Mgr. Sara Šreibr prezentovala poster „Bioactive molecules released by Heterorhabditis bacteriophora in response to various activation materials“ na Virtual Nematology Conference 2023.

Active Plant Nematologists has joined forces with the Young Nematologists Network to organize the second edition of the Virtual Nematology Conference, whose first edition was held in 2021.
This year, the event featured 6 engaging plenary talks and 9 concurrent sessions spread across two days, alongside two informative workshops: i) “EPNs and microorganisms: Behavior and Insights”, a great presentation and discussion by Dr. David Shapiro-Ilan, and ii) “The Future of Nematology”, a roundtable with Nematologists in varying positions across academia and industry. To share your input on the future of Nematology, please take a moment to participate in our survey available here.