V teto kapitolce popisi strucne sve programy, ktere jsem dal k volnemu sireni. Vetsina z nich je v oblasti freewaru, nektere jsou pod GNU GPL. V pripade problemu se na mne muzete obratit e-mailem.
Nazev | Operacni system Verze |
Zdrojaky | Kratky popis |
Software for physics | |||
abrefr | any 28. 1. 2007 |
C++ | Calculation of the refractive indices for X-rays, of the Bragg angles and of inter-planar angles for any Bravais lattice. |
xrdsl | DOS 31. 5. 1996 |
not available | Calculation of Bragg case of X-ray diffraction from substrates and multilayers (any order, periodic, Fibonacci). User-friendly: Turbo Vision environment. Further includes structure factor calculation program SF and calculation of tables of inter-planar angles and stereographic projection, program ANGLES. |
SF |
Calculation of structure factors, susceptibilities... Included in xrdsl, see above. |
Calculation of the refractive indices for X-rays, of the Bragg angles and
of inter-planar angles for any Bravais lattice. Included in xrdsl, see above. |
unspec | any 23. 11. 2015 |
C++ |
Unspec decomposes (splits) data files created by the program spec
(by Certified Software) and it
extracts scans from these data files. Very rich possibilities.
Graphics | |||
pm3d | any 3. 2. 2002 |
C++ | Produces gray scale/colour map of a 3D data file. It uses very simple, quick and powerful algorithm and produces postscript file to be previewed by GhostView or printed on a PostScript print (or on a non-PostScript printer by GhostScript). Managed via command line or via Java GUI. |
pmgraf | DOS 15. 1. 1996 |
Pascal | Turbo Vision integrated environment with editor, easy (hot-key) DOS access and graph facilities. Both 2d graphs and 3d colour maps are supported. Good mouse support. No memory limitations for input data files (not for 3d!), since data are plotted directly from disk. |
psview | DOS, OS/2 31. 5. 1996 |
PostScript, .bat, .cmd |
Previewers of postscript files for DOS and OS/2, requires ghostscript. |
Software for OS/2 | |||
pmCSTeX for EPM | OS/2 16. 4. 2000 |
E language | Complete (La)TeXing environment for the editor EPM and emTeX. Includes miscellaneous utilities for TeXing. |
contributions for gnuplot |
OS/2 et al. all the time |
Interesting source codes (C, C++, Pascal) | |||
marqfitp | any 29. 3. 2012 |
Pascal and C++ | Fitting routines: Marquardt-Levenberg method. |
Miscellaneous tools | |||
C++2ltx | any August 1998 |
awk |
Converts a C/C++ source code into a LaTeX file. Good replacement for
a2ps convertor.
pmzbs | any 28. 1. 1997 |
awk | Zip Backup System: archiving system similar to RCS/CVS, but much easier and simpler to use. |
mcrlf2 | any 1. 6. 1998 |
C | Converts text files from DOS to UNIX etc.: any `gymnastics' on CR/LF; does not change timestamp. |
text | any 16. 1. 1997 |
C++ | Extracts all strings from a binary file. It is aware of various Czech encodings. |
pmccc | any 15. 1. 1996 |
C++ | Converts Current Contents (on Diskette) structures to BibTeX. |
pm4hp | any 23. 12. 1994 |
C | Changes printing properties of your Hewlett Packard (LaserJet/DeskJet) printer (e.g. fonts, line numbers etc.) from a command line. Good for network printers or printers without the front panel. |
Other DOS software | |||
mcrlf | DOS 9. 11. 1994 |
Pascal | Converts text files from DOS to UNIX etc.: any `gymnastics' on CR/LF (this program is now replaced by mcrlf2). |
page | DOS 3. 9. 1995 |
Pascal | Formatovani textu pro tiskarny (zejmena sirokovalcove jehlickove), bajecny, nebot jsem ho napsal v roce 1989 pod CP/M (ted uz spise pouzivam a2ps a u2ps). |
pismena | DOS 3. 9. 1995 |
Pascal | Konvertor malych a velkych pismen v textovych souborech. Tez vyhodny pro pascalske zdrojaky: konvertuje pismena ve jmenech podle jejich prvniho vyskytu v danem souboru (tj. podle deklarace). |
Program je dodavan ve zdrojovych textech v C++. Byl testovan na PC (OS/2, Linux, DOS), HP, SGI, VMS. Prilozen je tez prelozeny soubor .exe pro OS/2 a DOS. Na slusnych operacnich systemech (OS/2, Unix+X-windowsy) je mozne prime kresleni pouzitim roury do ghostscriptu.
pm3d se ovlada vstupnim souborem (obycejny textovy soubor). Pro jednodussi ovladani programu
jsem v Jave vytvoril takovehle krasne GUI.
Posledni verze obsahuje: optimalizace PS vystupu; dalsi algoritmy pro kresleni
(sloupcovy, truncation rods), symboly, recka pismena, popisy os.
Velice uzitecny program!
[Posledni verze: 3. 2. 2002]
History of changes made since 1999:
is negative
"<awk -f ang2rec.awk angular.dat"
(notice that you must use
Even the input .p3d file can be .gz-ipped.
[Posledni verze: 15. 1. 1996]
[Posledni verze: 16. 1. 1997: Oprava zapomenuteho Inp.close()]
You may know that spec is a program to driver diffractometers
and other staff at beamlines, used e.g. in the
Posledni zmena: brezen 2012.
[Verze 9. 11. 1994]
[Verze 1. 6. 1998]
[Verze 3. 9. 1995]
[Verze 3. 9. 1995]
[Verze z 5. 4. 1998: odstranena chyba v rutine Vystup.
Verze z 18. 1. 1996: par drobnych zmen tak, aby C++ verzi slo prelozit
dalsimi prekladaci C++.
Verze z 29. 3. 2012: opravy pro preklad pod gcc 4.5.]
[Verze 31. 5. 1996]
[Verze 28. 1. 2007]
[Posledni verze: 15. 1. 1996]
[Verze 23. 12. 1994]
[Verze 31. 5. 1996]
pmCSTeX for EPM
Please click its name above to go to big homepage.
[Verze: leden 1998]
has more options than the specex
program by ESRF; moreover, unspec
comes with the source code thus
it is available for any platform.
Further, unspec
supports also PSD/MCA data inside or outside the
spec file.
[Verze 23. 11. 2015] [Aktualizace 2012: podpora mereni s vice MCA soucasne. Aktualizace 2015: Volba -T pro vyber skenu daneho jmena.]
Program (v awku), ktery ze zdrojaku v C++ udela LaTeXovsky souboru ve formatu
podobnem vystupu z programu a2ps
. Navic umi sazet "TeXovske" poznamky
(tj. zna cokoliv je v poznamkach /*+ */
a //+
vysazeno ne jako zdrojak, ale jako
TeXovsky text). A taky fikane provadi indentaci lamanych radku.
Obrazek: muzete se podivat jak tenhle programek prekope treba takovyto
.cpp program na
format device independent
(anebo se podivejte na bitmapu
pokud snad nahodou nemate dvi
prohlizec nainstalovany.)
[Verze: srpen 1998 -- kompletni prepsani a "zkrasleni" puvodni verze z 28. 1. 1997]
[Verze 28. 1. 1997]
Necht vam muj software dobre slouzi!