Other numbers: ATCC 29546, CCUG 12833, CIP 100919, HIM 755-6, IPDH 2654, NCTC 11297. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < R. Mutters (Pasteurella avium) < K.-H. Hinz < R. Yamamoto. Isolated from: Infraorbital sinus of chick; USA. Additional information: Type (6770); Type of Pasteurella avium (5390). Cultivation conditions: Medium 21, 37°C, 5% CO2 or 158, 37°C.
Other numbers: HIM 843-6, HIM 844-2, M. Bisgaard K 117. History: < R. Mutters (Pasteurella avium) < M. Bisgaard. Isolated from: Calf lung; Denmark. Cultivation conditions: Medium 21, 37°C, 5% CO2.