Modeling seasonal immune dynamics of honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) response to injection of heat-killed Serratia marcescens

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Our data demonstrate increased antimicrobial activity at transcriptional and functional levels in summer and winter workers after injection, with a stronger immune response in winter bees. On the other hand, an increase in hemocyte concentration was observed only in the … Read More

Noc vědců

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Pro letošní téma Noci vědců „Proměna“ jsme si nachystali hmyzí program s živými ukázkami hmyzu s proměnou dokonalou a nedokonalou – strašilky, pakobylky, švábi, bourci morušoví, octomilky, včely… Děkujeme za pomoc Lucii Cendelínové a Evě Fojtíkové.

Konference IOBC

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Sara Šreibr, Pavel Dobeš, Janka Ilgová a Pavel Hyršl se zúčastnili konference 19th meeting of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group Microbial and Nematode Control of Invertebrate Pests Advanced Microbial Control Tools for Agroforest Challenges, 8 until 11 of september of 2024, … Read More

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