Winter honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations show greater potential to induce immune responses than summer populations after immune stimuli

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Abstract: In the temperate climates of central Europe and North America, two distinct honeybee (Apis mellifera) populations are found in colonies: short-living summer bees emerge in spring and survive until summer, whereas long-living winter bees emerge in late August and … Read More

Vigour-related traits and immunity in hybrids of evolutionary divergent cyprinoid species: advantages of hybrid heterosis?

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Abstract Hybrid advantage, described as the superiority of hybrids in some traits over their parents and termed the “heterosis effect,” is widely documented in the case of reciprocal crosses of parental species (i.e., hybrids representing the F1 generation). In fish, … Read More

Differences in the growth rate and immune strategies of farmed and wild mallard populations

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Individuals reared in captivity are exposed to distinct selection pressures and evolutionary processes causing genetic and phenotypic divergence from wild populations. Consequently, restocking with farmed individuals may represent a considerable risk for the fitness of free-living populations. Supportive breeding on … Read More

Heptabladed β‐propeller lectins PLL2 and PHL from Photorhabdus spp. recognize O‐methylated sugars and influence the host immune system

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O‐methylation is an unusual sugar modification with a function that is not fully understood. Given its occurrence and recognition by lectins involved in the immune response, methylated sugars were proposed to represent a conserved pathogen‐associated molecular pattern. We describe the … Read More

Bioactive Excreted/Secreted Products of Entomopathogenic Nematode Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Inhibit the Phenoloxidase Activity during the Infection

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Insects 2020, 11(6), 353; ABSTRACT: Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are efficient insect parasites, that are known for their mutualistic relationship with entomopathogenic bacteria and their use in biocontrol. EPNs produce bioactive molecules referred to as excreted/secreted products (ESPs), which have … Read More

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