Other numbers: ATCC 8663, CBS 659.68, DSM 40234, ETH 9875, ETH 13353, ETH 13491, IFO 12838, IMRU 3435, ISP 5234, KCC S-0620, LMG 5966, NCIMB 8504, RIA 1174. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < BÚ ÈSAV < ATCC < S.A. Waksman. Additional information: Type (4895). Production of ß-glucosidase; alpha-amylase. Production of actinomycin (1628). Cultivation conditions: Medium 15 or 29, 25-30°C.
Other numbers: Y. Ohta 104. History: < Y. Ohta. Additional information: Active in deodorizing of pig faeces (4505). Cultivation conditions: Medium 15, 25-30°C.