Entrance Interview
The basic prerequisite is the completion of a Master degree in physiological, biochemical, or molecular biological fields, and high professional knowledge of these fields. Before submitting the application for study, the candidates are expected to contact the respective Supervisor and preliminarily mutually clarify the conditions and requirements for the study and work (see the list of Supervisors below).
The doctoral committee will then nominate at least a three-member admission board which will check the candidates’ professional capacities in an entrance interview that is conducted in English.
The candidates submit a structured CV and in the course of the interview, they will present a brief proposal of their PhD project. A written plan of the candidate’s suggested PhD project is mandatory and will be submitted to the board. Recommended length of the plan is two pages and the structure is as follows: Title, Name of applicant, Name of supervisor, Home institution, Synopsis, Aims, Methodology, Financial covering. The candidate will define the anticipated outputs, and suggest a methodical procedure. In a discussion with the admission board and in the presence of the supervisor the candidates have to demonstrate that their respective PhD topic is scientifically well-grounded and experimentally manageable. A necessary prerequisite for admission is a demonstrable capability of professional conversation in English. The sufficient financial coverage of the candidate’s scientific project will be assessed by the admission board within the terms of the entrance interview and further within the terms of the PhD Workshop in the 3rd semester (see further below).
The admission board assesses the candidates’ knowledge and prerequisites for the independent scientific work (0-200 points) and the capability of communication in English (0-100 points). To be admitted, the candidate must obtain at least 120 points in the professional and at least 60 points in the language part of the interview.

Study Requirements and Completion of Studies
During the first semester of the study, a student in cooperation with the supervisor prepares an Individual Study Plan (ISP) in IS MUNI system that covers: description of the student´s research topic, objectives, suggested methods and time plan. The ISP is then approved by the Programme Board.
The student also prepares individual study (sub)plans for particular semesters – the student plans the research activities and objectives for the upcoming semester (in IS MUNI system) and enrols in courses according to the requirements for the PhD study as described below (enrolment in IS MUNI system + filling the form that is then approved by the supervisor and submitted to the study department, find the form in Documents).
ISP implementation is evaluated at the end of each semester. If the student does not meet the ISP conditions, the supervisor or the Program Board may express disagreement with proceeding to the following semester.
See the formal requirements for your study plans below or summarized in Documents. To pass to the next semester, you need to earn either 20 credits for the current semester or 45 credits for the last two semesters. For the study period, the student is obliged to obtain a volume of credits equal to the number of semesters x 30 credits during the studies. Thus, in 4 years of the standard study period, you need to earn 240 credits.
The fundamental obligations of the study are divided into 9 categories: