Current version: 16. 4. 2000
Table of contents:
Do you use emTeX for (La)TeXing under OS/2? Do you search for a powerful
GUI or front-end to operate it easily? Then you may like my pmCSTeX
for EPM. This package contains
- my macros for the powerful OS/2 editor EPM (free,
distributed together with OS/2 or downloadable from the Internet),
- additional files that make TeXing easier (LaTeX hypertext help, for
pmCSTeX for EPM implements many wonderful (em)(La)TeX-related
features into EPM, thus making it "the best choice"
for the (La)TeX typesetting under OS/2:
- (La)TeX the edited document,
- (La)TeX the edited document on background,
- (La)TeX followed by dvips of the edited document,
- (La)TeX only the currently edited paragraph,
- locate next error,
- view document (by dvipm),
- dvips the current document, preview the PostScript by GhostView or psview,
- print the document (by dvi* programs) to printer or file,
or preview it (by dvipm or by dviscr),
- all of the above is applied to the currently edited file or its Master;
the Master, TeX format, dvips options etc. are easily configured on the
first line of the Master file,
- various optional hotkeys, including those for popup lists of environments
for LaTeX, AMS-LaTeX and fonts,
- run other (em)TeX programs (BibTeX, TeXindex, TeXCAD, Qfig...),
- generalized Alt-1 hotkey (load file under cursor),
- a "LaTeX Greek" keyboard,
- hypertext documentation for LaTeX2e (LaTeX2e.INF)---you
can use Ctrl/H hotkey for getting the help on the LaTeX keyword
the cursor is on,
- and it implements also some useful macros for EPM, among others:
- include a file under cursor,
- refresh (reload) the current files,
- save all files in the ring,
- switch the syntax highliting on/off for all files in the ring,
- TeX-friendly paragraph reformatting,
- filter for backing up edited files before save,
- quickly switches between different EPM and user dictionaries.
In addition, the Czech version of pmCSTeX for EPM (i.e. the version
compiled for the users of the CSTeX
distribution of the emTeX package with the Czech typography add-ons
+ installation routines) includes:
- vlna and dvi-out compiled for OS/2 + csdvips.cmd,
- cs2cs
- Czech keyboard driver Czech.e (by
Z. Wagner ) slightly modified for the compatibility with the "LaTeX Greek"
- running the DOS spell-checker available for the CSTUG
pmCSTeX for EPM has been written since the author wanted a tool superior
to what he has ever seen or used before. Therefore, he wanted to develop
something better than:
- CSTeX MNU for DOS: TeX menu system for DOS, included in the CSTeX
Author: Petr Olsak
- TeXshell: Turbo
Vision TeX developing system (for DOS and DOS window in OS/2). I liked
it very much (I like Borland-like environments, on-line help etc.), it
is programmable in a wonderful way. However, it's just DOS and it has many
disadvantages coming from the Turbo Vision library: it has 64KB limit on
file sizes, it crashes from time to time (in my OS/2 window), and there
is no "Undo" function.
Author: Juergen Schlegelmilch
- EPMTeX: TeX menu system
for editor EPM. Good, but it does not fulfilled my high expectations I
got accustomed to in TeXshell (late 1995), e.g. it always appended the
Master file at the command line. I accepted its First line syntax (Master:,
Format: etc.).
Authors: Jon Hacker and Rodney Korte
- WETeX: actions and icons
are defined for texing, previewing and more for a document. Based on WPS
and EAs, not Master: notation. I did not use it because of not having enough
RAM to work under WPS (I had 12 MB RAM and I preferred Program
Commander/2 RUNWORKPLACE replacement).
Author: Zdenek Wagner .
- emacs: well, I never used
this editor except for very simple editing (I prefer vi on unix).
However, I was always amazed by its feature "(La)TeX current paragraph"---therefore
I implemented it in the pmCSTeX for EPM too.
Authors: GNU
- pmgraf: that's my integrated Turbo Vision
environment for plotting the 2d and 3d graphs (see my WWW page for more
details). The build-in editor (the same as that in the TeXshell) contains
the hotkeys for pull-down menus for LaTeX environments and font sizes,
and a Greek keyboard. Thus I implemented these features into EPM as well.
Author: Petr Mikulik
You can let me know whether
I succeeded to make a good (ultimate, final...) replacement for CSTeX MNU
for DOS, TeXshell, EPMTeX, WETeX, pmgraf and emacs under OS/2.
Since I'm not professional EPM programmer (haha, after all these coding...),
these macros are easily readable and reprogrammable (if you like new features).
The up-to-date release of pmCSTeX for EPM is dated 16. 4. 2000. pmCSTeX
is changed from time to time, please look below to the
history of changes.
You can download the latest release from
or from the mirrors of the CTAN (Comprehensive TeX Archive Network), hobbes
or leo (the most important OS/2 archives), which include the following
Install, and enjoy! If you like it, please let me know.
Obsolete notice, comming from 1996: if you encounter
slow transfer rate during the transfer of for EPM from this site, then please try to avoid the download
during our working hours. If you have an access to a Unix machine, then
you can issue a command like at -f pmCSTeX.cmd
5:00 (I use this trick for downloading files from hobbes).
Omissions in the current distributions
None at the moment.
History of pmCSTeX for EPM
History is now available from
inside the pmCSTeX documentation, including links to the appropriate parts
of the documentation.
Related topics
Last change: 16. 4. 2000
Back to my main OS/2 page.