Free master’s (MSc) topics

The role of alarm and predatory cues on behaviour of extremely short-lived fish

Predator-prey interactions exemplify an evolutionary arms race, where each party seeks to enhance early detection of the other to gain an advantage. In aquatic environments, predator detection is primarily achieved through visual recognition or chemical cues (Ferrari et al., 2010). Prey significantly alter their behavior in the presence of predators to reduce their visibility. One such behavioral change is a reduction in foraging activity (Metcalfe et al., 1987).

An organism’s sensitivity to predator detection and subsequent modification of behavior are influenced by the environment in which it evolved. In extreme cases, species that evolved with low or absent predation pressure from certain predator groups may lack the ability to modify their behavior in the presence of those predators (Stockwell et al., 2022). African annual killifish of the genus Nothobranchius likely evolved in environments with low predation pressure from predatory fishes. They inhabit ephemeral savanna pools that are nearly uninhabitable to other fish species (Reichard et al., 2009). Additionally, Nothobranchius furzeri is characterized by exceptionally fast growth, rapid maturation, and high fecundity (Reichard & Polačik, 2018). Therefore, it is questioned whether they can afford antipredator strategies that would significantly decrease their fitness (Polačik & Janáč, 2017). However, rigorous tests with N. furzeri have only been conducted with embryos, not mature fish.

In the proposed thesis, behavioral assays conducted at the accredited experimental facility at UBZ will investigate whether decreased foraging behavior in the presence of predator cues is among the repertoire of anti-predatory strategies of Nothobranchius furzeri.

If interested, please contact Jakub Žák –, University Campus Bohunice: A32/311

Monitoring migračních koridorů letounů, ověření empirickými daty / Monitoring of bat migration corridors, verification with empirical data

Currently, the greatest threat to bats is the change of natural habitats to various types of human-used infrastructure. Forest fragmentation is increasing, new linear barriers such as roads and railways are being built and existing ones are being capacitated. By defining bat migration corridors, the thesis contributes to the objective of operational research in the public interest, where it is necessary to maintain natural ecosystem function while sustaining economic development. Using automatic echolocation recording and thermal imaging to test the functionality of the existing habitat model of migration corridors and to refine its applicability for mapping the most important bat migration corridors in a selected area of the Czech Republic.

If interested, please contact Tomáš Bartonička –, University Campus Bohunice: A32/308

Note: You can also contact any member from Vertebrate Research Group and discuss other possibilities regarding the topics of master’s theses matching your research interests.