Other numbers: ATCC 25586, CCUG 32989, CIP 101130, DSM 15643, JCM 8522, KCTC 2640, LMG 13131, VPI 4355, Prévot 1612A. Taxonomic status: Type strain. History: < E.R.B. Moore, CCUG 2023 < T. Nakase, JCM, RIKEN < Tokyo Med. Dent. Univ. < Tama Biochem. Co., Ltd. < ATCC 25586 < W. E. C. Moore VPI 4355 < A. Prévot. Isolated from: Human cervico-facial lesion. Additional information: Type (7779), Approved list (4895). The strain should not be exposed to oxygen. Biohazard group 2. Sequence numbers: 16S rRNA: AE009951. Cultivation conditions: Medium 50 or 102, 37°C, anaerobic, 2 days.