MU Life Sciences Seminar (XD010, XD011, S5030, S5035)
MU Life Sciences Seminar is a prestigious seminar series at University Campus Bohunice in the interconnected and complementary fields, collectively called “Life Sciences”. The seminar series is mainly focused on currently growing fields which combine modern methods of biophysics, computational modelling, imaging, biochemistry and molecular biology with “more classical” disciplines such as microbiology, cell biology, physiology, genetics, toxicology, developmental and evolutionary biology and medicine. This seminar series includes the Mendel Lectures.
Biology of Animal Cell – Biologie živočišné buňky (Bi1110)
The aim of this course is to enable students to understand the nature of the basic events taking place in the animal cell and to correctly interpret their meaning for the physiological processes occurring in the animal tissues, organs and the whole organism
Mechanisms of Carcinogenesis – Mechanismy karcinogeneze (Bi8110)
The course gives a complex view of the process of carcinogenesis, including mutagenic (genotoxic), epigenetic, and non-genotoxic factors that play a role during the development of cancer. Molecular and biological principles of changes in extra-, inter-, and intracellular communication leading to disruption of cellular proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis and the role of stem cells, specific signalling pathways, and tumour microenvironment in cancer development are explained. The students obtain knowledge of development of frequent cancers such as leukemias, colon, prostate, breast, lung, liver, and skin cancer including specific mechanisms. Next, the role of environmental factors, especially dietary lipids and lipid metabolism in carcinogenesis is explained. Finally, possibilities and importance of recent diagnostic and therapeutic approaches including mechanisms of action of specific drugs are described.
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Tissue and Organs – Fyziologie tkání a orgánů (Bi1120)
The course objectives:
– introduce students with the function of cellular systems in individual tissues and how homeostasis is regulated
– extension of knowledge with focus on mechanisms of cellular damage, alteration of cellular morphology and function in pathological conditions
– advance understanding about etiology and pathogenesis of selected major individual tissue diseases
Physiology of Cell Systems – Fyziologie buněčných systémů (Bi7070)
The aim of this course is to introduce the principles of behavior and functions of animal cells in the context of cell populations of tissues and whole body, to present the organism as a dynamic hierarchical system and to introduce students to the basic principles governing cell function both during embryonic development and in the adult organism.
Applied Biochemistry and Cell Biology Methods – Metody aplikované biochemie a buněčné biologie (Bi5599)
The main goal of the course is to enable students to understand the importance of individual chemical/biochemical techniques and to interpret both their own experimental data, based on the techniques taught in the course. They should be able to work with the information in the primary literature, in order to understand and implement the techniques described in primary scientific literature in the area of animal physiology and molecular physiology. Based on this, they will be able to present and explain the techniques used in their own work to expert audience.
Cell and Tissue Culturess – Buněčné a tkáňové kultury (Bi7665)
At the end of the course the students are able to: Understand and explain principles of basic tissue culture techniques; Employ TC techniques in their own research; Routinely culture common cell lines; Characterize parameters of cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis..
Developmental Physiology of Animals – Vývojová fyziologie živočichů (Bi9903)
The main objectives of the course are: to introduce the basic methods and models in animal developmental biology, to explain basic molecular and cellular processes regulating the development of animals and to discuss the practical aspects of developmental biology studies.
Analytical Cytometry – Analytická cytometrie (Bi9393)
At the end of this course students should be able to: – understand principles and applications of modern methodologies of analytical cytometry such is flow cytometry, sorting, digital microscopy and microarrays; – understand basic principles of data analysis, their interpretation and presentation.