Open Days at SCI MUNI attracted 900 students from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia

More than 900 students and 200 parents from all over the Czech Republic and Slovakia visited the Open Days of the Faculty of Science of MU, which took place on Saturday, 21 January and Tuesday, 24 January at the University Campus in Bohunice and the Kotlářská campus. All our institutes opened the doors of their halls, lecture halls and laboratories. The guarantors of all disciplines prepared their own program, presentations and discussions with students.

3 Feb 2023 Adéla Dilhofová

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The institutes and departments provided information about their fields of study, and excursions to laboratories and other research facilities took place on both campuses. Laboratory or various IT equipment was also available and available for practical testing; the days were also enriched by a practical interactive programme, e.g. with live plants or animals. Thanks to this, the study applicants who visited the Open Days had the opportunity to create their own idea of what awaits them during their studies, to get to know the faculty premises and to discuss with students everything that interests them.

Introductory lectures on the history, disciplines and studies at the Faculty of Science were given by the Dean of the Faculty of Science, Tomáš Kašparovský, and the Vice Dean for Development, Research and Quality, Jaromír Leichmann. Students who are thinking about applying for one of the teacher education programmes were addressed by the Vice Dean for Cooperation with Secondary Schools Markéta Munzarová, the Vice Dean for Teacher Education Zdeněk Bochníček and their colleague Jaromír Literák. The greatest interest was aroused by the presentations and experiences of the students themselves, who even after their presentations were over, discussed with the high school students and their parents for long minutes and answered inquisitive questions.


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