Assistance to Ukraine and Ukrainian students

Updated. The management of Masaryk University’s (MU) Faculty of Science values solidarity and a willingness to help those in need. For the assistance to be effective and systematic, the faculty, its employees and students are encouraged to coordinate their activities with Masaryk University, humanitarian organisations and the city of Brno, while at the same time trying to help individually according to their own possibilities.

28 Mar 2022 Leoš Verner

Photo: Pavel Říha

MU Faculty of Science helps through:

  • In cooperation with the SCI MUNI institutes, we have created a list of contacts for partner universities and specialist workplaces in Ukraine and have contacted them with an offer of assistance from Brno.
  • Individual student, employee or workplace activities - volunteer work at the assistance centre; securing shipments of medicines and hygiene supplies for a specific hospital in Ukraine; a rescue mission for two students, a geographer and his younger sister, including help with securing accommodation.
  • Collection of material - Masaryk University was undertaking a collection for the rapid provision of material assistance, based on a request from the Governor of the South. (From 15 to 18 March, the collection points on the campus and at the MU Rectorate.)
  • The MU Faculty of Science supports the opinion of Masaryk University towards the war in Ukraine. As a symbolic expression of support for Ukraine, the national flag of Ukraine has been hoisted in front of both the Kotlářská and Bohunice campuses.
  • The Academic Senate of the MU Faculty of Science condemns the attack of the Russian Federation on the territory of the sovereign state of Ukraine and expresses its solidarity with the citizens of Ukraine and with members of the academic communities of Ukrainian universities and scientific institutions. At the same time, the Academic Senate of the MU Faculty of Science rejects any manifestations of discrimination based on nationality or race, given that the principles of collective guilt must not be applied in a free academic community.
  • FREE entrance to the Botanical Garden greenhouses for Ukrainian citizens.

Study opportunities for Ukrainian applicants at the MU Faculty of Science

  • The MU Faculty of Science plans to open a special admissions procedure for Bachelor’s studies for applicants with Ukrainian citizenship or permanent residence in Ukraine in April 2022 - we will publish information on the start of applications on this page.
  • Only applicants who provide proof of temporary protection (a label in their travel or another document) with their application will be eligible for inclusion in the special admission procedure under the special legal conditions.
  • Ukrainian students who are already studying at a Ukrainian university will be able to transfer to the MU Faculty of Science through admission based on studies at another university - those interested can contact us by email (

  • The MU Faculty of Science has approved an extraordinary scholarship for Ukrainian undergraduate students already studying at MU as assistance during a difficult situation.

The admissions procedure for applicants from Ukraine

Навчання на факультеті природничих наук МУ для українських абітурієнтів

  • Факультет природничих наук планує протягом квітня 2022 відкрити спеціальну процедуру прийому до бакалаврiату для кандидатів з громадянством України або постійним проживанням в Україні.
  • Право на зарахування на спеціальний курс за спеціальними правовими умовами має лише абітурієнт, який може надати підтвердження наданого тимчасового захисту із заявою (помітка в закордонному паспорті або іншому документі).
  • Українським студентам, які вже навчаються в українському вищому навчальному закладі, може бути відмовлено в переході на факультет природничих наук МУ, приймаючи на основі навчання в іншому вузі – бажаючі можуть звертатися по електронній пошті (
  • Факультет природничих наук МУУ погодив спеціальну стипендію для своїх існуючих українських студентів бакалаврiату як допомогу в складній ситуації.

Інформація про процедуру прийому


If you would like to help in other ways, you can contact one of the following institutions that are providing financial and/or material assistance to Ukraine:

Translated by Kevin Roche.

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