Total number of publications: 111
Hot star wind models with new solar abundances
Astronomy and Astrophysics, year: 2007, volume: 2007, edition: 464
Radiative force and circumstellar disks
Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, year: 2007
Radiatively Driven Winds of OB Stars - from Micro to Macro
Active OB-Stars: Laboratories For Stellar and Circumstellar Physics, year: 2007
Recent development of current Be-phase of Pleione
Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, year: 2007
The Hα stellar and interstellar emission in the open cluster NGC 6910
Astronomy and Astrophysics, year: 2007, volume: 472
Time-dependent simulation of a multicomponent stellar wind
Active OB-Stars: Laboratories for Stellar & Circumstellar Physics, S. Štefl, S. P. Owocki, & A. T. Okazaki eds., ASP Conf. Ser. Vol. 361, year: 2007
Discussion session: How does the B[e] phenomenon fit into current stellar wind and evolution theories?
Stars with the B[e] phenomenon, year: 2006
Mass Loss from Massive Zero-Metallicity Stars
Stellar Evolution at Low Metallicity: Mass Loss, Explosions, year: 2006
Multicomponent radiatively driven stellar winds IV. On the helium decoupling in the wind of sigma Ori E
Astronomy and Astrophysics, year: 2006, volume: 460, edition: 1
Observations of B[e] stars with the Ondřejov 2m telescope
Stars with the B[e] phenomenon, year: 2006