Mgr. Lenka Petráková, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Researcher - on maternal leave
I completed my Ph. D. on populations of the ant liometopum microcephalum (Panzer, 1798) on different spatial scales (supervised by J. Schlaghamerský) in 2016. I am interested mainly in ant ecology and phylogeography. I have studied ant communities in floodplain forests, interactions among ant workers and colonies, worker polymorphism, and the relatedness of populations in the species Liometopum microcephalum. Currently, I am working with spiders, analysing their trophic niches by detecting prey DNA in their guts. I try to identify prey from the gut of predators either by using specific PCR primers or next-generation sequencing. I also focus on molecular phylogeny and DNA barcoding.