Department of Botany and Zoology
Masaryk University
Kotlářská 2, CZ-611 37 Brno, Czech Republic
Tel.: (+420) 549 494 595
Visiting address: map
My field is vegetation science, i.e., the study of diversity and ecology of plant communities. Specifically, I am interested in:
- patterns of plant species diversity across large scales
- vegetation change
- survey and classification of European vegetation
- databases of flora and vegetation
- plant invasions
I am a Head of the Vegetation Science Group at the Department of Botany and Zoology, Masaryk University. Our group is involved in various national and international projects of vegetation research. In teaching, we emphasise practical skills in field vegetation sampling and the application of up-to-date methods of data analysis.
I am a President of the Czech Botanical Society, a national scientific society that has united, since its establishment in 1912, professional and amateur Czech botanists. Throughout its history, this Society significantly contributed to the high level of Czech botany in the national and international context. I am also working for the leading Society’s journal Preslia.
I am a Secretary of the Working Group European Vegetation Survey (EVS) of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS). This group unites leading European experts in vegetation survey, diversity of terrestrial habitat types and phytosociology. Our aims are to support vegetation survey activities in Europe and beyond and to develop a consistent overview of European vegetation. I am also a coordinator of the European Vegetation Archive, an integrated database of European vegetation plots, which provides an important source of information for research and application at the international level.
I am a Chief Editor of Applied Vegetation Science and Journal of Vegetation Science, official journals of the International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS). With an international team of editors, we are developing these journals as leading international publication platforms for outstanding research in plant community ecology, including its application in nature conservation and ecological restoration.