to 40 thousand CZK

   Office and other consumables: Chemicals, books, laboratory supplies, consumables, office supplies

   Services: SW licenses, online courses, services from suppliers

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