Molecular and Cell Biology

Navazující magisterské studium v prezenční formě v anglickém jazyce.

Program je možné studovat pouze jednooborově. Studium je zpoplatněno částkou 3 000 EUR za akademický rok.

Termíny přihlášek

Co se naučíte

Molecular and Cell Biology represents the specific field of study providing basis for all other disciplines of modern biology. The aim of this program is to offer the Master education to English-speaking students who completed the Bachelor studies in Biology in various profilations. The study allows to understand unifying features and connections among different phenomena in biology. The study programme is composed to explain principles of molecular and cell biology using various model systems - in microorganisms as well as plant/animal/human cells. The graduates should be able to extend the studies for postgraduate (PhD.) level as well as get a job in basic or applied research institutes or clinical laboratories.

„Windows of cellular universe wide opened.“


The key practical training in experimental laboratory work you will obtain by performing research for diploma thesis under guidance of experienced superviser. You will get your own diploma research project and you will have to learn adequate methods and perform experiments to reach its specific aims. You will be also trained to learn how to present scientific data (both in oral and written form) to community of researchers in the field of molecular and cell biology.

Uplatnění absolventů

Molecular and Cell Biology represents the specific field of study providing basis for all other disciplines of modern biology. The aim of this program is to offer the Master education to English-speaking students who completed the Bachelor studies in Biology in various profilations. The study allows to understand unifying features and connections among different phenomena in biology. The study programme is composed to explain principles of molecular and cell biology using various model systems - in microorganisms as well as plant/animal/human cells. The graduates should be able to extend the studies for postgraduate (PhD.) level as well as get a job in basic or applied research institutes or clinical laboratories.

Podmínky přijetí

Údaje z předchozího přijímacího řízení (přihlášky 1. 11. 2024 – 28. 2. 2025)

Entrance exam will be organized in two rounds during March 2025. Admission is based on the overall results of the entrance exam and the programme's capacity. It is recommended to have a Bachelor's degree in Biology or a related field of study.
1) The first round will consist of a short on-line test on March 13, 2025. On that day, the applicants will be allowed to open the exam application at any time for specified duration. The test will consist of 40 questions from the topic areas listed below. Questions will be in the form of multiple choice or open-ended questions.

2) Those applicants who will successfuly pass the first round will be invited for an on-line interview which will be held between March 25, 2025 and March 27,2025 , expected duration 30 minutes. The applicants will be asked 3 questions: 1 general (applicant’s introduction, experience in the field, motivation, expectations of the study) and 2 specialized from the field of molecular and cell biology.

Applicants have to prove basic orientation in the field of molecular and cell biology at the Bachelor level in following areas:

  • chemical components of cells
  • intracellular compartments and transport
  • cell membranes and cytoskeleton
  • structure of DNA and chromosomes
  • DNA replication
  • processes of transcription and translation
  • structure and function of proteins
  • cell communication
  • cell cycle and cell death

More information can be found here.

Kritéria hodnocení

Admission is based on the results of a two-round admission process and programme's capacity.

In the first stage, the applicant must obtain at least 400 points out of 500.

  • On-line test (max. 500 points)

In the second stage, the applicant must obtain at least 400 points out of 500.

  • exam interview (max. 400 points)
  • expressing motivation (max. 50 points)
  • English language skills (max. 50 points)


Doporučená literatura

Essential Cell Biology, 5th ed., Alberts B., Hopkin K, Johnson AD, Morgan D, Raff M, Roberts K., Walter P. W.W. Norton and Comp., 2019

Navazující studium

Informace o studiu

Zajišťuje Přírodovědecká fakulta
Typ studia magisterský navazující na bakalářský
Forma prezenční ano
kombinovaná ne
distanční ne
Možnosti studia jednooborově ano
jednooborově se specializací ne
v kombinaci s jiným programem ne
Doba studia 2 roky
Vyučovací jazyk angličtina
Bodové hranice a počty přijatých z minulých let
Poplatky za studium
Studium v cizích jazycích je zpoplatněné, platba je za akademický rok
3 000 EUR
Více informací

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