Chcete poradny 32bitovy multitaskovy operacni system pro Vase bajecne PC i486/i586 (z pulky 90 let)? Nainstalujte si
IBM OS/2 Warp je velice schopny operacni system s preemptivnim
multitaskingem a dalsimi modernimi rysy, zahrnujicimi
tez graficke uzivatelske prostredi.
Umi spoustet programy pro OS/2, PM (Presentation Manager),
DOS i MS-Windows (vcetne 32s), pracuje se i na W32-95NT,
a to vse v preemtivnim multitaskingu, coz jeji nejvetsi konkurent,
firma Microsoft, doposud nezvladla ani v nejnovejsim upgradu zvanem
MickeymouSe-Windows patch-level 95.
OS/2 Warp je v soucasne dobe v prodeji ve dvou verzich:
OS/2 verze 4.0: spica, ma plno perfektnich veci, upgradujte/kupte! Umi totez co
Warp Connect 3.0 (viz nize), a plno dalsiho!
OS/2 verze 3.0 zvana Warp existuje v nekolika verzich: blue
s podporou MS-Windowsovskych programu zabudovanou primo do jadra OS/2,
a red, ktera umoznuje MS-Windowsovske programy spoustet pomoci
jiz instalovanych Windowsu. Modra a cervena verze existuje tez pro
Warp Connect, coz je verze Warpa urcena pro uzivatele pracujici
v (heterogennich) pocitacovych sitich a ktera se umi pripojit do siti
OS/2 Peer, Novell, Lantastik, W4WGs, Samba apod.
K Warpu 3.0 je tez pribalen Bonus Pak, v nemz jsou sitove programy jako
telnet, ftp, WebExplorer, mail, news apod., a dale System Information tool
a dalsi. Je v tom podpora pro TCP/IP pres modem, nikoliv pres ethernet
kartu. Pro provozovani TCP/IP pres ethernet kartu je
nutny bud program z hobbes (viz prislusna partie v pokracovani),
anebo Warp Connect.
Profesionalneji zpracovanou charakteristiku si muzete precist zde.
Pro OS/2 existuje velke mnozstvi programu (seznam prislusnych serveru
je v pokracovani), vcetne GNU programu, jakym je napriklad i prekladac
GNU C/C++ (gcc). Take DOSovske hry si z Warpa spustite.
Proto se na nedostatek softwaru rozhodne stezovat neda.
K mym oblibenym Warpovskym programum patri
Program Commander/2,
ktery nad originalnim Warpovskym Desktopem
vytvari podobne prostredi, jako maji X-Windowsy, jenze lepsi :-)
Dale pouzivam prekladac
gcc/emx, sazeci system TeX/LaTeX
a editor EPM.
No, softwaru by bylo tolik, ze by zaplacal jakkoli velky disk, cimz by
se stal pocitac naprosto nepouzitelnym.
Po opusteni DOSu jsem volil mezi OS/2 a Linuxem (Windows>3.11 byla v nedohlednu, a dalo se cekat, ze novy software bude hrozne buggy), a nakonec zvitezila OS/2ka, ktera ma hezke graficke prostredi, nema takove naroky na RAMku a pritom umi poustet vse, co 16 i 32bitova OS/2, DOS, Linux, MS-Windows 3.* i X-Windows.
Tak, abych prilis neprodluzoval tuto WWW stranku, tak vas odkazi
na mou
TeX je muj oblibeny system pro pripravu textu. Plno informaci o nem pripravil
(Ceskoslovenske sdruzeni uzivatelu TeXu, Czech/Slovak TeX Users Group).
Na jeho WWW strance najdete hodne linku, vcetne CSTeXu, archivu konference
CSTeXu i stroj vyhledavajici v CTAN archivu.
Plno souboru, podpornych programu apod. si muzete stahnout z centralniho
ceskeho texovskeho archivu na
Vyhledavani v archivu cstexovske konference.
Jsou k dispozici tez CSTeX FAQ
Zde je odkaz na mou stranku venovanou TeXovani v OS/2 Warp. Muzete se stahnout nejnovejsi verzi meho baliku pmCSTeX pro EPM: prostredi pro vyvoj TeXovskych dokumentu v OS/dvojkovskem editoru EPM.
Pripominam link na CSTeX distribuci u pana Olsaka.
Prvni ceska verejnou betaverze dokumentu Ne prilis strucny uvod do systemu LaTeX2e se nachazi zde.
Tez jsem testoval rychlost prekladu (La)TeXovskych dokumentu pod ruznymi systemy (OS/2, DOS, Linux), muj prispevek do cstexu je zde k dispozici.
Pak tady mam par triku pro BibTeX:
Kdyz chcete sazet vektory tucnou italikou, pak pouzijte prikaz:
potom vam napr.
$\mib r$ vysazi tucne sklonene r.
Muzete tez predefinovat
\let\oldvec\vec \let\vec\mib
\vec E(\vec r) = \vec E_0 \, e^{-i\vec k \vec r}
ale mne se vic libi definice v preambuli
\def\bE{\vec E}
\def\bk{\vec k}
\def\br{\vec r}
a pak uz v textu rychly a jednoduchy zapis:
\bE(\br) = \bE \, e^{-i\bk\br}
(Na matice pouzivam neco podobneho, kde pisi \matA, \matB,...)
Ve starsim LaTeXu 2.09 se na tucnou italiku muselo pouzit makro boldvec.sty, v kterem jsou i makra na vysazeni casove derivovanych vektoru (to jsem zatim v LaTeXu2e nepotreboval).
Go to the postscript section to read how to efficiently
convert a png or jpeg file into eps, so that it is small enough and compatible
with dvips.
Nasledujici postup slouzi k tisknuti z dvipsu dvoustranne anebo na slajdy, aniz
by bylo nutne rucne editovat postscriptovy soubor vylezly z dvipsu
(vymysleno 18.1.1998):
A. Pouziti z prikazove radky:
dvips -h my_text[.dvi] dvips -h my_text[.dvi] dvips -h my_text[.dvi]
B. Uziti z pmCSTeXu pro EPM (editor EPM pod OS/2):
na prvni radek "Master" souboru pridame: % ... dvips: * -h * ... % ... dvips: * -h * ... % ... dvips: * -h * ...
C. Popis vyse uvedeneho:
tisk oboustranne na papir PORTRAIT tisk oboustranne na papir LANDSCAPE tisk ze zasobniku cislo 2
D. Instalace: nasledujici tri soubory musi byt presunuty do adresare, kde dvips hleda data (v emTeXu je to adresar \EMTEX\data\dvips). Soubory si muzete bud stahnout odtudto, anebo si je muzete opsat odtud:
File % PRINT ON BOTH SIDES / TISKNUTI OBOUSTRANNE --- PORTRAIT: [{ %%BeginFeature: Duplex DuplexNoTumble <</Duplex true /Tumble false>> setpagedevice %%EndFeature: Duplex } stopped cleartomark File % PRINT ON BOTH SIDES / TISKNUTI OBOUSTRANNE --- LANDSCAPE: [{ %%BeginFeature: Duplex DuplexNoTumble <</Duplex true /Tumble true>> setpagedevice %%EndFeature: Duplex } stopped cleartomark File % PRINT FROM SLOT NB. 2 (SLOT FOR TRANSPARENCIES, FOR INSTANCE): [{ %%BeginFeature: *InputSlot Lower currentpagedevice /InputAttributes get 2 get dup null eq { pop } { dup length 1 add dict copy dup /InputAttributes 1 dict dup /Priority [2] put put setpagedevice } ifelse %%EndFeature } stopped cleartomark
Pokud se vam stane, ze se biji dve definice tehoz prostredi, definovane
ve dvou ruznych souborech, ktere z nejakych duvodu nechcete menit (napr.
nejste autorem), pak muzete pouzit ten prikaz pro vymazani prostredi:
\def\deleteenvironment#1{ \expandafter\let\csname #1\endcsname\relax \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\relax } Pouziti napr.: \deleteenvironment{equation*}
In document preamble (before \begin{document}), you should (always!)
have this setup:
%%%%%% Setup for figures: \setcounter{topnumber}{10} % max. pocet floatu nahore (specifikace t) \setcounter{bottomnumber}{10} % max. pocet floatu dole (specifikace b) \setcounter{totalnumber}{20} % max. pocet floatu na strance celkem \renewcommand\topfraction{1.0} % max podil stranky pro floaty nahore \renewcommand\bottomfraction{1.0} % max podil stranky pro floaty dole \renewcommand\textfraction{0.0} % min podil stranky, ktery musi obsahovat text %\intextsep pro ulozeni [h] floatu a \textfloatsep pro [b] or [t]. %\intextsep pro ulozeni [h] floatu a \textfloatsep pro [b] or [t]. \intextsep=6mm \textfloatsep=6mmThen, in order to have all figures at the document end, sometimes
\usepackage{endfloats}helps, and sometimes not (like in case of classes of some journals). In this case, and in the case the journal requires all figure captions on one page, on figures on separate pages afterwards, then it is the most easy way to put the following code towards the end of your paper:
%%%% FIGURE CAPTIONS AND FIGURES: \iftrue % Life of scientists would be much easier if journals don't require % captions and figures on different pages, as in the old dark ages % of machine typing. We use computers, nowadays! { \def\includegraphics[#1]#2{} \gdef\mycaption#1#2{Figure \ref{#1}. #2} \input{paper-figs.tex} \clearpage } { \let\oldincludegraphics\includegraphics \def\includegraphics[#1]#2{\vskip4cm\oldincludegraphics[#1]{#2}} \gdef\mycaption#1#2{\caption{\label{#1}}\vskip6cm} \input{paper-figs.tex} } \fiwhile having all figures listed in a separate file paper-figs.tex like this (note using \mycaption instead of \caption):
%%%================= FIGURE ==================== \begin{figure}[p] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=14cm]{figures/adExpScheme.eps} \end{center} \mycaption{Fig-Exp-Setup}{% Sketch of the experimental arrangement with horizontal scattering plane and vertical rocking axis. GaN ELO measured at one azimuth with stripes vertical, GaAs samples at two mutually perpendicular azimuths (0\degdeg and 90\degdeg). } \end{figure} %%%================= FIGURE ==================== \begin{figure}[p] ...
If you have any better solution, please let me know.
To je program pro kresleni grafu, ktery je skutecne kompatibilni mezi
vsemi moznymi operacnimi systemy
(UNIX, OS/2, VMS, DOS, Windows, Mac, Atari...)!
Stahnete si nejnovejsi oficialni verzi gnuplotu 4.2.x,
pokud jeste pouzivate nekterou ze starsich verzi.
My enhancements to gnuplot: please look at
where you find information about
quote site exec CTAN pagedraw
, tak vam ho system vyhleda.
Muj konvertor C++ to LaTeX (C++2ltx).
Specialni metodu pro vypocet integralu \int_{xA}^{xB} \cos(A x) F(x) dx Filonovou metodou byl uverejnen vyse.
Pro prenos souboru mezi ruznymi OS je potreba prejmenovat C++ zdrojove soubory
na priponu .cpp, .cxx ci .cc. V OS/2, DOSu i VMS jde pouzit prikaz
ren *.cpp *.cxx
, avsak na Unixu ne. Zdenek mi napsal takovyto
unixovsky skript:
for i in *.cpp
do mv $i `echo $i|sed s/cpp$/cxx/`
An anti-char *
article, alias C++ Programming HOWTO, is
Taky jsem si vzpomnel na testy ruznych prekladacu, publikovane v casopise EDM/2 (konkretne to bylo cislo 1-5). Z toho vyplyva, ze predevsim diky pouziti metody predkompilovanych hlavicek je nejrychlejsim prekladacem Borland C/C++. Naopak nejkompaktnejsi kod produkuje Watcom, a nejrychlejsi kod dostaneme pouzitim prekladace GNU C/C++ -- to je priznive zvlaste proto, ze tento prekladac je sireny zdarma a je k dispozici na vsech operacnich systemech. IBM Visual C++ ma nejlepsi rozhrani pro navrhovani OS/2 aplikaci, prekladac Watcomu bezici v jedne z verzi pod OS/2, DOSem, Windows ci Windows NT zase umoznuje prelozit jeden a tentyz zdrojovy texty na spustitelny program pro libovolny z techto OS.
All freeware and shareware C Programming programs (plus more than 23,288 others) are now on JUMBO. The Official Web Shareware Site:
Maticovy pocet v C++
Po projiti ruznych volne sirenych implementacich maticovych knihoven
jsem dospel k nasledujicimu: * V cistem Cecku existuje
ovsem narazil jsem na jakesi potize kdyz jsem to zarazoval do C++. Dale tu je
LAPACK++: (ja jsem pouzil
zrcadlo netlibu na*). Kontakt na spravce: Pouzivaji se pritom fortranske rutiny Lapacku,
prevedene do C podoby prekladacem f2c a dale rucne -- viz CLapack.
Lapack++ je tak dobre udelany, ze pres to, ze jde o C++,
tak rychlost vypoctu je ve Fortranu (originalni lapack),
C (lapack) a C++ (lapack++) stejna, nekdy spise ve prospech C/C++. V dokumentaci
lapacku++ je prilozen i clanek pojednavajici o tomto testovani.
Bohuzel tam dosud nebyly implementovany vsechny potrebne
funkce maticoveho poctu (hlavne mi tam chybi invertovani matic).
Autori to nechali jako ulohu ctenarum/programatorum...
Nakonec jsem si vybral C++ knihovnu z programu Octave. Tento program je podobny Matlabu, ovsem umi toho vic, je to verze pro X-Windows a OS/2 sirena pod GNU licenci. Program vcetne zdrojaku se da stahnout z libovolneho GNU archivu ci z hobbes ci z linuxovskych serveru. A prave knihovny z tohoto baliku se daji velice jednoduse pouzit ve vlastnich C++ programech. Podporovany jsou double a complex-ni vektory a matice, ale zase nejsou zacleneny specialni rutiny treba pro vypocet vlastnich hodnot symetrickych matic.
Lapack++ i Octave pouzivaji na vetsinu vypoctu fortranske rutiny. Ty jsou k Octavu pricleneny, anebo se daji tez stahnout z netlibu. Ovsem zjistil jsem, ze pod Borlandim C prekladacem (ani pro DOS, ani pro Winbloze) je neprelozim kvuli 64KB DGROUP limitu. Zato se to podarilo s Borland C++ for OS/2 -- OS/2 a Unixy pameti linearizuji a stupidni problemy DOSu zde neexistuji. Jinak pod gcc/emx prekladacem se to prelozilo bez problemu, vsak prilozene makefily jsou pro tento prekladac. Pro Borland bylo nutne provest vicero uprav, jez vam na pozadani zaslu.
A pokud si chcete precist kratky referat o sitove pristupnych C++ zdrojacich pro maticovy pocet, tak voditkem muze byt tohle.
Mumit's home page (Lapack++, FFTPack++, Shadow etc.)
Contents of my PostScript part:
There are some my notes about PostScript hacking, editing, resizing, inputing into other programs...
Documetn HOWTO-Bitmap2eps describes
how to efficiently convert a bitmap image into an encapsulated postscript level 2 file
(for latexing and dvipsing, for example).
If you are putting your plots into a typesetting system, like TeX, then you should recalculate the Bounding box written in the header of the file. This is a general rule for nearly all PS-producing programs.
For reducing the size of a postscript file, you can make CRLF to LF conversion (DOS to Unix conversion). dvips compiled by gcc/emx produces CRLF.
Newer versions of ghostview (e.g. GSview 2.5) can show .ps.gz / .eps.gz files. You don't have to decompress them.
dvips can also include graphics in .(e)ps.gz form. However, TeX (e.g.
in LaTeX) requires the Bounding box specification
either as the parameter (in \includegraphics[bb= x1 y1 x2 y2]{..}
a .(e) file. There is a script called psgzip
that makes takes
.(e)ps files and makes .bb and .gz for them. Note: dvips calls gunzip
program for unzipping; so you can make script gunzip.(cmd,bat)
the command gzip -d %1
How do I edit PS files? In editor EPM, for which I have also the syntax hilighting file (look into pmCSTeX.
How to efficiently transform a bitmap (BMP, TIFF, PCX, GIF, JPG...) file into
(encapsulated) postscript? Please, do NOT just print it from PMView, XV,
PaintBrush or Word! The best solution I have found is to convert the figure into
JPEG format, and then convert it into postscript by
jpeg2ps. (The linked file contains executables for OS/2 and DOS, and the
source code. At the moment, I don't remember the homepage). Don't forget to use
the option -h
if you intend to include the file into TeX
(using dvips). The converted .PS file is not too much larger than .JPG itself,
since it uses the ability of PostScript Level 2 of decoding JPEG data.
Note: there is also a program called giftops which does GIF to PS translation, but this is very unefficient --- generated file is huge. It's better to conver GIF to JPEG and then used the jpeg2ps.
... beginning of PS file ... /mysetup [ 0.24 0 0 -0.24 117.520 119.600 ] | ...Scale (thus size), angle and shift of the figure on the sheet are given by this definition of
. The general notation is the following:
/mysetup [ scalex slope_baseline slope_backslanted scaley shiftx shifty ] |where
scale in x direction. Positive number
=0 (text parallel to x axis), otherwise tangent of
the slope (positive direction)
=0 (text parallel to x axis), otherwise tangent
of the slope
scale in y direction. Negative number, absolute value
equals that of scalex
is shift (of rotated and scaled) figure to right
is shift (of rotated and scaled) figure down/up
The structure of a postscript file produced by this driver is
... beginning of PS file ... %%EndSetup SS 0 1 25 31 776 1169 300 SM ...Shift and size of the figure on the sheet is given by the command
Its general notation is the following:
mirroring rotation shiftx shifty ashiftx ashifty resolution SMwhere
=0 (normal) or 1 (looking on the sheet from bottom)
=0 (portrait) or 90 or -90 (landscape)
is shift (of rotated and scaled) figure to right;
is shift down
is the figure shift right, ashifty
up; does
not work when scaling (?)
corresponds to scaling. Usual value is 300 (maybe
depends on the printer settings). Increasing resolution makes the figure smaller,
decreasing resolution makes it larger.
command, like
0 3 SPGeneral syntax is
linetype linewidth SPwhere linetypes are 0 for solid; 1,2 for dashed; 3,5 for hatch; 5 for dotted line.
and SB
commands, like
32 0 0 156 156 0 1 1 50 /MSTT31c158 font 418 1030 31 (0) 31 SBThe meaning is the following:
? ? ? scaleX scaleY ? underline overline ? vertical_shift /MSTT31c158 font x y width (text) ? SBThe values for
underline, overline
are 0 (no), 1 (yes).
determines the spaces (density) which is put in between
characters. That crazy name /MSTT31c158
is a true type font name
defined at the end of the file.
32 0 0 66 66 0 0 0 67 /Symbol font 1214 1737 50 (F) 50 SB
command. If it is possible, then let me know, and shame to people not using that!
If you are putting your plots into a typesetting system, like TeX, then you should recalculate the Bounding box written in the header of the file. This is a general rule for nearly all PS-producing programs.
x x x setrgbcolor
is number) in black&white figures,
x x x setrgbcolor
strings by x K
is IDL's abbreviation for setgray
x y z setrgbcolor
strings by x y z k
with new definition
by 0
, and wipes trailing zeros in decimal
There are several open source alternatives, where the most compatible is Octave. I use Octave, not Matlab, even though there is a multilicense for the university: I can have legal copies of Octaves on all my machines, including the home computer; Octave is a standard part of most Linux distributions; there was no Octave for OS/2 when I used heavily this OS; I find the "gset" commands for drawing more intuitive then Matlabish handles.
Here is the description and patch file MatlabEpsTo-CZencodings.diff.
(Don't wonder that I wrote it even of not using Matlab...)
Pozn. 1: sdeleni bylo desifrovano pod CP 852 v OS/2 (pod DOSem by ten exac mel taky jet). Snad i na Unixu to bude vyznam tyz?
Pozn. 2: prvni digitalni verzi vyse uvedene fraze jsem videl ve fortranu, kde znela 2B.or..not.2B, coz ovsem prelozit nejde.
Last update: August 2005. Previous: May 2004.